
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Ra's Al Ghul

In the silent and vast Mansion, only a few street lamps in the courtyard were still lit. Having been Batman for so long, Arthur was immediately alert. He went straight to the Batcave.

After checking the mansion's surveillance, he found nothing unusual. Alfred had gone out during the day and hadn't returned. Arthur suspected something must have happened outside.

Remembering that Alfred should have been at the cemetery today, there shouldn't have been any issues. Alfred rarely left the house, had limited social interactions, and didn't make enemies. Most likely, it was related to Arthur's identity as Batman, but he had always kept it well hidden.

"Those who can guess that I am Batman..." Arthur thought with a grim expression. Having once disguised himself as a vagabond while learning from Ra's Al Ghul in the League of Shadows, he was cautious. However, he knew Ra's al Ghul was no saint and had likely been investigating the Wayne family.

Undoubtedly, Alfred must have been captured by Ra's al Ghul.

Worried about the butler's safety, Arthur prepared and then headed out in the Batmobile. When questioning Falcone earlier, he had learned about Ra's al Ghul's plans. Ra's al Ghul possessed a mysterious blue flower that induced hallucinations. He used it to manufacture a high-quality drug called " Compound B" distributed by Falcone throughout Gotham.

Falcone almost monopolized the Compound B trade, unaware that Ra's al Ghul had altered the substance. The drug's effects were more potent than expected. With a slight trigger, those who had consumed the Compound B would enter an uncontrollable frenzy, turning into aggressive maniacs or beasts.

Now, it was time for Ra's al Ghul to execute his plan. He brought an explosive "bomb" of Compound B and planned to use Gotham's water supply to distribute it. Anyone who had previously ingested the powder, upon drinking the contaminated water, would succumb to madness.

Arthur had figured out the entire plan from the gathered clues. The only one who could stop Ra's al Ghul was Batman, so he had captured Alfred so he could use him as leverage against him.

Understanding the truth, Arthur knew where to find Ra's al Ghul. Gotham's largest water facility was none other than Wayne Industries, and he was familiar with it. Before going, he obtained detailed information about the facility and informed Gordon.

In the dark night, Arthur drove the Batmobile swiftly towards the secluded water facility. He approached cautiously, dismantling several League of Shadows assassins stationed nearby.

Assassins of the League of Shadows are quite strong, but Arthur has also studied there, so he knows himself and the enemy. When he is prepared, he can deal with these assassins easily. Quietly infiltrating the water facility, he reached the core area and observed Ra's al Ghul overseeing the pouring of a mysterious blue liquid into the filtration tanks.

"Bruce, come down."

Although Ra's al Ghul had his back turned, he revealed awareness of Arthur's presence. Arthur leaped down from the roof, ready to confront the League of Shadows' leader.

Approaching him, Arthur spoke in a deep voice, "Ra's, hand over him!"

'Bruce' was the alias he fabricated when he joined the League of Shadows, studying under Ras Al Ghul, a tribute to his deceased brother who perished in the fire.

"Hehe, you're more clever than I expected," Ras Al Ghul turned to him, "and quick in your actions, Bruce. I've always admired that."

Arthur glanced around, immediately analyzing tactical responses in his mind. However, the goal this time wasn't just to defeat the opponent for revenge; it was crucial to rescue Alfred.

"Bruce, no, I should call you Arthur... using your brother's name, right?" Ras Al Ghul showed no immediate intention of attacking, seemingly buying time. "If I recall correctly, your brother is no longer with us. He died in..."

Arthur interrupted him, breathing heavily, "Ras Al Ghul! My brother, and my parents, were all killed by you!"

Ras Al Ghul remained calm, "No, I assure you, your brother was an accident. In fact, your mother was also an accident. I just wanted to kill your father."

"Because he was running for mayor?" Arthur suppressed the darkness deep within, letting a bit spill out in the flames of anger. He gritted his teeth, "You want to destroy Gotham, and my father wanted to save this city, so you killed him!"

"Yes, that's right."

Ras Al Ghul shrugged, "Arthur, don't you think this city is beyond salvation? Your father and you wanted to save it, only to be betrayed... What did I do at that time? I simply added a bit more fuel to the existing fire. You should think this way – the main culprit for your father's death is this city that deserves to be wiped out!"