
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Wanda's Self-Deception

How should we describe the brilliant manoeuvre of the Director of the S.W.O.R.D.

It's like a dwarf, full of anger towards a two-meter-tall strong man, wanting to take him down, then unable to restrain himself, jumping up and throwing a punch at the man's knee...

Your attack is utterly ineffective, and instead, you completely enrage the opponent!

Clint couldn't help but criticize, "Honestly, if the S.W.O.R.D. was founded by Fury, then I doubt whether this Hayward could be a spy for Hydra."

Upon hearing this, Steve smirked, "You make a good point. The relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra is so complicated, it's not clear. The S.W.O.R.D. is the successor to S.H.I.E.L.D., so it's normal for there to be Hydra spies."

Anyone with a bit of intelligence, with a normal IQ, would not do what the Director of the S.W.O.R.D., Hayward, did in the video. Wanda can rewrite reality, covering the thoughts and consciousness of thousands of people in a small town, and you expect a missile to take her down?

Under a barrage of ridicule and the watchful eyes of an entertained audience, the development of the video on the light screen indeed turned out as the viewers and players predicted. The drone missile didn't harm a single hair on Wanda's head. Its only effect was to enrage Wanda, who furiously emerged from the energy barrier, holding the damaged drone in her hand.

And our Director of the S.W.O.R.D., oh, he's really a genius, isn't he? One plan fails, and he comes up with another, simply ordering elite agents and soldiers to blockade the outside, guns loaded, all aimed squarely at Wanda.

Really, not a single brain cell at work, huh? You just suffered a setback, missiles didn't harm Wanda in the least, and now you expect these ordinary firearms of the soldiers and agents to be effective?

In the video, Wanda's expression was cold. She wasn't scared at all, completely ignoring the threat of these guns, and said icily, "I warn you only once!"

Monica, taking advantage of having entered the illusion before and having some relationship with Wanda, stepped forward to negotiate, asking her what she wanted, what she truly desired.

Wanda remained cold, "I already have what I wanted, no one can take it away from me again!"

She left these words behind, and with a light wave of her hand, accompanied by a crimson glow, all the armed agents present were controlled in an instant, unhesitatingly turning their guns to point at the S.W.O.R.D.'s genius Director Hayward, scaring him enough to scream, "Don't shoot!"

Seeing this, many viewers felt quite satisfied. The S.W.O.R.D. were really too arrogant, not only disassembling someone's husband's body for research but now causing trouble, pushing the situation towards the worst direction.

It can be said that after Wanda discovered what the S.W.O.R.D. did to Vision, she lost trust in the officials. In this situation, the most sensible action for the officials would have been to rebuild the trust relationship with her, instead of outright turning Wanda into a villain. Even so, they should have planned carefully, instead of letting this genius Director make a mess of things.

Many people felt that Wanda should control the agents and directly shoot the genius Director full of holes, but she didn't do that, which shows that Wanda hasn't lost control.

But the environment she created is at risk of getting out of control. Apart from the S.W.O.R.D.'s persistent interference from outside, it seems Wanda's powers are not stable either, or there might be another force at play, making her realize that she's gradually losing control over the large-scale illusion of Westview.

Her and Vision's children changed almost in the blink of an eye, one moment they were babies in swaddling clothes, the next they were running around, and in another blink, both kids were old enough to fetch soy sauce. These changes were clearly not what Wanda wanted to see.

A small incident occurred in between; the children's dearly kept pet dog died, experiencing the pain of parting with life for the first time, they were very sad and distressed, so they went to Wanda, asking her to bring the pet dog back to life.

Facing the children's request, Wanda clearly froze for a moment, then refused. But then her neighbour Agnes also came over to persuade, assertively claiming that Wanda could bring back the dead if she wished.

But in the end, Wanda did not do so. She comforted the two grieving children, teaching them that birth, ageing, sickness, and death are natural laws, unavoidable and unchangeable by anyone. One should not accelerate the growth of things for convenience, nor reverse death due to sorrow and grief.

Combining Wanda's actions and her words to the children, one cannot help but feel a contradiction. Wanda created the large-scale illusion of Westview, forcibly twisted and changed the thoughts and consciousness of thousands of people, and even revived her already deceased husband, Vision, for a happy marital life with twin children. Isn't all this against the rules?

It's clear that Wanda understands these principles; she knows that what she is doing is in vain, but often, people are like this. They may understand, but not necessarily act upon it or might be unable to act. Everyone can demand others from a moral high ground, but no one truly holds themselves to such high moral standards because it's indeed unattainable.

Even Steve, the paragon of virtue, couldn't help but remark, "Actually, if what Wanda is doing wouldn't harm others, I could totally understand and accept her doing so."

Clint, who has a family of his own, could empathize more with Wanda's feelings in the video, saying with pursed lips, "Who hasn't wished for a happy and fulfilled family life?"

Spider-Man, Superman, and other superheroes nodded in agreement, but it was Bruce who threw cold water on the conversation: "Steve is right. Deceiving herself was Wanda's choice, but the premise is that it shouldn't harm others. Her powers are very strong, capable of altering reality, and it's obvious there are signs of her losing control. It's evident she can't fully control everything within the illusion."

Regardless, from the perspective of the superheroes, Wanda's behaviour of forcibly controlling the residents of a small town to play sitcoms with her, to fulfil her own dream of a happy family life, is wrong and needs to be corrected.

Even if they sympathize with Wanda's plight, they wouldn't hesitate to step in when needed.

Stephen with his chin in his hand, watched the video on the screen, pondering, and said, "Wanda's abilities, they seem like a form of magic... And her loss of control over the illusion might be because she doesn't fully understand this kind of magic. Besides, I have a feeling that there might be another force lurking within the illusion, watching her."