
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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The Scarlet Witch's Prophecy

Wanda didn't believe in superstition. After sending the two children away, she continued to cast her magic. However, her scarlet magical power fell upon Agatha, but it seemed to vanish without a trace, silently absorbed by her.

With a raise of her hand, Agatha also gained control of the scarlet magic. She smirked triumphantly, "See, this is my ability."

Peter, seeing this, also realized, "I understand now. No wonder she moved the battle from the basement to outside, so Wanda would use her magic to attack her. This wicked witch could then absorb and master chaos magic!"

Agatha was indeed formidable with her ability to absorb others' powers. Despite Wanda being a novice in the magical world, she had ample combat experience from fighting alongside the Avengers and facing off against Thanos.

Since direct magical attacks didn't work, Wanda used her powers to manipulate a car and hurled it towards Agatha.

Agatha was caught off guard and was struck by the car, crashing into a nearby building. Wanda cautiously approached to check on her, finding her seemingly powerless under the wreckage.

As she prepared to pursue further, Wanda unexpectedly noticed White Vision. With a glimmer of recognition, she approached him tentatively, "Is it really you, Vision?"

Wanda stared at the white Vision with shining eyes, realizing he was real and not a creation of her chaos magic. She abandoned Agatha and approached White Vision with a mixture of joy and apprehension.

If the truth about Vision hadn't been revealed in the game, this scene would have been quite touching. A pair of star-crossed lovers finally reunited, full of love. However, the audience outside the illusion already knew that this white Vision wasn't Wanda's former robotic husband, but a cold-blooded weapon. Some emotional viewers couldn't help but shout out, trying to make Wanda in the video wake up, but it was all in vain.

It wasn't until Vision forcefully grasped her face that Wanda snapped out of her trance, but it was too late. With a sudden, intense pain, she realized she couldn't use magic at such close range.

In agony, Wanda looked at the white Vision in disbelief, who lifted her up mockingly, "I thought you were powerful."

Just as Wanda was about to have her 'husband' crush her skull, another Vision arrived just in time, colliding with the white Vision and saving Wanda.

This was the Vision Wanda remembered, her beloved. She said with a sad smile, "Vision, I should have told you everything."

After learning the truth, Vision was only filled with gratitude. Everything Wanda did was to create a home for them. Now, their home was under attack, so the couple joined forces to protect it and defeat the enemy.

The white Vision, made of vibranium, emerged unscathed from the explosion, while Agatha floated unharmed in the air. She even joked with Wanda, "Your ex and current are both here. Who will you choose?"

Wanda and Vision were in sync and each chose their opponent. Vision clashed with the white Vision, while Wanda chased after Agatha, flying towards the center of the town.

The fight between the two Visions was somewhat tedious, as they possessed the same abilities. So it was like one person fighting against themselves.

Meanwhile, Wanda pursued Agatha's trail, eventually reaching the town center. The townspeople were oblivious to what was happening. Wanda searched around but was ambushed by Agatha from behind.

Knocked to the ground, Wanda looked up at Agatha, who floated above the rooftops, looking down at her. "Wanda, you've never faced a witch before, but the Darkhold has an entire chapter detailing your situation."

In other words, she know everything about Wanda, but Wand know nothing about her, a witch who has lived for centuries.

Agatha hoped to persuade Wanda to give up her chaos magic and hand it over to her, promising to leave the town intact for her in return.

To strengthen her persuasion, she summoned the Darkhold and read aloud about the Scarlet Witch, "The Scarlet Witch wasn't born, she was forged. She has no coven and no need for incantations..."

Agatha told Wanda that her magical abilities could even surpass those of the Supreme Sorcerers, but in doing so, she has taken on a mission—to destroy the world!

Of course, Wanda would not believe these words. Setting aside the immense power of chaos magic, Wanda herself stands on the side of justice and righteousness. Even when she joined Hydra's human experiments, including accepting Ultron's recruitment, it was to create a peaceful world without war.

After joining the Avengers, she and Vision have worked tirelessly and made great sacrifices to save the world. How could someone like her be a villainess intent on world destruction?

Outside the screen, the audience was shocked by the words of the witch Agatha. Most people naturally didn't believe her, thinking it was just the cunning words of a witch to scare Wanda into surrendering her powers.

But some people thought that what the witch Agatha said seemed to make some sense. In the video, Wanda manipulated thousands of people in the town to fulfill her desire to be with her loved ones again, turning these people with their own thoughts and consciousness into puppets that obeyed her commands. Someone who could do such a thing couldn't be considered a good person.

At the headquarters of the Multiverse Defenders, Doctor Strange shook his head and said in a deep voice, "The contents of the Darkhold may not necessarily reflect reality, but the fact remains: chaos magic is very dangerous. If Wanda loses control... destroying the world is not beyond her."

Upon hearing this, Captain America, Iron Man, and others fell silent, while Pietro stepped forward firmly and said, "No, Wanda would never do such a thing."

Bruce glanced at him and pointed to everyone present, saying, "You know, everyone here has the potential to fall into darkness, including me, of course, including you and your sister Wanda."


(T/N):"Every Power Stone counts and supports the fanfic immensely. If you can, please leave one. Grateful for your support!" ☺️❤️😇