
Quirkless Gang - Villain Midoria

Izuku Midoriya has grown up quirkless and bullied by his classmates because of this. Inko Midoriya has been coming home drunk since Izuku was 6 and physically abusing him. He is depressed in life, the only things good are heros and a website he's found. www. quirklesspals. net The more he is mistreated the darker his eyes get and it only takes one last shove to push Izuku over the line and rebel in the name of all those without quirks. THIS IS NOT MY BOOK I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SHARE IT ON THIS website

LickSuckEatMyBut · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

The Aftermath



"At 12:05 pm one of the first year hero courses of UA High was attacked during a rescue exercise at the Unforseen Simulation Joint by the members of the Quirkless Rejects and a new villain organization that calls themselves the League of Villains. What do you think about this recent event, Shawn?"

"Well Sherri, it would seem like many more revolts against society are forming as we speak. Stain, the Quirkless Rejects, and now this League of Villains. They all claim to seem something is wrong with modern society."

"I think I can see where they are coming from but cannot personally empathize."

"Yes, Stain claims it's corrupt, the new League claims it is oppressive, and the Quirkless Rejects claims that it is abusive. What do you think will come of this recent turn of events, Sherri?"

"I'm sure that the hero's and authorities will retaliate of some form but of which I have no clue."

"According to our sources, the Quirkless Rejects had two perviously unknown members during the attack."

"Yes. Suspicion says they are the twin son's of the Santcliff Clothing Brand's head that went missing just recently."

"Well, I can't speak for the quirkless as one with a quirk myself, but it would seem that the Quirkless Rejects have become heros of some sort to the quirkless community. Based on the stats, more are for the Quirkless Rejects then against. Even some with quirks of their own."

"Do you think that the Quirkless Rejects will grow in members."

"I believe it is highly probable."

"Well, I guess we shouldn't be preparing just for the hero retaliation but for more from those who support or are part of the Quirkless Rejects. But on to other news now."

"Yes. The puppy on 42nd..."


Incident Report:

Eraserhead: Major concussion, shattered arm, permanent eye damage.

No. 13: Large part of back disintegrated.

Katsuki Bakugou: Bullet wound, broken jaw, two cracked ribs.

Ochako Uraraka: Multiple knife wounds, quirk exhaustion.

Tsuyu Asui: Literally tongue tied, concussion, many knife wounds.

Eijiro Kirishima: Broken arms, three broken ribs, concussion.

Denki Kaminari: Two bullet wounds, quirk exhaustion.

Yuga Aoyama: Quirk exhaustion, deep cut on side.

Tenya Iida: Quirk exhaustion


Katsuki woke up slowly to the sound of a beeping heart monitor. His vision was blurry as he opened his red eyes. The smell of antiseptic and the lull of the beeping filled the senseless void. He blinked to clear his vision and looked around as much as he could from his laying down position.

Nurse, his brain helpfully supplied.

Katsuki pushed himself up, wincing as the bandages shifted in his chest and pain shot through his shoulder. His left arm was oddly numb. Suck, that hurts...

The blonde turned his head at the sound of the door sliding open. Recovery Girl walked in with her cane and sat on her stool. "You are lucky to be alive, young man," she stated bluntly. "If that bullet had been just a little lower then you surely would have died. You also retained a broken jaw and two cracked ribs."

Oh. Right. Deku. Wait! Just a little lower? So if I hadn't of slipped... Katsuki's right hand subconsciously moved to cover his wound. Deku was trying going to kill me! He gulped audibly.

"You will notice that you more than likely can't feel your left arm," continued Recovery Girl knowing that Katsuki wouldn't talk. He nodded. "Feeling will come back but not to its original strength. The nerves had been damaged for too long before I could treat them so your left arm will be partially numb for the rest of your life."

Katsuki just nodded again. Dang it.

"You've been out for about a day but don't worry, school was cancelled for today and tomorrow is the weekend. Take this time to rest and get used to the lower feeling in your arm. Come see me as soon as school starts again." He nodded.

"Your parents will be here to pick you up soon." Recovery Girl left soon after.

Red eyes stared blankly at the white hospital sheets but they weren't really focused.


"You killed him, Bakugo."


"You're running away."

"Like a coward."

"You're scared."

"Beat me, bruised me, burned me, suicide baited me."




The blonde stopped, breath hitching. Kacchan? That's right... Deku was calling me that from the start. He switched midway through.

Katsuki wanted to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time.

He's still there! Somewhere the real Izuku is in that mind. Katsuki slammed his fist on the table next to him.

