
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

Mark 50, seriously

Tony Stark shrugged, "Of course, we're comrades who fought side by side, Thor. Such questions shouldn't come from your mouth."

Thor sneered, "You destroyed my hammer's look!"

Tony Stark defended himself, "No, I did that to make you pick up the hammer. How can you blame me? Ahem... Look, now it's your turn."

On the screen appeared the name Thor Odinson, and Thor couldn't be bothered to argue with Tony anymore. He took a deep breath, silently praying, "Give me the axe, give me the axe!"

Perhaps his sincerity played a role because after his name faded from the screen, a dazzling golden light burst forth. Thor was overjoyed and laughed, "Haha, it's golden, golden!"

Tony Stark congratulated him, "You got lucky, Thor."

[Congratulations to player Thor Odinson for obtaining the mysterious reward—Eternal Spear, Gungnir, personally blessed by God King Odin]


When Thor saw this, his smile froze, and the golden light converged in front of him, transforming into a familiar long spear.

This was his father's weapon; how could he not be familiar with it?

Thor stared at the Eternal Spear with a conflicted expression. "What is this? Stolen from my father's hands and now given to me as a reward?"

If he remembered correctly, God King Odin had been punished for offending the quiz game in the past and it had confiscated this Eternal Spear.

Thor had every reason to believe that the Eternal Spear given to him by the quiz game was the one that had been confiscated before, especially with the note on it: "personally blessed by God King Odin."

This was downright provocative!

Tony Stark chuckled, "Look on the bright side, Thor. At least this will make your father a bit happier."

Afterwards, he looked forward to the screen. Nebula was the first to receive a reward, purple. Then it was Thor, upgraded to golden. Finally, it was his turn, and he hoped for at least something golden.

The quiz game didn't delay. Soon, Tony Stark's name appeared on the screen, then gradually faded, and a purple glow bloomed:

[Congratulations to player Tony Stark for obtaining the mysterious reward—the Mark 50 Nanosuit Prototype and design blueprints!]

The purple light entered Tony Stark directly, and the design blueprints were transmitted to his mind. As for the Mark 50 Nanosuit prototype, it was delivered to him through an arc reactor.

Due to nanotechnology, the armour didn't require a complex process to put on. Just a light touch on the reactor, and it automatically covered his entire body.

However, Tony Stark wasn't very happy at the moment. He looked a bit frustrated, "What a twisted sense of humour, giving me something I'll invent in the future as a reward!"


This time, Thor couldn't resist teasing, "Tony, it seems like your luck isn't too good this time. You only got a purple reward. Honestly, your future suits aren't enough, not even to fight Thanos."

Tony Stark glanced at him, "I can definitely create something better!"

That's the source of his frustration. In the future videos shown by the quiz game, there were not just one but several Iron Man suits, some with highly advanced technology, But Tony Stark had more confidence in himself now. With the knowledge he gained from the quiz game, which far surpassed his normal timeline self, he could certainly create superior Iron Man suits.

So, the reward of the Mark 50 Nanosuit wasn't particularly valuable to him. After all, given enough time, without the help of the quiz game, he could create it himself.

Tony Stark was more interested in the cross-dimensional inheritance, knowledge, and power system that the game had rewarded until now, but unfortunately, he didn't get it.

The rewards were distributed, and this round of the quiz game came to an end.

Soon, the players were transported away, and there was no third round this time.

Nebula returned to a city on an alien world, and as soon as she appeared, she noticed something unusual. The surroundings were empty, and overhead, a massive spaceship loomed, casting a dark cloud over the entire city!

Nebula looked up and immediately recognized it as Thanos's warship. This was within her expectations.

She knew that Thanos was very interested in the quiz game. He both feared the mysterious power behind it and coveted the rewards and opportunities it offered.

Now, Nebula had luckily become a player of the quiz game, and Thanos wouldn't miss this chance. Upon seeing the final video, he ordered his fleet to come and set up an ambush in advance.

If this had been in the past, Nebula would have been full of fear, but at this moment, she glanced at the bracelet on her wrist, and her face remained calm.

At this point, the spaceship projected a blue light, and Thanos, along with the Black Order, appeared one by one, fully armed and prepared to capture her.

However, Thanos intended to speak first. He didn't bring any weapons and approached slowly, gazing at his adopted daughter.

"You've done well, Nebula. I'm proud of you."

Nebula smiled, "If I were the old me, I'd be very happy, but... I'm not the same as before. I know what you want from me, but I'm sorry, I refuse!"

Upon hearing this, Thanos's expression darkened for a moment. By his side, Ebony Maw directly activated the contingency plan they had implanted in Nebula's body. However, Nebula's body only shimmered twice...

"You won't control me again. From now on, I'm free!"

Nebula finished speaking and immediately activated the time controller, teleporting away.

Thanos's face looked even gloomier, and Ebony Maw knelt on one knee. "Master, I have disappointed you. Nebula broke free of our control... She can manipulate time!"

"I know. With the Time Variance Authority's time controller... if we had that, we could start our time-travel plan immediately." Thanos didn't blame his strategist and trusted subordinate, he just felt somewhat unwilling.