
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Guardians of Time or Space Lizards?

Scott Lang said, "I think so too. In the video just now, Agent Mobius has been persuaded by Loki. He may help Loki and Sylvie escape from prison!"

Hank Pym felt that their judgment was too absolute and frowned, "Although it's a scam, it's undeniable that they do have the ability to rule and manipulate the timeline. Until the video just now, we only saw the female judge with the highest authority, and the time guardian did not show up yet, I think it is not so easy for Loki to get out of it."

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders: "I said it before; at least in this incident, Loki is the protagonist. How could the protagonist die?"

This question did not give them much time to think, and the countdown began soon.

Players had no choice but to tap the answer button. The lucky one this time was Nick Fury, who immediately chose B. Tony Stark and Scott Lang also chose B.

Loki had nothing to say so he chose B. Hank Pym was a little hesitant, but he also thought that Tony Stark's analysis of the previous questions had been verified to be correct one by one, so he finally chose B.

Just like the previous question, all players chose the same choice for this question, and their expressions were relatively relaxed. They thought that the answer to this question was the same as the previous question, and there must be no suspense.

However, when the correct answer was announced, they were dumbfounded.

[The correct answer: A ]

[player Nick Fury answered incorrectly, 4 points will be deducted; player Tony Stark, player Scott Lang, player Loki Laufeyson, player Hank Pym answered incorrectly, all will deduct 1 point]

Loki frowned: "Are you kidding me? I'm going to die?"

Tony Stark was also very surprised: "It shouldn't be; this guy can't die so easily; there must be something wrong!"

Nick Fury's face is even darker now:" I just succeeded in answering the question first and got it wrong."

Hank Pym sighed: "I reminded you, but unfortunately, I also made a mistake in the end. "

Scott Lang patted his forehead: "Shit, fortunately, I didn't succeed in answering the question first, otherwise, this would have been a big disaster!"

They are all staring at the light curtain, hoping that the correct answer video can explain.

The video starts playing on the light curtain.

In the picture, Sylvie waited for the interrogation board with her legs crossed. The door opened, and the person who came in was a female agent. She was holding a baton, and her face was expressionless.

Sylvie said, "Hello, I don't know your name. Your name is a string of numbers, and I can't see it clearly from here."

As she spoke, she approached the female agent, intending to look for opportunities to resist.

However, the female agent put away her baton and opened the portal at the same time, "Follow me."

Nick Fury said: "She seems to have guessed the deception?"

Tony Stark spread his hands: " They have a chance to make a comeback, and they are both cunning and use to find a way, I don't understand why Loki died in the end?."

"Keep watching, and we will find it out soon. "

In the video, Sylvie follows the female agent to a doomsday scene where they talk unnoticed.

The female agent had been possessed by Sylvie before, so she noticed something and came to Sylvie to ask about it. Naturally, Sylvie didn't hide it. She told everything she has guess about Time Variance authority.

The female agent didn't believe it at first, or couldn't believe it, because, in her existing memory, they were all created by the great guardian of time.

She allowed Sylvie to possess herself again, and through possession, she fully experienced her memories that had been sealed away.

Real and colourful emotional changes appeared on the face of the female agent. Afterwards, she asked, "I just looked happy, didn't I?"

Sylvie nodded.

Scott Lang said with emotion: "They are all a group of poor people. Sylvie is right. They took their lives away."

Loki shrugged: "So, I'm a good guy this time?"

Tony Stark glanced at him: "No, you just had a chance to be a good person, but honestly, I still don't think you are a good person, after all, you are Loki!"

In the video, when the camera turns, Mobius finds Loki who is trapped in the time loop. He seems to use his way to verify the truth that Loki said before, and chooses to believe him and Sylvie.

"You're right about Time Variance Authority, right from the start."

Mobius is going to help Loki rescue Sylvie and tell him, "You can be anything you want to be, even a good person. I mean, maybe someone once insisted on making you a good person"

He saw through the deception and put himself in the perspective of a time criminal. He also didn't want his life to become an established destiny, and he didn't want his life to be taken away.

The two looked at each other and smiled, which also solved the knot in their hearts before. However, as soon as they came out of the portal, they found that the female judge had already led someone to squat outside.

It turns out that Mobius stole the time controller of the female judge Ravonna, and he should have found clues about the truth from it, so he went to Loki to cooperate.

Unfortunately, Ravna also noticed this and waited for them.

Facing this kind of siege, Loki and Mobius had no power to resist. Loki could only watch as Mobius was cut and escorted to the elevator.

Ravonna will personally take him to be judged by the Guardians of Time!

On the other side, Sylvie still returned after talking with the female agent, but the female agent disappeared, and Ravonna issued a wanted letter for her and took Sylvie away at the same time.

Tony Stark frowned and said, "Sylvie and the female agent should have made a plan; otherwise, she should have escaped with her."

Scott Lang shrugged: "I think she doesn't want to abandon her lover."

Tony Stark smiled: "Yes, you are right."

In the video, Ravonna takes the two Lokis to a hidden place, where they finally meet the legendary Guardian of Time.

Three alien-looking guys sat high on the throne.

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows and said, "That's it? They are the so-called omnipotent time guardians? They look like three space lizards."