
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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612 Chs

Will Spider-Man Turn Bad?

In the video, Harry, after watching the scenes on the screen, immediately approached the mirror with a hesitant and nervous expression.

After taking a few deep breaths, perhaps due to the intense mental strain, he seemed to see his reflection in the mirror gradually turning into his father's likeness.

Harry muttered, "Father..."

The video didn't reveal Harry's final choice, but everyone knew he would inevitably become the second Green Goblin.

The camera then shifted to Mary Jane. She adorned a beautiful and elegant wedding gown, ready to marry her fiancé. The church was decorated for the wedding, with the groom, the priest, and guests all in attendance, awaiting the bride.

However, in the end, the groom only received a note, and the bride had run away.

Mary Jane, in her white wedding dress, ran through the bustling streets, smiling all the way. She reached Peter's rented apartment, standing at the door.

Peter was lost in thought about leaving his love. Seeing Mary Jane in a wedding dress, he widened his eyes.

"Mary Jane..."

"I have to do this, Peter. I can't live without you!" Mary Jane bravely confessed her feelings to Peter, revealing her love for Peter.

The audience was moved, especially Peter in the video. Despite thinking that Mary Jane shouldn't have come, disrupting a wedding, and putting herself in a dangerous situation, Mary Jane was arguably the most easily kidnapped person in New York City.

But Mary Jane had made up her mind. she bravely declared, "I know, I know you think we can't be together, but please let me make my choice. I know the future will be dangerous, but I want to face it with you, Peter. I love you! I'm standing at your door right now, and I'll always be waiting for you."

With such a heartfelt confession from his ideal girl, even if Peter's heart was made of steel, it would have melted by now.

Amidst the blessings and cheers of countless viewers, the young man and woman on camera shared a kiss, allowing the ordinary yet extraordinary Spider-Man to find sweet love and bring this story to a perfect conclusion.

The video ended, and in the eternal space, Peter blushed. "In reality, Mary Jane told me the same thing. She's truly an amazing girl."

"She's brave. Heroes deserve beautiful women. Congratulations to both of you, Peter," Commissioner Gordon winked, "Unfortunately, I can't attend your wedding."

Arthur sincerely wished, "Peter, you're a good person, a genuinely good person. So, you deserve this beautiful love, and she's fortunate too."

Bruce was more concerned about Harry. "Peter, after you go back, keep an eye on your friend, and of course, Dr. Octopus too."

"I will, Mr. Bruce. Thanks for the reminder." Peter scratched his head, feeling a bit overwhelmed. He wasn't sure how to face his friend after everything.

At this moment, a new question appeared on the screen: [Question: Will Peter Parker turn bad?]

[A: Yes

B: No.]

"Turn Bad?" Gordon frowned, "Does this mean Spider-Man will go from being a hero to a criminal?"

Bruce also furrowed his brows, "Peter... I don't think he would turn bad. Could it be due to some poison or the influence of some evil experiment?"

From the glimpses of Peter's future in the videos, people had seen his journey. He was a kind, just, and responsible young man. Even without the powers of Spider-Man, he would undoubtedly achieve great things. As Dr. Octavius said, Peter should use his talents responsibly to benefit humanity.

It's hard to imagine that such a good person would turn bad.

Peter, the person in question, was quite surprised. He stared wide-eyed, "I don't know what happened in the future, but... I hope the answer to this question is b."

Arthur smiled and said, "Peter, you hoped for the same thing before, but ended up being wrong. This time, maybe you should change your approach and choose A."

When seeing this question, a voice in Arthur's mind cheered, "That's right, it should be like this. Turn bad, fall into despair. This world doesn't deserve your efforts, Peter. You should see the truth of this world and join me!"

Of course, another rational voice in Arthur's mind said, "Enough, you know that Peter is a genuinely good person. He never harmed you; instead, he encouraged and supported you. You should treat him with the same kindness."

At this point, Arthur hadn't completely transformed into the Joker. Some remnants of normal thinking and rationality still lingered in his mind, but his face couldn't contain the uncontrollable smile.

Soon, the countdown to answer began. Peter hesitated slightly, not pressing the buzzer immediately. In the end, Gordon got the chance to answer. After glancing at Bruce, he chose "A."

Bruce and Arthur also chose "A" making Peter feel a bit down. It seemed like nobody really trusted him. After some thought, just before the countdown ended, he also selected "A."

Bruce Wayne understood his thoughts and explained, "Peter, we don't distrust you. We just think this question is problematic because everyone knows that Spider-Man is a just and kind hero. If the answer is b, then this question becomes meaningless, doesn't it?"

"I understand. Is this the thinking approach I mentioned earlier?"

Peter quickly realized it. He wasn't slow to react; it was just normal for someone directly involved in a question to fall into certain thought traps.

When the countdown ended, the correct answer was revealed.

[Congratulations to player Jim Gordon for answering correctly. You earn 4 points. Player Bruce Wayne, Player Peter Parker, and Player Arthur Fleck answered correctly, earning 1 point each]