
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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The Intelligent Mechanical Arm

Unexpected incidents arose, and the experiment encountered major problems!

The out-of-control energy from the small sun spilled out, lightly touching the roof, and crushing the reinforced concrete. Once it completely loses control, the consequences are unimaginable!

Commissioner Gordon stared at the video scene, tense as if he were there himself. "shit, these scientists are too dangerous when they go crazy. they will blow up the entire New York City one day"

Bruce Wayne frowned. "The experiment is too risky; it should be forcibly terminated now!"

In the video, Harry also intended to halt the experiment. Shouting at Dr. Otto Octavius, "Shut it down, Otto, shut it down!"

However, Dr. Octavius refused to stop; he turned and shouted back," It will stabilize, trust me, I can control it!"

This experiment was his life's work, on the verge of success. Dr. Octavius was determined not to give up.

Harry using the tone of a boss, insisted on stopping the experiment, "This is my place, my money, I call the shots!"

Just at that moment, heavy experimental equipment behind him, due to gravity, was about to hit him. Fortunately, Peter changed into Spider-Man during the recent chaos and arrived in time to move him away. Otherwise, facing such an impact, Harry would not have fared well.

Looking somewhat surprised at Spider-Man, he coldly said, "Even if you saved me, I won't forgive you!"

Ignoring his words, Spider-Man turned and flew towards Dr. Octavius, hanging on the ceiling. Dr. Octavius noticed the renowned figure from New York and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Turning off the power!" Spider-Man reminded and attempted to forcefully unplug the power.


However, Dr. Octavius controlled the mechanical arms and violently knocked him away. Soon, tragedy struck. The nuclear fusion mini-sun suddenly went out of control, gravity surged, and glass windows shattered like razor-sharp blades. Dr. Octavius had four mechanical arms to shield himself and escape harm, but his beloved wife, not far away, was covered by countless glass shards and died on the spot.

Dr. Octavius, in deep sorrow, was distracted, leading to him being hit by the overflowing energy. He was electrocuted, and the suppression chip for the mechanical arms was destroyed.

However, the most dangerous part was the nearly uncontrollable mini-sun. If it exploded, the entire New York City might truly be blown away.

Spider-Man, having just taken a hard fall, immediately got up. Without hesitation, he rushed to unplug the power, expending a lot of effort to disconnect the power lines one by one.

Everything finally calmed down, but the experiment was a complete failure. Many were injured or lost their lives. Fortunately, Spider-Man timely unplugged the power; otherwise, the entire city would have suffered.

Coming out of the laboratory, Harry blamed Spider-Man, "Now I'm ruined, all because of Spider-Man!"

"But he saved your life," someone nearby spoke a fair word.

Harry, with a cold tone, said, "I won't appreciate him saving my life. This isn't over!"

Commissioner Gordon shook his head, "His grievance towards Spider-Man runs too deep. This time, Spider-Man not only saved him but the entire New York City."

Peter, at this moment, had an uneasy expression. He felt that after these future videos were exposed, his friend Harry would definitely hate him.

Bruce Wayne glanced at him and said, "He stubbornly believes that Spider-Man killed his father, so no matter how many good deeds Spider-Man does, he won't give up his hatred. But with the complete truth laid out, if he's rational and calm enough, he should make the right choice."

Peter sighed, "I hope so."

In the video, Dr. Octavius was still alive, receiving treatment in the laboratory. Since the four mechanical arms were in close contact with his spine, surgery required cutting them off.

After the doctor prepared, he took out the electric saw, joking with colleagues as if sawing wood.

Just as he was about to start, the suspended mechanical arms suddenly moved on their own, dancing like a revived snake. They grabbed the electric saw-wielding doctor and threw him away. Then, the four mechanical arms began a killing spree, taking the lives of doctors and nurses one by one, like fragile dolls.

The weirdest part was that Dr. Octavius, lying quietly on the operating table, had no connection to the actions of the mechanical arms...

"Oh my god, what's going on? Those mechanical arms are too terrifying, they are killing lots of people!"

"Did you see that? This is the danger of artificial intelligence. This arrogant scientist was manipulated by his own created artificial intelligence tools!"

"Didn't he create a suppression chip in advance? How could he still be controlled by artificial intelligence?"

"Are you blind? Didn't you see that the chip was destroyed just now? In my opinion, these scientists are sometimes like madmen, willing to pay any price to pursue their experimental results. This time, it's a complete failure."

"I don't understand. Why wasn't this dangerous experiment monitored by the authorities? Once the small sun explodes, the entire New York will be affected. How many innocent lives will be lost? Our government should strictly monitor these dangerous experiments!"

Amidst the discussions of the audience, Dr. Octavius slowly opened his eyes. He saw the tragedy around him but didn't linger at the crime scene, limping away.

On the streets outside, with continuous traffic, Dr. Octavius, seeing a taxi about to hit him, let his mechanical arms grab it and fling it away.

At this moment, Dr. Octavius seemed to realize the terrifying nature of his four mechanical arms. He knew he had become a public figure in the news. He turned and ran.

He ran to the former experiment site, now a ruin. He couldn't help but recall his deceased beloved wife, who lost her life in the experiment. Overwhelmed by sorrow, he said, "My wife is dead, so is my dream..."

Dr. Octavius looked at the mechanical arms beside him, saying in sorrow, "I should end all this with these dreadful things."

He prepared to throw himself into the river, but then he seemed to realize something. As if there were other voices and consciousness in his mind, Dr. Octavius hurriedly touched the back of his head, realizing that the suppression chip he created was missing!

Undoubtedly, the voices and consciousness in his mind came from these four mechanical arms!