
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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612 Chs

The Same Regret

Of course, what Peter is most concerned about is why his parents left without saying goodbye.

But Dr. Connors also had no idea about this and claimed that he too was a victim. When he and Peter's father studied cross-species genetic modification together, they faced many doubts and suspicions, yet both believed that their research project was full of hope.

As a result, Peter's father eventually left, taking with him relevant research data and results, which sharply increased Dr. Connors' pressure.

It is clear that Dr. Connors hopes this research can make a breakthrough, not only to benefit all mankind but also to cure his own disability. On the other hand, it would also justify the financial backing from OsCorp.

Peter remembered finding a decay formula algorithm among his father's relics, so he brought it to Dr. Connors. Coincidentally, Dr. Connors' recent research progress had been stuck on this very algorithm, and Peter's contribution came just in time.

Overjoyed, Dr. Connors invited Peter to join the research. Peter wanted to uncover the truth behind his parents' departure and also discover more about his own changes, so he naturally agreed.

In the following days, Peter participated in experiments with Dr. Connors whenever he was free. At the same time, he gradually adapted to his superpowers and became well-known at school. However, this fame also brought him some trouble. The school contacted Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

While there is bad news, there is also good news. Uncle Ben supported Peter at school and made it clear that he approved of Peter's relationship with Gwen, who reciprocated Peter's feelings. The young couple's shy, sweet affection made the other Peters watching from outside the screen feel quite envious.

When Tony noticed this, he teased, "Look, he's doing much better than you."

Peter, watching from outside the video, blushed with embarrassment.

As the video continued, school troubles and romance were briefly set aside. Peter's focus returned to the experiment with Dr. Connors. Thanks to the new algorithm, the experiment proceeded smoothly, leading him to stay in the lab very late, forgetting his promise to take Aunt May home.

When he returned home, Uncle Ben scolded him severely. However, Peter was under significant stress during this period. He was close to replicating his father's original research results, and the changes in his body made him mentally sensitive. Thus, under Uncle Ben's rebuke, he exploded, accusing Uncle Ben of not having the right to lecture him on behalf of his father, and then stormed out in a fit of anger.

Seeing the shocked, sad, and worried expressions of Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Peter took a deep breath and said, "I shouldn't have spoken to them like that, not with that tone and attitude…"

Wanda blinked and sighed, "At your age, it's normal to be a bit rebellious, but you should apologize to them. Unfortunately, you lost the opportunity to do so in the video."

Having seen another Peter's future, she could guess what might happen next.

After Peter stormed out, he wandered around and then entered a convenience store to buy a drink. Rushing out, he found himself short of money by two cents. The store owner mocked him and told him to leave if he couldn't afford it.

Furious, Peter left, but the next customer was a robber who seized the opportunity to steal money from the counter and tossed a drink to Peter as he fled. The store owner, too slow to catch the thief, shouted for help.

Peter coldly said, "It's none of my business," and walked away. Unbeknownst to him, Uncle Ben, worried about Peter, was nearby and heard the call for help. He attempted to stop the robber and was tragically shot during the struggle.

When Peter heard the gunshot and found Uncle Ben, it was too late. Uncle Ben lay dying, and Peter, overwhelmed by grief and guilt, realized he had inadvertently caused the death of the man who had been like a father to him.

Outside the viewing screen, Peter's eyes were red as he murmured, "Oh my God, I really killed Uncle Ben... Why did I run away? Why didn't I stop that robber? It's all my fault. I killed Uncle Ben!"

Wanda advised, "Don't get worked up. This is a warning for you. You have the chance to avoid this tragedy. Make changes. Think about it carefully; this is actually a good thing."

Peter took a deep breath, wiped his face, and spoke in a muffled voice, "I will. I will make changes. I won't let such a tragedy happen again!"

Before, he might have doubted the purpose of this quiz game, but now he was convinced. The future revealed in the game matched his own experiences perfectly. If everything continued as usual, Uncle Ben would die because of him in two days, and he would never have the chance to apologize, making it his eternal regret.

At the end of the video, the next question appeared on the light screen:

[Who among the following options will become Peter Parker's enemy]

[A: Norman Osborn

B: Curt Connors

C: Gwen Stacy

D: May Parker]

Peter's eyes widened. "Wait, why are Aunt May and Gwen also included in the options?"

Wanda said, "Let's eliminate those two first. Of course, Aunt May and Gwen might become enemies due to other reasons, like being mind-controlled or infected by venom, but those chances are relatively small. We should choose between a and b."

Her inclination was to choose a, as in another video of Peter's future, his first opponent after becoming Spider-Man was Norman Osborn.

After explaining who Norman Osborn was, Peter still had some reservations as this portrayal was different from the Norman Osborn he knew. However, he chose to trust Wanda.

As the countdown to answer the question began, they both pressed the answer button.


Another chapter as a compensation for not uploading for two days 😇😇😇

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