
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Steppenwolf and mother box

When Arthur watched the live broadcast of the quiz game before, he was quite happy, but now when it's his turn, he has a kind of unspeakable twist.

"Let me think about it, at least until this weird game is over." Arthur Curry was a little loose.

Now that this video is exposed, as Bruce Wayne said, he has already gotten into big trouble.

After knowing this kind of future, his good brother will start his actions in advance.

Vico and Mera are in a dangerous situation. Arthur Curry is still worried about his father. Will he be implicated?

No matter how strong a person's power is, it is ultimately limited.

As shown in this video, Arthur Curry was finally able to get the approval of Poseidon's Trident, and the help of his companions was indispensable.

Bruce Wayne looked around and said to Diana: "Clark and Arthur are both the protagonists of the game, so the next question should be related to you and me."

"Who knows." Diana smiled.

She still has expectations for this game.

Since the news of Steppenwolf was revealed in the last game, Diana has been aroused, no, it should be said that it has caused the idea of ​​the entire Paradise Island.

The Amazons have personally experienced the battle of dark side invading the earth, and they know the identity and origin of Steppenwolf. since he will invade the earth in the future, it means that Darkside will start his expedition again!

After Diana returned to Paradise Island, she discussed the matter with her people, but there was no result. Now she can only hope that this game can reveal more of the future.

Soon, new questions appeared on the light curtain: ["The three mother boxes are kept separately by the Amazons, Atlantis, and humans. Can Steppenwolf put together the three mother boxes? Where did the two mother boxes he captured first come from?"]

["A: Yes, the first mother boxes obtained by Steppenwolf are from Atlantis and humans."

"B: No, the mother box that Steppenwolf got first came to Amazon and Atlantis."

"C: Yes, the first mother boxes obtained by Steppenwolf are from Amazon and Atlantis."

"D: No, the first mother box obtained by Steppenwolf comes from Atlantis and humans."]

After the questions and options were given, the countdown didn't start immediately. It reserved some time for players to analyze and think.

Bruce Wayne was the first to speak: "This question... is two questions. The mother box is the box that made Superman die and resurrected in the previous video, right?"


With a solemn expression, Diana introduced them: "The mother box is the ultimate weapon built by Darkside. As long as the three mother boxes are combined into one, you can burst out the power to destroy the world!"

When Darkside invaded the earth, he also brought three mother boxes, but after a deadly battle, Darkside escaped and all three mother boxes were left on the earth. They were taken by Atlantis, humans, and Amazonians.

Clark heard the words and realized the seriousness of the situation, "That is to say, does this question predict the destruction of the world in the future?"

"We will stop him, just like before!" Diana said without hesitation, but added: "But... if the three mother boxes were to take away then the consequences would be very serious! "

Arthur put his arms around his chest, "a and c, b and d, respectively, represent two different futures. If I remember correctly, in the last video, Steppenwolf was finally beaten by Superman..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Clark. "So I tend to b and d. He didn't make up the three mother boxes."

The logic is very simple. If you put together three mother boxes, you have the ability to destroy the world. If Steppenwolf gathers three mother boxes, will it be violently beaten by Superman?

Therefore, stepping back, Steppenwolf failed to make up the three mother boxes.

Bruce Wayne shook his head: "You can't just infer the result as simple as that. The title says-Steppenwolf has assembled the mother box instead of getting the power of the mother box."

Diana added: "Yes, Steppenwolf is Darkside's subordinate and vanguard. Even if he collects three mother boxes, he can't get the power in it, because it belongs to Darkside!"

Arthur shrugged: "You tend to a and c?"

Bruce Wayne did not respond positively, but continued to analyze: "From the video clips exposed by the previous quiz game, there are not many shots of the mother box. One of the mother boxes is in the hands of the Justice League-used to resurrect. Superman."

After his reminder, everyone else also remembered.

Diana smiled and said, "Steppenwolf didn't make up the three mother boxes?"

Bruce rubbed his chin with his hand, "strokes across the timeline of the video. After Superman's death, Steppenwolf came to Earth to collect three mother boxes, one of which was controlled by the Justice League. The mother box resurrected Superman, and then Superman beat the Steppenwolf violently... Steppenwolf should have no chance to gather the three mother boxes. "

Diana glanced at Clark This also shows that Steppenwolf is very afraid of Superman, and only dares to invade the earth when Superman is away. "

Arthur Curry shrugged: "As long as it's a villain, who doesn't fear Superman?"

The fighting power of Superman is obvious to everyone, and it is not unreasonable to be respected as the living God, who walks on earth.

The three present are all arrogant personalities, but they all have to admit that Superman is powerful.

Clark himself was a little embarrassed, and followed their analysis and said: "Well, can we exclude a and c now?"

"So far, so it is." Bruce Wayne nodded.

Anyway, he couldn't think of it, when Superman was alive and kicking, how could Steppenwolf get the mother box from the Justice League?

"Very well, it seems that we have all reached a consensus, so the rest is to choose between b and d."

Diana took the lead in giving her choice: "I think it should be d. Amazon's mother box has been heavily guarded, and it will never be taken away by Steppenwolf!"

Paradise Island has nothing to do with the world. The Amazons are capable of fighting well, and once participated in the battle against Darkside. In Diana's view, the mother box guarded by them is the safest.

But she also meant that both humans and Atlantis are weak chickens.

This of course made the mixed-race Arthur Curry very dissatisfied, "Atlantis has advanced technology and can control the ocean at the same time. Have you all forgotten the huge sea monster that just guarded the Trident?

If Steppenwolf dared to compete for the treasures of Atlantis, he would surely be battered! "

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