
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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The quiz Game is about to start

Because Dr. Banner has the right to use the Dimensional door, he was assigned to stay in the Multiverse Defenders' headquarters, and it happened that he could conduct research quietly there.

He also benefits a lot from the quiz game. Although he doesn't get rewards for improving combat power directly from quiz games like Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, and Batman, he can at least keep his mind clear at all times.

The quiz game seems to have subtly changed his mental state. Now Dr. Banner can coexist peacefully with the Hulk.

Today, Dr. Banner is no longer the unstable factor of the Avengers.

Bruce Wayne nodded at him and asked, "How many days have passed since we were teleported away by the golden beam of light?"

Dr. Banner pushed his glasses and replied, "It should be 5 days, maybe 6 days? I'm sorry, I have been in the laboratory during this time, and you all know that when you concentrate on experiments, you often ignore time changes."

Tony Stark pondered and said, "We stayed in that parallel World for 6 days, so to speak, the passage of time in the two worlds should be equal."

"Parallel World? Did you go to another world this time?" Dr Banner asked curiously.

A few days ago, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers were teleported away by the golden beam of light one after another. They thought that there was about to be a new round of quiz games.

But after seeing the live broadcast screen not appearing for a long time, they guessed that they must have encountered something else.

Bruce Wayne briefly described their experience on this trip, and they did a lot of things this time.

Aside from the slightly weird missions, the crisis of the Avengers splitting and having a civil war was resolved, and at the same time, a fake crisis was conducted, which changed the future of that parallel World.

Dr. Banner listened with relish and asked with a smile, "This is the first time we saved a World, isn't it?"

They organized and created this multiverse organization, and its purpose is to save other parallel Worlds. From this point of view, the actions of Bruce and his party this time are completely in line with the organization's philosophy and purpose.

Bruce Wayne raised his eyebrows and said, "No, to be precise, the future of our mutual world has been changed. Of course, we may be able to go to more parallel universes in the future and bring light to more worlds."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, everyone went back to their respective homes, looking for their respective mothers.

Batman returned to his universe, and Steve Rogers and Tony Stark both returned to the Marvel world.

The two of them felt the deepest during this trip to Parallel World. After all, they had been in contact with themselves in another parallel world and knew how much suffering and pain they would experience in a parallel World according to the normal timeline development.

After Tony Stark went back, he went to find Pepper. Pepper was dealing with official business at the moment, so she was too busy to pay attention to him, but he dragged her out, saying that he would take her to relax.

"What's wrong with you?"

Pepper was surprised and felt that Tony was acting weird. These days, Tony Stark spends most of his time studying technology and improving his abilities.

Pepper could understand, after all, that they have seen the future exposed by the live broadcast of the quiz game, and know what kind of crisis their world will face in the not-too-distant future.

Everything Tony Stark tried to do was to protect her and everyone. Although Pepper felt a little neglected, she knew the general situation and didn't get angry with him because of it.

"Pepper, will you marry me!"

The sudden words made Little Pepper cover her mouth with her hands in fright, feeling a little lost.

However, Tony Stark couldn't find the ring after digging in his trouser pocket for a long time. Fortunately, Happy appeared in time and handed over a diamond ring.

He shrugs at Tony Stark: "I always carry it with me."

Tony Stark smiled and kissed Pepper.

On the other side, Steve Rogers also found Nick Fury, and after reporting his experience on this trip, they were silent for a while.

"Nick, I want to meet Peggy." Captain America crossed his arms, looking a little nervous.

Nick Fury frowned and didn't respond immediately. He was lost in thought. He didn't react until he noticed something wrong with Captain America's eyes.

"Sorry, what did you just say?"

"I said, I want to meet Peggy!"

Nick Fury reminded, "As I said before, she is not in good health now."

"I know," interrupted Steve Rogers, "but I want to see her right now."

Nick Fury tried to dissuade him from visiting Peggy Carter out of good intentions, but he pondered for a while and said, "You have already used a hundred years of life to save her in another world, you have to think carefully."

Steve Rogers sighed, "You know, Nick I haven't adapted to this change yet. Those things seem to have happened yesterday, but in reality, seventy years have passed. Most of the people I knew back then are gone, only she and Bucky remain, so I'm eager to get the magical medicine to restore her youth from the quiz game. To be honest, I just want to make up for my regrets or go back to seventy years, which is selfish, right? She has lived a fulfilling life these years, and perhaps she has already come to terms with these things. So, I want to talk to her and have a good chat about these things."

In Parallel World, he had a conversation with Peggy Carter before leaving, and Peggy thanked him for saving her life.

But in the end, she expressed meaningfully that she was very tired. Birth, old age, sickness, death, and changing times are both laws and destinies. Everyone has their destiny. She thinks her destiny has been fulfilled.

These words made Steve Rogers realize that perhaps his obsession was just unilateral wishful thinking.

Nick Fury understood what he meant and leaned back, "Indeed, not everyone will pursue immortality, such as myself."

Steve Rogers got up and left. He didn't ask for Nick Fury's consent. Even if he didn't agree, he would go there himself. He just wanted to talk to her.

Just when he was about to leave for England, he saw a beam of golden light fall behind him, and when he looked back, the place where the beam of light fell happened to be the office of Nick Fury.

"Is a new round of quiz games about to start?"

Power stones are appreciated

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