
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

Inheritance of Sylas the unshackled!

Odin shouted: "We will eventually defeat Thanos, just like we once defeated the powerful enemies!"

"Asgard is invincible!"

The crowd shouted and cheered. The confusion and panic were wiped out. Odin also said some words of encouragement at the right time, and then turned and left amidst the cheers of the people.

When he returned to the palace, Frigga found him with a worried face, "that glove was fake, you are deceiving the public."

"I know, but this lie is necessary. Frigga, people need hope, they need to see light in the dark, this is more important than anything!"

Odin is well versed in the way of the king, especially after conducting a more in-depth cooperation with the earth recently, he has also learned some experience of mankind ruling the country. This is called public opinion orientation.

Regardless of whether the official or private media, they are doing this almost all the time.

It can be said that the current human society is completely a world of lies that are difficult to distinguish between true and false.

In comparison, what Odin just said was a good lie.

He said in a deep voice, "Although the glove was fake, I know where Thanos got the glove. I will prevent him from getting the glove. This is also a fulfilment of the promise to the people!"

"There are infinite stones!" Frigga reminded.

"Of course, we must also protect the infinite stones, but this is not something I can do alone." Odin cast his eyes to the Midgard, which is the direction of the earth.

Earth, Kamar Taj.

Under the light curtain, just like the audience in other places, the sorcerers here are also silent.

Compared to Thanos' madness and power, the sorcerers are more concerned about Thanos' method of reversing time.

At this moment, Ancient One, Stephen Strange and Karl Mordo were all in the courtyard a little far away, looking up at the light curtain.

When seeing Thanos raising his hand to reveal the green stone on his thumb in the light curtain video, and turning the time around, Karl Mordo's eyes widened, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "Is that the Eye of Agamotto? !"

Then he turned his head to look at the ancient one, " Is the Eye of Agamotto the time stone among the infinite stones?"

Ancient one nodded slightly, "Yes, that's it."

Karl Mordo was even more surprised when he heard this. The Eye of Agamotto was a token of the Supreme sorcerer and was personally protected by the current Supreme sorcerer Ancient one.

In the future exposed by the quiz game, the Eye of Agamotto was captured by Thanos, which means that Thanos defeated the Supreme sorcerer and snatched it from her.

"Is Thanos a stronger existence than the ruler of the dark dimension?" Karl Mordo set off a stormy sea in his heart, and asked tentatively: "Ancient one, have you seen such a future?"

Ancient one glanced at him profoundly but did not answer this question.

Instead, she said to Stephen Strange: "Your study here come to an end."

"Can I go home?" Stephen Strange shrugged. "I think it's pretty good here, at least it's safer than outside."

Ancient one shook her head and pointed out: "When disaster strikes, no place is safe, Stephen, I promised Nick Fury of SHIELD that I will send my disciples to help them. I hope you can help."

Stephen Strange was a little hesitant: "You want me to join the Avengers? Please, I am not interested in those superheroes!"

He has now experienced the mystery of magic and has gradually indulged in it, now he just wants to continue to study the mystery of magic.

"Stephen, you have to know that the power of magic often contains unknown dangers. In my opinion, you have been pacing back and forth on the threshold of danger. You need to calmly think about it for a while." ancient one was determined to send Stephen out.

Stephen Strange had no choice but to agree.

At this moment, in the light curtain video, Thanos used the time stone and got the mind stone from the forehead of Vision and placed it on his glove.

He looked up to the sky and roared, apparently strengthened again.

But Poor Vision died twice in this short time.

At this point, the video ends.

The final standings were displayed on the light curtain, and Loki rushed to answer the last question correctly, ranking first with 3 points.

The second is Wanda Maximoff. She scored 2 points. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers got the last question wrong, each with only 1 point.

Tony Stark complained after seeing this: "Seriously, participating in a game has not earned us more points than completing a travel mission."

"Don't say that Tony, if you can win the game, you can get a mysterious reward. Moreover, the unknown future will always be revealed to us in the game. This is the most important thing"

Steve Rogers shook his head after speaking. He only felt a little regretful, but in the end, it was Loki who won the reward.

Loki was happy at this moment, and said with a grin: "Tony Stark, you can say more, I like to hear the sorrows of losers!"

"Shit! Fuck you Loki!" Tony Stark couldn't help cursing.

Loki smiled happily. "If we can answer the questions together next time, I will beat you again!"

In their bickering, there was a loud voice above their heads: ["Congratulations to player Loki Laufeyson for winning this round of the game, he will receive the mysterious prize-the inheritance of Sylas the unshackled!"]

["Reminder: As the player Loki Laufeyson has been punished by depriving his divine power and magical knowledge, he is currently able to choose one of the two things from restoring his original power to a mysterious reward, please choose one!"]

A golden halo appeared on the light curtain, and it was eager to jump out at any time and sink into Loki's body. As long as he made a choice, he would be able to obtain this inheritance reward.

But at the same time, another option was given. Loki once tried to attack the quiz game and got the punishment he deserved. He now has the opportunity to restore his original strength.

This made him hesitate.

Loki is confident in his power, magic skills and knowledge, and feels that even in Asgard, he is a top sorcerer.

If the future of Thanos was not exposed this time, he would choose to restore his strength. After all, he had obtained it after so many years of hard work. Wouldn't it be a pity to give up?

But now, he hesitated.

The future self is stronger than the current self. Whether it is divine power or magic knowledge, it is stronger than the current self.

But in front of Thanos, he still had no resistance and was strangled to death like a chicken.

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