
Quick transmigration: Novel world rectifier

Andrew wins a new age gaming device that promises a gaming experience no different from the real world. It claims to able to let the blind have vision in the game world! ... [The great Dao has created 3,000 small worlds, the worlds are based on novels made by the most creative creatures from the first world it created. Then the great Dao let it's subordinates, the heavenly Dao, oversee the small worlds, but now, it has been accused of being unfair! The protagonists of some worlds have too much luck and cheats, and so, they bring lack of balance to these worlds. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel to these worlds and rectify the situation. The more worlds you rectified, the greater the reward you shall receive!]

chrysantheater · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Talk about marriage

In the original novel, because Latoya refused Garfield's courting, she became the example of a power and money loving shallow woman.

Garfield married her slightly less attractive younger sister, with an inferiority complex.

Although he acted like he didn't care about the rejection, he destroyed Mathew's family's business.

In the end, Garfield became the rich one, thus showing the contrast between his marriage with his "pure" wife, and her superficial elder sister's marriage with Matthew.

All business avenues that Latoya and her husband would try to pursue, would end up failing badly, this might or might not be due to the interference of a certain protagonist.

There were even a few chapters whereby he and her wife would show up and rub their success into her nose, while making it look like she was petty.

Looking at his very active fiance, Andrew decided that although he would not advance their relationship during his stay, he would do his best to protect her.

When they got to the dining room, Andrew found that Latoya's father, mother and younger sister were already seated.

"Good evening, father, mother and sister."

Andrew greeted with a smile.

"Hahaha, good evening to you as well, come, come sit down."

"No, come sit next to me."

The parents were very pleased with such a greeting that pulled them closer.

They greeted him warmly, and they even started a small quarrel over where he would sit.


The younger sister also greeted softly.

As he was struggling over the decision of where to sit, Latoya dragged him to a seat next to her's.

While everyone was in a jovial mood, Garfield also walked into the room, and Frank formally introduced him to the family.

After a few golden shines, everyone in the room, including the servants, liked him better.

But the person who suffered the most golden hits was the younger sister.

Andrew didn't know how to stop it, so he could only quietly watch, but he could tell from Garfield's rolling eyes that he was already plotting Mathew's downfall.

"Here, have a taste of this."

Looking at the half raw and half burnt piece of meat that was placed on his plate, Andrew could guess who cooked it even if he was thinking with his toes.

Although his right eye kept twitching, Andrew ate it with a smile, and he even commented lightly.

"Such... Unique flavor. Who made this? Do you mind lending him to me? I need such a chef?"

A smile like a blossoming flower broke out on Latoya's face, and she responded in a happy tone.

"It was me, I made it!"

"Truly? You must be lying to me!"

Andrew soon regretted his praise, as a bowl of soup with a suspicious colour was passed to him.

"I'm not lying, here, try this as well."

After having a taste, he suspected that instead of seasoning the soup with salt, soup was used to season the salt.

Even though his taste buds were dying, he still forced a smile and praised.

"It is so... So... So tasty."

The mother watched all of this with a smile on her face, as she seemed to be very pleased.


A dissatisfied snort broke the warm atmosphere.

It turns out that the father was displeased with his daughter, he had never experienced such care from his daughter, why should the pig that broke into his farm experience it before him.

The mother giggled as she placed a few dishes into her husbands plate, while Andrew's eyes shone, he had finally found a saviour.

So he schemingly whispered a few words into Latoya ear.

A few moments later, Frank had a bowl of suspiciously coloured soup in front of him, and a few burnt pieces of meat on his plate.

He had a smile on his face, but his insides were green with regret.

His wife kept giggling, and she smiled so much that her eyes turned into crescent moons.


During the meal, the topic of marrying Garfield to Frank's other daughter, Samantha (15), came up during conversation.

Latoya euphemistically expressed the fact that Garfield was currently still homeless, and he had yet to achieve any major progress with his business idea, and that it was too hasty to talk about marriage with him.

Unfortunately, Samantha who had been bombarded by the protagonist's halo since the beginning, and had been whispering with Garfield, expressed her willingness to marry.

"I don't care that much about money, and although I just met Garfield, I think that he is a very suitable marriage partner."

Frank, who felt that his eldest daughter had a valid point, decided that when Garfield's business could compete with the other painting hegemon in the city, then he could marry his daughter.

This decision earned Latoya a few glares from the couple.

The topic then shifted to Mathew's marriage with Latoya.

Andrew decided to exchange engagement gifts with the Oswell family, and procrastinated the marriage.

He cited the fact that he was still grieving his father's death, and the fact that his family was setting up a new business, so he might be too distracted to marry in the short term as his reasons.

Although disappointed, Latoya expressed her understanding of his situation.

In order to appease the family, Andrew promised to marry her within 2 months.

'i will be long gone by then, and maybe the real Mathew will come back after I am gone.'

He thought to himself.


After dinner, Andrew shared a few cups of wine with Frank and Garfield, before excusing himself as his stomach started making weird sounds.

'I really shouldn't have eaten so much of Latoya's cooking! This is no different from drinking poison knowingly!'

"At least there is someone who ate way more than me, hahaha, Tommy, let's go home."

Garfield also excused himself as it was getting really late.

He had made rapid progress in his relationship with the widow, and today he might take last step, so didn't go to a hotel, he instead hired a carriage to go to the widow's house.

Frank who was left alone quickly got up after everyone left.

With an ugly expression on his face, he ran to the outhouse with clamped ass cheeks.

"Maybe it is a good thing for her to marry away as soon as possible."

He mumbled to himself.


To be continued

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