

  Chapter 202: A peak duel comparable to Dou Zong!


  Seeing Xun'er falling to the ground, the huge impact force also smashed a large pit more than ten meters deep, and everyone at the scene couldn't help but gasp.

  "What a brutal fighting skill!"

  "Damn! This teacher Yun is really ruthless!"

  "Xun'er, will you be okay?"

  Everyone looked at it with worry. The deep pit that was smashed and smoked, even if a Dou Wang strongman was hit by such a blow, he would be half crippled if not dead, right?

  Yun Tianming said that you are overthinking it. His soul perception can clearly sense that Xun'er, who was smashed into the deep pit, has a stable breath and has not suffered too much damage.

  "Get up, Xiao Xun'er."

  "I don't think you are such a weak woman."

  As Yun Tianming's voice fell, a golden light flew up from the deep pit, and it was Xun'er.

  But at this moment, her originally pure and flawless green clothes had a deep footprint on her abdomen. The silk binding her hair was broken at some point, and her three thousand black hairs were flying in disorder. There was a line of blood at the corner of her mouth, and she looked a little embarrassed.

  "Xun'er is injured!"

  Everyone cried out in distress.

  "It's just two broken ribs, it's no big deal."

  Xun'er reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, saying disapprovingly.

  Yun Tianming sighed in his heart. She was hit by his high-level earth-level fighting skills, but she only broke two ribs. It can only be said that this delicate-looking woman has a physical strength comparable to that of a humanoid monster!

  "Yun Tianming, you are really strong!"

  "But the real contest has just begun!"

  Xun'er took a deep breath and activated the internal skills. The energy between heaven and earth surged wildly, forming a surging energy vortex that could be seen with the naked eye!

  Yun Tianming's eyes were solemn, and he said in a low voice: "Earth-level advanced skills."

  It must be said that this ancient clan is worthy of being the only two strongest races in Douqi Continent, and its profound foundation is incomparable to other forces. This skill alone is enough to support Xun'er to surpass Douhuang and approach the terrifying combat power of Douzong! The

  energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was taken away by Xun'er, and Yun Tianming had to use all his strength to operate the skills to compete with it.


  With Yun Tianming's body as the core, an amazing suction force was generated, pulling the energy vortex in front of Xun'er, forcibly tearing open a part of it, and pouring into Yun Tianming's body.

  "Earth-level intermediate skills. What a domineering and weird skills!"

  "It can actually compete with my Jinqi Essentials?"

  Xun'er's eyes paused, and a look of surprise flashed across her.

  As we all know, when the strength difference is not big, the party with advanced skills often has an absolute advantage.

  Especially for the earth-level skills, the gap between each level is very huge. The Golden Qi Essentials is a high-level earth-level skill from the ancient clan, which is better than most of the same-level skills on the mainland. It has a crushing advantage against the low-level earth-level intermediate skills.

  However, the Burning Skill that Yun Tianming practiced is weird and unpredictable. In terms of the efficiency of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, it is comparable to the efficiency of the high-level earth-level skills!

  "Are these two people's skills too exaggerated?"

  "It feels like the energy of heaven and earth in the entire inner courtyard has gathered on them."

  "Look! The defensive barrier on the fighting stage seems to have been drained?"

  Everyone was stunned. A large circle of defensive barriers was set up around the fighting stage to prevent the impact of the battle from affecting the audience.

  However, Xun'er's high-level earth-level skills and Yun Tianming's Burning Skill, which is comparable to the high-level earth-level skills, frantically plundered the energy of heaven and earth, and sucked the energy barrier of the fighting stage to pieces!   

  "What happened?!"

  A white-haired old man came from a distance, and in a few flashes, he arrived at the scene. It was the elder of the inner courtyard, Su Qian.

  "Xun'er? Teacher Yun?"

  "What are you two doing?"

  Su Qian was confused. In this strong ranking competition, how come the students fought with the referee?

  And why did the duel between these two Dou Wangs become as big as a fight between Dou Zongs?

  "Please forgive me, elder. It was Xun'er who wanted to challenge Teacher Yun."

  Xun'er took the initiative to take responsibility, but the surging Dou Qi in her body did not weaken at all, and she looked like she was going to continue the fight.

  "You... Alas."

  Su Qian was stunned at first, and shook his head helplessly.

  If it were someone else, he would definitely lose his temper and scold the other party for making trouble. But this eldest lady of the ancient clan is not someone who can be scolded casually. He had to look at Yun Tianming on the side with an inquiring look, as if to say: Teacher Yun, can you stand it?

  "Haha! It's so refreshing today!"

  Yun Tianming laughed heartily. For a long time, most of the opponents he faced were cross-level challenges. Almost no one of the same level could be compared with him. There is no doubt that Xun'er in front of him is the only strong enemy of the same level he has ever met!

  "I am very happy."

  Xun'er curled her lips and showed a happy smile on her face.

  After staying in the Xiao family for so many years, the peers she met were all weak. Even her brother Xiao Yan's strength is far from being comparable to hers. Only Yun Tianming in front of her is the only strong enemy she can go all out!

  "Fighting with you is not in vain for my stay in Canaan College for these years."

  She entered Canaan College, first to wait for Xiao Yan, and second to experience life as a young lady. Xiao Yan didn't wait, and she was a little tired of experiencing life.


  Xun'er's light words made all the teachers and students of Canaan College feel a little ashamed.

  "This sounds like a master who can't find an opponent and feels lonely."

  Lin Xiuya shook his head with a wry smile.

  "But what she said is the truth."

  Liu Qing clenched his fists, but couldn't help but loosen them, because even though he was brave and aggressive, he knew that he and Xun'er in front of him were not opponents in the same dimension.


  Su Qian's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help but complain in his heart: My Canaan Academy is too small to accommodate you, the eldest lady of the ancient clan, so you should leave quickly!

  "Yun Tianming, I hope you can bring me more surprises!"

  Xun'er smiled sweetly, ignoring the horrified gazes of the crowd, and her slender jade hands with golden light quickly formed a series of complex hand seals. At the same time, a powerful and powerful energy suddenly surged into the sky!


  Yun Tianming's face changed immediately when he saw this. This was the most advanced and strongest fighting skill he had ever seen!

  "Immortal Golden Gang!"

  The Burning Technique was running at full power, madly absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, all converted into golden light fighting spirit, and gathered on his body to form an unbreakable ultimate golden body protection! Yun Tianming was confident that his defense was enough to withstand the attack of a Dou Zong strongman!

  "Mountain-opening Seal!"

  Following a cold and delicate cry from Xun'er's mouth, a huge energy handprint several feet long was launched with overwhelming force!