
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Yondu Fatherly love

T'Challa's concerns are justified.

After all, they had previous assumptions before. The Chitauri and Hydra all started planning ahead of time after the quiz game exposed their future.

"Not necessarily, it can be seen from this video that Quill is very important to him, and he needs a helper or 'battery' to achieve his goal. Over the years, he had countless opportunities to annex the planet, but he didn't do it. He could only start his plan when Quill appeared. "

Stephen Strange glanced at Peter Quill, "Quill, I'm still curious, how did your future self defeat him?"

Peter Quill calmed down at this time, shrugged his shoulders and said: "Don't forget, man, I still have the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

He was right. In the video, when he was in pain and could only watch Ego destroy his mother's Walkman, the Guardians of the Galaxy arrived in time.

Yondu directly drove the spaceship down from the sky, crushing Ego!

Of course, Ego in human form is just a clone, and its body is this huge planet. With the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill escaped smoothly.

Yondu drove the spaceship and got rid of the entanglement of Ego's energy tentacles. When he was about to leave, he found that the Quill changed the direction of the spaceship, not flying into the sky, but heading deep into the ground.

"Ego wants to destroy the universe, we have to kill him!"

This is where the responsibility of the Guardians of the Galaxy comes in.

If they wanted to kill Ego, they had to go deep into the planet and destroy the core. In the process, the battleship of the sovereign chased after them again, And Mantis choose to stand on the side of the Guardians of the Galaxy, using her ability to hypnotize Ego.

Thor sighed: "This woman named Mantis is very powerful, whether it is Ego or Thanos, she can hypnotize them!"

Steve Rogers shook his head: "Then she is in a very dangerous situation now. After this future video is exposed, Ego will kill her."

Peter Quill clenched his fists: "I'll save her, and Gamora!"

In the video, Rocket Raccoon uses the energy battery stolen from the sovereign to make a powerful bomb and sends the Groot to the core of the planet. Waiting for the time bomb to explode!

Peter Quill and the others were responsible for covering up and delaying the time. Originally, the hypnosis of the mantis made them very safe, but suddenly, a piece of gravel fell and knocked the mantis unconscious.

After Ego woke up, he immediately launched a counterattack.

The energy tentacles pierced Quill again, and Ego, who had obtained the divine power, was able to activate the seeds he buried on other planets, and it was bound to swallow up those planets. If Peter Quill can't stop him, then the entire universe may be over.

Fortunately, Yondu encouraged and reminded Quill to use his heart to sense divine power. Under the blessing of recalling the past, Peter Quill got rid of the energy tentacles and yelled at Ego: "You shouldn't have killed my mother!"

At this time, he was also able to mobilize divine power for his use, so he wrestled with Ego's human form, and in the process, he bought time for the Groot.

The groot successfully buried the bomb at the core of the planet, and it will explode in a few minutes. Others boarded the spaceship one after another, and Yondu stayed behind with a space-protective suit.

The bomb is about to explode, and Ego tries to make the last struggle, persuading Quill to stop, because all the powers he has come from this planet, once the planet explodes, he will become an ordinary person, and even die one day!

If it were someone else, they might hesitate, maybe they would even stop, after all, they had just experienced the power of the gods, and it was difficult for ordinary people to resist this kind of temptation.

But Peter Quill didn't care about this. In his mind, family and friends were much more important than these.

So, in the end, the bomb was detonated, the core of the planet was blown up, and Ego was also destroyed. Peter Quill naturally lost the divine power he had just mastered.

At this time, the entire planet is about to perish, and he is quietly waiting for death to come.

Steve Rogers praised: "Quill, you did it, you saved the world again, no, not the world but the galaxy!"

Peter Quill was not as excited as before, "No, the hero who saves the world in the video is my future self..."

Although he has not personally experienced these futures, he has also grown after watching these future videos.

The video is not over yet, when the planet is about to collapse, Yondu rescues him, "He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't your daddy!"

After Yondu finished speaking, he gave Peter Quill the protective suit he was wearing.

In the end, the planet exploded, and the two went to space. Without the protective clothes, Yondu soon froze into a popsicle.

He sacrificed himself to save Peter Quill's life, and he also fulfilled his responsibility as a father.

At this point, the video ends.

Peter Quill's eyes redden, "Yondu..."

Steve Strange said with emotion: "You are lucky, Quill, you are really lucky. Although your biological father has not been by your side for so many years, you are not without fatherly love."

Stephen Strange said: "Maybe Yondu is a cosmic rogue, but at least to you, he is indeed a good father."

Thor shrugged his shoulders: "Look at it, buddy, although you will lose your biological father in the future, you will also gain real fatherly love from Yondu, so you don't have to worry about it. The quiz game shows us these future videos, isn't it just to let us go and change these tragedies?"

He is very qualified to comfort Peter Quill. After all, in the future video of Asgard, Thor's relatives are all wiped out. None of his parents and friends survived.

Peter Quill took a deep breath, with a smile on his face: "Yeah, compared to you, I'm already very lucky, at least I won this game."

Thor: "..."

At this time, the final standings were also shown on the light curtain. The names of the three in the winner group were highlighted in golden light, and the names of the two in the loser group were marked in red.

["This round of quiz is over, player Thor Odinson and player T'Challa failed to enter the top three, all points will be deducted, and two abilities will be randomly deprived!"]

Accompanied by the loud and indifferent voice from above their heads, both Thor and T'Challa felt a chill, as if they had lost something.

["Congratulations to player Stephen Strange, player Peter Quill, and player Steve Rogers for winning this round of the quiz game"]

["Mysterious rewards will be distributed soon!"]

Still sick, but translate it somehow, Enjoy

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