
Ragnarok Chronicles: I'm The Reincarnated Hero Of Asgard

Three highschool students suddenly found themselves caught in the middle of the Ragnarok. And turns out that they are the Reincarnated Souls of legendary heroes, the only hope to save the world. You will find the System in used in this story for the protagonists so they can learn their power quicker. This is the story of Zero to Hero. So they will not become OP too soon. I want to highlight their journey to become stronger. I don't know if there will be Harem, but its not something impossible in the future. Its based on the direction of the story. If its necessary than Harem will be there. :) Give this a try, maybe you will like it. :) Update schedule: 2 - 4 chapters a day. --- In a world gripped by unnatural disasters and a relentless cold, Erik's life takes an unexpected turn. As earthquakes shatter cities and blizzards blanket the lands, fear and confusion spread like wildfire. While the world speculates about global warming or divine punishment, Erik can't shake the feeling that something far more sinister is unfolding. During a history lesson, his teacher's ominous warnings about divine retribution become disturbingly real when a bone-chilling of wolves' howl reverberates through the school. The Fenrir Wolves attacking earth. With his heart pounding and his mind racing, Erik discovers that he is not an ordinary teenager. He is the reincarnation of Sigurd, a legendary warrior from Norse mythology. Erik's closest friends, Liam and Mia, are also revealed to be reincarnations of ancient heroes—Beowulf, the great hero with unparalleled strength, and Brynhildr, the fierce Valkyrie with celestial powers. As the world teeters on the brink of Ragnarok, the trio is thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. They then taken to Asgard, the realm of the gods. Erik, Liam, and Mia must quickly adapt to their newfound powers and uncover the secrets of their past lives. Under the guidance of Thor and the other gods, they embark on a perilous quest to preventing the apocalypse. Each step of their journey brings them closer to unlocking their true potential and understanding the grave responsibility they bear. As the forces of chaos gather strength, Erik and his friends must confront their deepest fears and stand united against the encroaching darkness. The fate of the world rests in the hands of these modern-day heroes, and failure is not an option. Will Erik, Liam, and Mia rise to the challenge and save the world from certain destruction? Or will they succumb to the overwhelming forces of Ragnarok? ---

Diyen_Pi · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Hard Time

Heimdall's expression remained grim as he began to explain what he had discovered.

"There has been a rise of monsters in Midgard," he said. "But this time, they're different. They're no longer just the Fenrir's wolves you've faced before. Now, it's the animals of Midgard itself that have mutated. Their bodies have become larger and exude a dark mist. Their eyes turned completely black."

Thor's fists clenched on the table as Heimdall continued.

"The situation is worsening," Heimdall said gravely. "Humans are beginning to change too. It's subtle but I've observed them growing more fearful and anxious, very quickly. Small riots have started breaking out in a few cities. Something dark is spreading, and it's only getting worse."

Erik and Mia exchanged a glance. Their own growing anxiety was clear on their faces. Heimdall's words hit them hard. Just when they thought things couldn't get worse, now their home was falling into chaos.

Mia's breath quickened, her hands trembling slightly as she stared blankly at the hologram of Heimdall. They hadn't even begun to find a solution for Liam, and now this? She felt overwhelmed by the mounting problems, unsure of what to do or where to even start.

On the other hand, Erik tried to keep his composure. He forced himself to take slow, deep breaths, but it wasn't working. The sense of helplessness gnawed at him. He had always wanted to be strong, to fight, and be able to protect those he cared about, but now he felt like the world was crumbling around him and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His hands balled into tight fists under the table, his knuckles turning white.

"This... this can't be happening," Mia whispered. "Liam... now Midgard..."

Erik's jaw clenched. He was struggling to stay calm, but the weight of it all was too much.

Thor leaned forward, his voice steady but tense. "Heimdall, do you find the source of this?"

Heimdall's holographic form flickered slightly, but his gaze remained locked on Thor.

"I'm not sure. Whatever this corruption is, it's spreading fast and it could consume all of Midgard. But finding the source and understanding how it started... that will take time."

