

  Chapter 203 Buddha's Angry Lotus VS Emperor's Seal!

  The huge energy handprint released by Xun'er emerged in the midst of countless shocked eyes, paused in the air for half a second, and then quickly enlarged. The space around the handprint was squeezed and distorted, and it fiercely blasted towards Yun Tianming wrapped in a golden body!

  "Boom boom boom boom!!!"

  The thunder-like explosion sounded suddenly. Even though they had retreated dozens of feet away, many people were still shaken to the ground by the terrifying energy aftermath. Their ears buzzed, and their vision became blurred.

  Above the sky, a circle of energy fluctuations like substance formed around the area where Yun Tianming and Xun'er were, rippling wildly. Even the space was distorted by such a terrible energy collision. It can be seen how terrible the fighting skills launched by the two this time were.

  "The blast of the high-level fighting skills of the earth level."

  "Even if it's me, I'm afraid I have to temporarily avoid the edge."

  Su Qian's face was full of solemnity. Even if he was a three-star Dou Zong, he didn't dare to guarantee that he could completely take the attack of the two.

  "What a terrifying fighting skill!"

  "Who won?"

  Everyone held their breath and looked up at the sky. The energy fluctuations that filled the sky slowly faded after a long time, and the distorted space gradually returned to normal.

  As the space recovered, the figures of the two people reappeared in everyone's sight.

  "Crack, crack~"

  The golden body wrapped around Yun Tianming peeled off like broken glass, revealing the bloodstained figure inside.

  "Huff, huff, huff~"

  Xun'er's face was pale. It was obvious that using that top-level fighting skill just now consumed a lot of her fighting spirit.

  "Failed? Your fighting skill is indeed not the original Golden Light Fighting Skill."

  The Golden Light Fighting Skill is an intermediate earth-level fighting skill. No matter in all aspects, it is far inferior to the advanced earth-level Emperor Seal. Therefore, even if Yun Tianming practiced to perfection, he would not be able to defend against her attack of the Mountain Opening Seal.

  "Ahem~ Is this the Emperor Seal of the Ancient Clan?"

  "An amazing strike! But I think there should be more than just this one move, right?"

  Yun Tianming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His bones and internal organs were damaged to varying degrees, but it was still within the acceptable range.

  After hearing this, everyone's faces showed excitement.


  "Could it be that until now, the two of them still have a trump card that they haven't used?"

  "The fighting skills just now were already shocking enough, is there a higher level?"

  Not only were the students shocked, even Su Qian couldn't remain calm, and hurriedly persuaded: "You two, if you want to spar, now is enough, right? How about a draw?"


  Xun'er first showed a sweet smile, and then refused firmly: "No! Today, Yun Tianming and I must decide the winner!!"

  According to the time, the Black Annihilation Army of the Ancient Clan will come to pick her up in a few days, and she has no time to wait any longer.

  "Grand Elder, please bear with me."

  "Thank you for setting up the space blockade on the periphery."

  Yun Tianming was in a good mood for fighting after a long time. It just so happened that he had an extremely dangerous fighting skill that he wanted to try. The force was difficult to control and could kill people if he was not careful. But it was very suitable to use it to greet Xun'er, because the other party was the eldest lady of the ancient clan and she must have many life-saving props on her. It was estimated that even if he used a heaven-level fighting skill to attack Xun'er, it would be blocked.

  "Teacher Yun, why are you doing this too?"

  Su Qian stomped his feet in anger.

  "I'm sorry."   

  Yun Tianming apologized on the surface, but in fact he still had an attitude of doing what he wanted.


  Su Qian had no choice but to honestly evacuate the students around him to a farther place. At the same time, he used the power of Dou Zong to seal off the surrounding space with all his strength, fearing that the two "monsters" would fight and tear down the entire inner courtyard!

  "Yun Tianming, before this, I have to tell you that even I can't fully master the next move."

  "If you can't control the power when you use it reluctantly, you will die if you can't catch it."

  Xun'er hesitated and told the other party the danger truthfully.

  "It just so happens that I am not 100% sure about this move."

  "It depends on luck to be able to use it, and it is impossible to control it."

  "If I accidentally kill you, it's your bad luck."

  Yun Tianming said indifferently.

  But the confidence revealed between his eyebrows seemed to have determined that he could definitely beat the opponent with this move!

  "I won't die, but you..."

  "Forget it, since you have already realized it, then I have nothing to worry about."

  Xun'er shook her head, and the hesitation on her face had completely disappeared, and her eyes were full of firmness and determination.

  I saw her hands were quickly forming complicated and complex hand seals, and as the speed of the hand seals became faster and faster, they turned into a series of afterimages that could not be seen by the naked eye.

  Xun'er looked at the flying hand seals in her hands with a serious expression, and a flush appeared on her fair face, and a little fine sweat appeared on her smooth forehead. It seems that this hand seal consumes a lot of fighting spirit!


  Yun Tianming raised his hands to the sky and placed them flat in front of him. After a little silence, a ball of blue flame emerged from his left hand, tumbling out, causing the temperature around him to rise rapidly.

  "Sure enough, he has a strange fire. But with just this, he can't beat that young lady."

  Su Qian looked closely and shook his head. But in the next second, his pupils couldn't help but dilate.


  I saw a ball of deep blue flame appeared on Yun Tianming's right hand, like the tumbling sea, emitting the sound of surging waves.

  "What? Two kinds of strange fire?"

  "What's going on?!"

  Su Qian was stunned. Strange fire is a rare treasure that can take away the fortune of heaven and earth, and it is very dangerous. If you swallow a strange fire, you will face the ordeal of life and death. It is unheard of for someone to have two kinds of strange fire at the same time!

  "I see."

  "The technique you practice is really weird!"

  Xun'er is delicate and intelligent, and she quickly guessed that Yun Tianming's technique is special.

  "Xiao Yan, I have to thank you!"

  In the three-year appointment, Xiao Yan used the Buddha's Wrath Lotus for the first time in Yunlan Sect. Yun Tianming used his soul power to the fullest and spied on all the details of the other party's fighting skills. It was unexpectedly discovered that the Buddha's Wrath Lotus, the first magical skill in the original book, does not seem to be a particularly complicated move. The principle is just to compress the two kinds of strange fire and blend them together, and then use the characteristics of the Burning Technique Dou Qi to neutralize the repulsion of the two kinds of strange fire to maintain a delicate balance. The key to this fighting skill is the Burning Technique. Even if others know the principle, they cannot reproduce it.


  A fire lotus with alternating green and blue colors appeared on Yun Tianming's palm.

  "Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus!"

  "Flip the Sea Seal!"

  Xun'er shouted coldly.
