
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

Senzu bean

When the player Steve Rogers learned that Peggy Carter was dying, he searched his brain for a cure.

If Peggy Carter was dying because of some heavy injury, he has dozens of points, he can buy some good medicines in the points store.

However, Peggy Carter's problem now is that her natural death is approaching. But Steve Rogers couldn't accept it. In his memory, the last time he parted with Peggy Carter, She was a charming and beautiful young lady who asked him to dance with her.

However, when he opened his eyes again, fifty years has passed, and she has now become a dying old woman lying on a hospital bed with white hair all over her head.

"You know, I often dream about that mission. When the plane crashed into the iceberg, I knew I would miss the appointment and couldn't accompany you for that dance."

Player Steve Rogers leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath, "I missed once, but this time, no matter what, I won't miss the appointment!"

Captain America of this world was impressed by him, and his expression also turn sad, "So you came here to save Peggy's life?"

Player Steve Rogers shook his head: "No, to be honest, I know a lot about the future of your world, but I don't know that Peggy will be here at this time"

Now he finally understands why in the future video exposed in the quiz game, his belief is so firm, In fact, with the character of Captain America, even if he has a distrust of the authorities, he will eventually consider the overall situation. The Avengers civil war, such a major event, if it were done under normal circumstances, he might not be so determined or might choose to compromise for the sake of the overall situation. The death of Peggy Carter undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Steve Rogers.

At this time, Sharon Carter came in from the opposite door and brought coffee to the two, "Do you want to rest?"

Seeing the two Captain America in the same room, she still couldn't hide the strange look on her face, especially when one of the Captain America vowed that he could save Peggy Carter.

Sharon Carter was naturally very sad, but she felt that it might not be a good thing to save her aunt's life at this time.

Before this, Peggy Carter had already received various advanced treatments. She hung her breath and was unconscious. It was no different from death, and it might be even more painful for her.

"Thank you, no need, I want to see her."

Player Steve Rogers took the coffee but put it on the table casually. Of course, he was not in the mood to rest at this time.

"Steve, I know you're in a hurry now, but" Sharon Carter shook her head. She still had doubts about the two Captain America and suspected that one of them might be real and the other might be fake.

Steve Rogers of this world got up and said: "Trust us, we are both Captain America, and we will never hurt her."

He now believes in the identity of player Steve Rogers. After a little hesitation, Sharon Carter also nodded and agreed.

The two Captain America came to Peggy Carter's room, both a little worried and nervous. The Captain America of this had at least seen his old lover before.

But the player Steve Rogers changed his mind because of the quiz game. After knowing that Peggy Carter was in poor health, for the sake of her safety, he kept enduring his love and did not go to see her. Therefore, when he saw the old woman with white hair lying on the hospital bed, his eyes turned red instantly.


Captain America from this world patted him on the shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "Have you got the medicine to save her?"

Player Steve Rogers didn't answer, but sat on the hospital bed, combing his old lover's hair with trembling fingers.

Peggy Carter's eyes were closed tightly, and only weak breathing could tell that she was still alive. There were deep wrinkles on her face, but he could still vaguely see her beautiful face.

"Take out the 100-year lifespan."

This reward, which was obtained with great difficulty in the last round of the quiz, was originally intended to be given to Peggy Carter in his world. But now, he has to take it out.

A ball of gentle green light emerged from his hand, oozing an incomparably fresh breath, it is like a forest after a heavy rain, the air is full of the fragrance of soil, flowers and plants.

this is strong vitality!

Sharon Carter looked at this scene in surprise. Of course, she knew that this was not an ability that the Captain America she knew could have. Looking at the light ball in the player Steve Rogers' hand, she felt an inexplicable sense of greed in her heart.

The fragrance emitted by the ball of light was so alluring that she couldn't help approaching it, wanting to swallow it in her mouth. This was the desire and greed of all living beings for Life.

Seeing this, the Captain America of this world hurriedly grabbed her and said, "Don't worry, this can save Peggy!"

He doesn't seem tempted.

Sharon Carter subconsciously swallowed her saliva, and after recovering, she was a little scared: "I don't know why, but this ball of light feels like a delicious meal."

The player Steve Rogers didn't care about them, but when he was about to send this hundred-year life into Peggy Carter, it was rejected.

The data panel gave a reminder: [The target's physique is too weak to withstand the strong vitality, she will die]

Seeing this reminder, the player Steve Rogers was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped, he almost killed his lover!

Peggy Carter's body is extremely weak now, how can she bear such a strong vitality?

Captain American of this world saw the light ball disappear, and hurriedly asked: "How is it? Is she alright?"

Player Steve Rogers shook his head: "No, I want Tony to come here first, he has a medicine that can improve Peggy's physique !"

Senzu bean can restore physical strength, and perhaps improve Peggy Carter's physique enough to give her a hundred years of life without her dying in the process.

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