Time they didn't have, Erik thought bitterly. They were already fighting one battle here in Asgard and now another one was raging back home. He wanted to scream, to do something, but right now, he felt powerless.

Mia swallowed hard, her gaze fixed on the floor. "What do we do?" she asked quietly.

The silence that followed felt suffocating.

Thor turned to Sif, exchanging a knowing glance. They both understood what needed to be done, but it was fraught with risk. Traveling to Midgard now would be dangerous, especially with the corruption spreading. And once there, they couldn't be certain they would be able to return to Asgard quickly if things took a turn for the worse.

"This is clearly the enemy's ploy," Thor muttered under his breath, his gaze darkening. "They want to lure us to Midgard, leave Asgard vulnerable."

Sif nodded with grim expression. "If we leave, we're playing into their hands."

They both understood the trap being set. It was too convenient, too well-timed with the growing threat in Midgard, Liam's condition, and the threat across the Nine Realms. Thor and Sif could not afford to be reckless. If Asgard was left undefended, who knows what other dangers might emerge. But at the same time, Midgard needed help—and fast.

The only ones who could go there were Erik and Mia, both Thor and Sif knew that. But when Thor looked at Erik and Mia, he hesitated. Their faces were pale, their bodies worn from the battle with Liam's curse and the emotional toll of the situation. They were far from being in the best condition, and sending them into another conflict felt like sending lambs to the slaughter.

Just as Thor was weighing his options, Heimdall's voice interrupted the heavy silence.

"I've found the source," Heimdall said.

Thor turned to Heimdall, his eyes narrowing. "How?" he asked.

Heimdall's hologram flickered slightly, his amber eyes glowing as if he is looking at something that is not visible for them in the room.

"It just appeared suddenly. As if someone wanted us to find it."

Thor's suspicion deepened, and Sif's lips pressed into a thin line. This confirmed what they had feared. It was too sudden, too perfect. The enemy was laying a trap that designed to pull them away from Asgard at its most vulnerable moment.

Erik who had been watching the conversation in silence finally spoke up. "What should we do, Thor?"

Thor's gaze shifted to Erik, then to Mia, and back to Heimdall. He took a deep breath before answering. "I think it's a trap. They want us to leave Asgard, expose it to attack. If we go, we might be leaving our home undefended."

Erik clenched his fists.

"What if we go?" he asked, his voice steady. "Mia and I, or just me. I know how to handle ourselves. You and Sif need to stay here to protect Asgard."

Mia glanced at Erik with her tearing eyes. Not saying anything.

Thor studied Erik for a long moment. His protective instincts screamed against it. Erik and Mia were still young and still recovering from the chaos of everything that had happened with Liam. But he couldn't deny that they were the best option.

"It's possible," Thor said at last, his voice hesitant. "You could go in our stead. But are you sure you can?"

"In fact, It might be the only way," Heimdall agreed. "I can monitor you from here and guide you. But the decision is yours."

Thor and Sif looked at Erik and Mia again, waiting for their decisions. They didn't want to push them to depart right now.

Erik looked at Mia, his expression hard despite the storm of emotions churning inside him. He swallowed his hesitation before speaking. "You don't need to go," he said.

Mia's eyes met his, her face tight with barely contained frustration.

"How can you still think about going at a moment like this?" she asked, her voice breaking slightly. "Liam is dying."

"I know," Erik replied, his fists clenching under the table. Can't let anybody see it. "But we can't just abandon Earth. We can't turn our backs on everyone there, even if things are bad here." He paused, his gaze softening for just a moment. "I'll go by myself. You don't have to."

Mia bit her lip, trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to break through. Her hand shook slightly as she wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. But when she looked back at Erik her eyes were burning with determination.

"I'm going with you," she said, her voice steady now.

In her heart, she couldn't bear the thought of something happening to Erik too. The weight of losing Liam already loomed over them and she would not let Erik face danger alone. If she could help, if she could protect him in any way, she will come.

"You sure?" Erik asked, his voice quieter, searching her face.

Mia didn't hesitate. She gave a firm nod.
