
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Thanos' Surprise Attack

In the previous video, when viewers saw Thanos accessing future scenes from another nebula's memory files, some astute audience members suspected that the Time Team's plan to "mend the past" might not go smoothly.

However, these were just speculations and doubts. After all, the Time Team could time travel. Even if Thanos discovered the truth, it wouldn't matter once they got their hands on the Infinity Stones.

But when they saw Nebula return safely without mentioning Thanos, Steve Rogers and the others realized something was amiss.

Now, seeing the new question displayed on the screen, signalled Steve's best and worst-case scenarios coming true.

[Among the following options, who helped Thanos and his fleet travel from the past to the future?]

[A: Nebula

B: Gamora

C: Ebony Maw,

D: Midnight.]

Tony Stark furrowed his brow, staring at the screen without blinking. He muttered, "This is a freebie!"

Even Thor, who wasn't known for deep thinking, understood it now. He looked at his teammate, "No doubt, the answer is you!"

Of course, Nebula understood this too, but she added, "Another me."

Tony Stark raised an eyebrow, "Exactly, another you, the one still under Thanos' control, working as a mole among us! But I'm curious, can Thanos develop time-travel technology or bring such a massive fleet through time in such a short period?"

Nebula glanced at him and reminded, "You Earthlings haven't even ventured out of the Milky Way, and he has conquered one planet after another. My father, his power is all-encompassing, not just brute force."

As a universal overlord, Thanos possessed formidable technological capabilities, as evident from the modifications made to Nebula.

Thor murmured, "So, it means we'll have to face Thanos twice in the future..."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "Good! That's great. We need a straightforward revenge to defeat him!"

In the previous quiz game's revealed video, he was the one who decapitated Thanos with an axe. However, it wasn't a satisfying revenge. Firstly, Thanos had already achieved his goal by wiping out half of the universe's life and destroying the Infinity Stones. Secondly, the retired Thanos was battered and no match for Thor.

At the same time, Team B, including Steve, discussed the potential consequences of Thanos tracking the "future."

As for the answer to this question, as mentioned earlier, it was a giveaway. It had to be "A"!

In their enthusiastic discussion, the countdown for answering began, and both teams rushed to press the answer buttons. Successfully answering would earn them 4 points!

Ultimately, the right to answer fell to Nebula. She hesitated for a moment and chose "A," while Team B also chose "A."

[Congratulations to Team A for the correct answer. Players Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, and Nebula receive 4 points.]

[Congratulations to Team B for the correct answer. Players Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Scott Lang receive 1 point]

Tony Stark raised an eyebrow, "Well done, Nebula. Of course, I'm talking about you right now, not you from the upcoming video."

Star Nebula glanced at him but remained silent.

Thor stretched his neck, "Let me take a look. Without the Infinity Stones, Thanos doesn't have the audacity!"

The screen started playing the video with the correct answer...

In the video, after interrupting the time-space jump, Nebula rushed into the spacecraft, trying to contact Black Widow and Hawkeye to warn them that Thanos had discovered their plan.

Black Widow shook her head, "She shouldn't have done that; she's the most dangerous one."

Scott Lang added, "She could have teleported away again. I'm sure, by now, Thanos has his eyes on her!"

Steve Rogers pondered, "Nebula was worried that if she left, Natasha and Clint would be attacked by Thanos. She knew she was in danger, but her first instinct was to save her teammates."

Scott Lang scratched his head, "The problem is, she didn't need to remind them. By this time, Natasha and Clint should have already climbed aboard, right? Look, she's been caught by Thanos!"

In the video, Thanos' massive spaceship approached from the sky, casting a shadow that engulfed the small spaceship where Nebula was.

Perhaps there were other limitations to time travel in the process. Nebula didn't escape the moment, and she was caught by Thanos.

The next moment, the scene shifted to Thanos' ship, where the future Nebula had already been subdued. Strangely enough, it wasn't by anyone else; it was by the Nebula from this timeline.

She taunted her counterpart, "You're too weak!"

Bad Nebula took the time-travel GPS bracelet from Good Nebula. At this point, Gamora approached, and Good Nebula, who was on the ground, tried to persuade her, "You can stop all of this. You know you want to stop it."

In the future timeline, Gamora had also switched sides, and Good Nebula wanted to convince her to stand up. "Did you see those futures? Thanos found the Soul Stone. Do you want to know how he got that stone? Do you want to know how he treated you?"


Bad Nebula came and went, kicking Good Nebula to the ground and pulling out a sharp dagger, waving it in front of her. "You disgust me, but you're not entirely useless."

Bad Nebula handed a vial of red Pym Particles to Thanos.

Thanos, seated on his throne, stared at the Pym Particles in his hand.

Then, the scene shifted back to the Avengers' base. As Doctor Banner attempted to put on the Infinity Gauntlet, Nebula arrived at the time-travel platform and operated it. She was the mole working for Thanos!

Thanos got the Pym Particles, but he also needed the coordinates from this end to complete the time jump. Undoubtedly, his plan succeeded!

A massive spaceship crossed the quantum realm and arrived on Earth in the future!

New fanfic is out: my prison cell

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