
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

the Rampant Timeline

Loki, with a sincere expression, consoled, "I've experienced your situation, I've felt what you've felt. Don't ask me how I know, all I know is I don't want to hurt you! I don't want the throne; I just want you to be safe!"

Sylvie and he locked eyes for a while, and finally, Sylvie was moved by Loki's sincerity and couldn't help but kiss him.

Outside the video, there was a burst of strange cries.

"Wow, wow!" Tony Stark couldn't help but applaud. "Impressive, look, he didn't even say those three words, but he's completely overwhelmed Sylvie. Loki, I have to say you might be a master of love affairs!"

Scott Lang couldn't help but smile broadly. "Haha, seeing them kiss, for some reason, it feels quite sweet!"

Nick Fury shrugged. "Well, from Loki's teary-eyed look, I'm starting to believe it's genuine."

Before this, their impression of Loki was mostly negative, a scheming ambitious individual with a thirst for power and the throne, willing to do anything to attain it.

But sometimes, you had to admit, the power of love was indeed mysterious, capable of completely transforming a person from start to finish.

At least in the video, Loki had indeed abandoned his desire for the throne. The throne Kang sat on was much greater than the Asgardian throne he had coveted all along!

But even the greatest power had to take a back seat before love, a different kind of "for love of beauty, not love of the world."

Tony Stark shrugged. "I understand now why they didn't overthrow him in the end, it all came down to a kiss."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he saw Sylvie in the video, after the deep kiss with Loki, say quietly, "But I'm not you."

Immediately after, she opened a time portal and pushed Loki inside. On the other side of the time portal, before Loki could return, it disappeared. It turned out Sylvie had secretly taken a time controller from the table, and she had tricked Loki.

The development of the situation once again caught everyone off guard. Normally, when the male and female protagonists kiss, driven by love, they would reconcile and come up with a solution that both could accept, right?

However, Sylvie was even more determined than they had thought. She was set on killing Kang, believing that was the only way to put an end to her hard-fought career and close the chapter.

Nick Fury glanced at Loki and remarked, "Well, we almost forgot, she's also Loki. You've fooled yourself."

Loki remained silent, his expression was complicated, and no one knew what he was thinking.

In the video, with Loki no longer in the way, Sylvie could finally deal with Kang calmly.

"Aren't you going to beg for your life?" She stared coldly at him, looking at the man who had taken away her life.

Kang still had a playful smile. "I can't do that."

Sylvie decisively thrust her dagger into his heart. Even so, Kang didn't resist at all, proving that everything he had said earlier was true.

Even on the verge of death, he still had a smile and said, "See you on the other side," then winked mischievously before taking his last breath.

Sylvie had avenged herself, but instead of jubilation, she seemed lost, looking somewhat bewildered. Eventually, she sat down on the ground.

Hank Pym sighed. "This is indeed a cycle. No matter how the situation develops, Kang will return here. But the multiverse will also be completely released."

Tony Stark glanced at him. "That's not necessarily a bad thing. And I've said it before, a few days ago, we visited another universe. Perhaps from the moment the quiz game arrived, everything deviated from the trajectory we controlled."

Scott Lang asked in confusion, "Well, guys, Sylvie ultimately killed this guy, so they should have been destroyed, right? Why did we get all the answers wrong?"

Nick Fury reminded, "Don't talk now just keep watching."

In the video, after Sylvie killed Kang, you could see that the previously clean and independent Möbius Strip outside the castle had branched out into a dense and magnificent starry sky scenery.

The camera showed that through the instruments monitoring the timeline, countless branches were growing madly outside the Sacred Timeline and were now unstoppable.

Möbius and the female agent watched this scene with solemn expressions.

Möbius sighed, "There's no turning back now."

The female agent said, "Who said we should turn back?"

In the surveillance footage, the once bare timeline had suddenly grown dense with branches.

Loki was bewildered for a while, then decided to do something. He ran out and saw the timekeeper agents bustling around, seemingly busy, paying no attention to him.

Loki wandered around and finally found the female agent and Möbius, who seemed to be discussing timeline variations.

He shouted, "Möbius, we made a mistake! We've released the timelines! We found him after the storm; he's too dangerous, planning everything, knowing everything, it's complicated, In short, different versions of a dangerous individual, they're about to start a chaotic war, and we need to be prepared!"

Möbius made a hand gesture. "Don't rush, you're an analyst, right? Which department are you from?"

Loki looked puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

They had parted not long ago and even shared a friend's embrace. How can he suddenly act like a stranger?

Möbius looked genuinely confused. "Who are you? What's your name?"

The female agent acted as if she didn't recognize Loki at all, taking out a time controller and calling someone, "Have the guards come to the file room!"

The situation was getting increasingly bizarre!

Loki thought for a moment, then looked out of the window. He saw a massive statue outside, and he remembered that when he had first arrived here, he had seen the statue, three strange space lizards boasting as the great timekeepers.

The camera showed Loki looking utterly shocked, with his mouth agape. What he saw in the statue was Kang and not the 3 space lizards!

With that, the video ended.

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