
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Supreme sorcerers of the multiverse

Unlike Steve Rogers' purple ball of light, when it was Peter Quill's turn, what fell in front of his eyes was a bright golden ball of light.

"great! Quill, you are so lucky, 2 lives, this reward is suitable for you!" Thor said in amazement.

Steve Rogers said: "These rewards are still great, Quill, today is indeed your lucky day!"

Peter Quill was naturally happy at this time, "Hahaha, yes, I have already said that I like this reward!"

Quill likes all kinds of challenges and is always in trouble, even if there is no trouble, he will cause trouble, in other words, he is a person who is always walking on the edge of death

This reward is perfect for him, and he will have more confidence in doing things in the future.

Stephen Strange glanced at him, "You are in a good mood, I thought you would be in a low mood for a long time."

The last two questions dealt a big blow to Peter Quill, but he is a hopeful person, and he has recovered now, he shrugged his shoulders and said: "Why should I be in a low mood? Since I have a new goal, what I can do in the future, I can do better now!"

Thor praised: "Yes, that's how it should be!"

Stephen Strange didn't say much, he just looked at the light curtain expectantly. The first two rewards are very good, so it will be the grand finale when it's his turn.

Under his expectant gaze, the last reward appeared on the light curtain:[Congratulations to player Stephen Strange for winning this round of the game. You can choose one of the following two rewards]

[A: dimensional door, you can travel to different times and space, whether it is the multiverse, or the past and the future. No one can stop you such as the TVA, and you can travel freely in different times and spaces without any impact on the present world]

[B: The soul of the supreme Sorcerer, you will get the inheritance of all the supreme sorcerers in the multiverse, inheriting their knowledge and abilities, but you also have to inherit the burden and responsibility brought by the supreme sorcerers]

As the winner of this round of quiz game, Doctor Strange got a better reward, and he also had a chance to choose. which made Stephen Strange hesitate now, he don't know what to choose.

Steve Rogers reminded: "I suggest you choose b, because we already have a dimensional door, and maybe option b is more suitable for you...Of course, I'm just giving a suggestion, the choice is yours."

Doctor Strange is destined to become the Supreme Sorcerer in the future, and the Supreme Sorcerer not only represents powerful magic but also means that he needs to bear a heavy responsibility.

In Captain America's view, Stephen Strange is destined to be one of them, and after this game is over, he can be recruited into the Multiverse Defenders.

For the sake of the team, he certainly hoped that Stephen Strange could go further on the right path.

Stephen Strange is still hesitating at this time, the Dimensional door just gives benefit, but the inheritance of the supreme sorcerers of the multiverse not only gives power, but also gives responsibility, and he is not yet ready to take on the duties of the supreme sorcerer.

Kamar Taj.

Ancient one and a group of sorcerers were watching the live broadcast of this quiz game.

Karl Mordu said curiously: "The supreme sorcerers of the multiverse? I don't know who they are. I think you should be the strongest one in the multiverse, right?"

Ancient one shook her head: "No, I'm not."

Mordu was surprised, and then asked: "Which reward do you think Stephen will choose? If it were me...I would choose a."

"Why not b?" Ancient one asked rhetorically.

Mordu shrugged his shoulders: "I don't think I can bear these responsibilities, especially after watching Stephen repel Dormammu in the future, I am confused with the future now, What will this world be like in the future?"

Ancient one said calmly: "No one knows what the future will be like now. The only thing we can do is to grasp the present."

Mordu said, "I think Stephen is more suitable to be the supreme sorcerer. He dares to take responsibility, and he also has talents and abilities. Of course, that is his future. I don't know how he will choose now?"

Ever since the advent of the quiz game, Ancient One lost the ability to observe the future, and now she can only rely on guessing.

"This choice is also a test for him. I believe that Stephen will make the right choice."

For Ancient One, of course, she hoped that Stephen Strange could choose option b so that she could retire.

Originally, Stephen Strange had the talent and ability to become a supreme sorcerer, After obtaining the inheritance of the supreme sorcerers of the multiverse, he will be able to do better.

More importantly, while accepting this inheritance, he also had to bear the corresponding responsibilities, which also reassured the Ancient One that he would not train another traitor as she did.

In eternal space, Stephen Strange hesitated for a long time.

Peter Quill urged impatiently: "These two rewards are both good, just choose one at will. I want to go back!"

After seeing those futures, he had too many things to do, he didn't want to waste time here with Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange finally makes up his mind: "I choose b since I am destined to become the supreme sorcerer, then I will be the best one!"



Well my vacation is over, and now I don't know if I can upload it daily, I will upload new chapters but not daily as I use to be.