
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

The Birth of a Superpowered Being in the Illusion

Despite the vast size of the S.W.O.R.D., the firewall protecting its internal confidential documents is as fragile as paper, which seems unreasonable.

Could it be that the director of the S.W.O.R.D. has also inherited the fine tradition of his predecessor, turning a blind eye to budget requests from above and secretly swallowing them all?

After discovering these secrets, Monica decided to enter Westview once again.

However, her companion expressed concern about this. It would be very dangerous for an ordinary person to pass through the energy barrier. When Monica passed through it before, her cells were affected and altered. If she risked crossing it again, it could endanger her life.

Monica said she could contact the connections her mother had in the past, find specialized equipment, prepare thoroughly, and then cross the barrier. So she left with the male detective, leaving behind the scientist Daisy at the camp to crack the deepest firewall of the S.W.O.R.D and thoroughly uncover the secrets Hayward was hiding.

Just as Monica left, Vision, within the illusion of Westview, arrived at the outskirts of the town and tore open the energy barrier with his bare hands, attempting to come out.

Upon noticing this, the S.W.O.R.D immediately made corresponding deployments. Hayward and his team rushed over, watching Vision struggle to pass through the crimson energy barrier, then seemingly collapse as if exhausted, Hayward with a smirk on his face. "Ha, he really wants to come out."

At this moment, Daisy also rushed over. She noticed that Vision's body seemed to be fracturing, probably because he was leaving Westview. She rushed forward, shouting, "No, he's about to break apart! Why aren't you helping him?"

Even out of basic compassion, seeing Vision's plight, they shouldn't just stand by. Moreover, Vision is not an ordinary person; he has made great sacrifices to protect the Earth and is a worthy hero.

However, Hayward and the others just watched coldly, not allowing Daisy to approach Vision, and ignoring Vision's desperate plea for help.

As Vision was on the brink of disappearing, it was ultimately his and Wanda's children who sensed their father's danger through their telepathic connection and quickly found Wanda.

Wanda had expended a lot of energy for the Halloween event and had not noticed Vision's situation. Prompted by her son's reminder, she immediately woke up and took action.

With a roar, a scarlet energy shockwave spread outwards from Wanda, freezing everyone on the street in place, as if someone had pressed the pause button on a movie. At the same time, the energy barrier that had enveloped Westview, which was on the verge of collapse, began to expand outward, enveloping Vision within it.

Of course, many S.W.O.R.D agents and the tent camp were covered by the expanding energy barrier. In the blink of an eye, reality was rewritten. The tent camp set up by the S.W.O.R.D turned into a circus, and the S.W.O.R.D's agents turned into members of the circus.

Wanda, relying on her powerful magic, saved Vision. Just at that moment, the video on the screen paused, and a new question popped up:

[Question: Who will awaken superpowers among the following options]

[A: Monica Rambeau

B: Daisy Louise

C: Tyler Hayward

D: Jimmy Woo]

The audience was still shocked by the scene of the beauty saving the hero just now. Now, seeing the new question, Peter had a sudden realization and snapped his fingers, saying, "I got it. That S.W.O.R.D director is plotting behind the scenes to steal your powers, sis!"

"Oh, really?" Wanda wrinkled her nose. "You mean this question should be answered with c?"

Peter nodded. "Yes, Hayward knows about the situation inside Westview. His seemingly reckless behaviour definitely hides secrets and conspiracies."

Wanda could see that too, but her conclusion was different from Peter's. Shaking her head, she said, "But obviously, Hayward is more interested in Vision. You may not know how powerful Vision is.

Most importantly, Vision's abilities are traceable; he is ultimately a technological creation, whereas my abilities... to be honest, even I'm not clear about them. Do you think the people at the S.W.O.R.D can understand my abilities?"

Peter was momentarily stunned by her words, furrowing his brows. "But sis, your abilities are also very powerful. You can rewrite reality!"

"Yes, the me in the video can indeed do these unbelievable things, but it's more like... magic. Whereas Vision is a technological creation. If the S.W.O.R.D. has inherited some technology from S.H.I.E.L.D., then compared to my magic, they understand Vision better. And as you just saw, Hayward's focus is still on Vision."

Although in some aspects, Wanda and Vision's abilities are similar, after all, their abilities are more or less related to the Mind Stone.

But fundamentally, Vision and Wanda's abilities are different. Vision is a technological creation, while Wanda's abilities are more mystical. It's clear that the S.W.O.R.D's focus is on Vision.

Peter, after all, has limited understanding. After hearing Wanda's analysis, he finds it makes sense and scratches his head, saying, "Okay, I must have guessed wrong then. Which option do you think we should choose?"

"Eliminating option c, leaving only a, b, and d to choose from. I think it should be a. Monica's body cells were altered when she passed through the energy barrier, which might have been the opportunity for her to awaken her abilities," Wanda also used the process of elimination that Peter had applied to the previous question.

Peter immediately laughed and praised, "Sister, you're also very smart."

The two reached a consensus, and after the countdown started, they each pressed the buzzer in front of them. This time, it was Erik who managed to buzz in first successfully, and Erik, like Wanda, also chose option a.

[Congratulations to team b for the correct answer, player Erik Lensherr and Player Logan Howlett each receive 4 points.]

[Congratulations to team a for answering correctly, player Wanda Maximoff and Player Peter Parker each receive 1 point.]

Erik's lips curled into a sneer, "What a boring game."

He didn't understand the Marvel side of things, and he regarded the future video about Wanda just as a joke, as it didn't concern him.

Then he glanced at Logan, who had been silent and stern-faced, thinking that teaming up with this guy was like dragging a dead weight, obviously one of those brainless brutes.

In fact, up to now, Erik was still sceptical about this so-called game that could predict the future, just playing along with a "since I'm already here" attitude and the recognition that one must bow their head under someone else's roof, deciding to just treat it as a bit of fun for now.