Like hell it's going to end like this! I'll save you, Deku. I'll save you, Izuku.

The door opened again. "BAKUBRO!!!" Kirishima came waltzing in looking worse for wear. Katsuki, being Katsuki, promptly flipped him the bird.


Shouta woke up feeling numb, body swallowing pain relievers from the IV next to him. His face was next to completely covered in bandages aside from his eyes, which, by the way, looked at the world slightly blurrier than before the USJ.

Right, the USJ. Mikumo...




"I'm sorry, Aizawa."


If Shouta could move his arm he would have punched something. Why? Why did it have to be him!? How did I not notice!?

But Shouta did notice. He did see all of the signs, all of the details and clues pointing towards Mikumo being Deku. He just chose to ignore them by will of his own selfish, irrational desires. Shouta enjoyed the kids company. He enjoyed visiting Soft Blossom Bakery and sitting at his table drinking black coffee. He enjoyed, perhaps, having a son-like figure... He just didn't want to admit that it was all part of a much bigger scheme.

Shouta looked over at the calendar hanging in the room. Two days had passed and it was now the weekend and Shouta was stuck on a hospital bed.

With his mobile arm, the man reached over and picked up his cracked phone on the bedside table. It still worked, thankfully.

<5 New Messages>


Are you ok?


Aizawa please answer me


Aizawa I'm worried about you please reply.


Anything! You don't have to ever talk to me again but please PLEASE just say something!!!


I'm sorry, Aizawa... I'm so, so sorry...

Shouta sighed sadly. What am I supposed to say to that? I need to stop and be rational about this.

<Aizawa has come online>


I'm okay.

<Mikumo has come online>


I'm so glad! ^-^


Look, kid, we need to talk.








I know.


Give me a week to heal up then I'm stopping by the bakery.




<Aizawa has gone offline>

Shouta put his phone down. Dang it. Why can't I just be rational like I was before I met him?


Yagi sat in the nurses office in a hospital bed next to Young Bakugou. He was unconscious. Aizawa and No. 13 as well. Yagi looked out the window as Naomasa talked.

If only I had been faster.

If only I hadn't talked with Nedzu.

All of the "if onlys" went through his head.

If only I hadn't met Young Midoriya maybe none of this would have ever happened...

A tap on his should snapped Yagi out of his daze. The blonde turned to his old friend. "Yagi, are you okay?" asked Naomasa.

Yagi couldn't help the tears that fell from his blue, sunken eyes. Naomasa sat and held him gently with an arm around Yagi's shoulders.

"I- I'm supposed t- to be a hero! The Symbol of Peace!"

Naomasa patted his back. "Not everyone is perfect, Yagi. We are only human. Maybe this was just destined to happen. You had to tell him the truth," Naomasa was one of the few who knew about Yagi's and Young Midoriya's previous meeting. "It would have been more cruel to let him keep going even after offering the boy your quirk. You can't blame yourself for this, Yagi."

Yagi still did though.


Izuku sat on his air mattress in a ball rocking himself back and forth. The squeaking of the plastic filling the silence. He hadn't even changed from his costume.

"You almost killed him!"

But I didn't.

"If he hadn't have tripped you would have!"

But he tripped so I didn't.

Deku, Izuku, calm down.

"Shut up Mikumo, this is between me and Deku. I thought we agreed on not killing people."

He deserves it!

"I- I mean sure h-he made my life he-"

He killed you, Izuku. *CRACK*

"Shut up. He didn't kill me"

Didn't he thou-

Deku stop-

No. Izuku needs to hear this. Baku-


BAKUGO. Bakugou killed you.

"He didn't kill me!" *CRACK*

Think about it. Where is that same old nerd that loved heros and quirks? That cowarded around his own peers? That flinched at the slightest movement of a hand? Where is the kid who smiled and laughed at dumb hero videos?

"I'm still here!"

Are you? Do you still love heros?

"No..." *CRACK*

Do you still bow down to your old bullies?

"No." *CRACK*

Are you still weak? Can you not stand up for yourself? Do you still go to that middle school, live in that city, that apartment, wear those old clothes, laugh at the same things?"



HE KILLED YOU! You may still refer to yourself as Izuku but he took the you you used to be and told you to jump off a building! The second you considered, it the old happy, still motivated you died. Your hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, all that is gone! *CRACK*

Okay Dek-

See? You even have completely different lives! If that person isn't here anymore then tell me, Izuku. Tell me where he is.


"He's gone..."

Why is he gone?


"H- he's dead."

Who is?


"I- Izuku Midoriya i- is dead."





