
Quick transmigration: Novel world rectifier

Andrew wins a new age gaming device that promises a gaming experience no different from the real world. It claims to able to let the blind have vision in the game world! ... [The great Dao has created 3,000 small worlds, the worlds are based on novels made by the most creative creatures from the first world it created. Then the great Dao let it's subordinates, the heavenly Dao, oversee the small worlds, but now, it has been accused of being unfair! The protagonists of some worlds have too much luck and cheats, and so, they bring lack of balance to these worlds. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel to these worlds and rectify the situation. The more worlds you rectified, the greater the reward you shall receive!]

chrysantheater · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Last day

"So today is the fourth day huh?"

Andrew dazedly observed the sun that was shyly peeking at the world from behind a distant hilltop, lost in thought.

He dad not expected to spend so much time inside the game when he came in, but now he was feeling a bit reluctant to leave.

Ever since he dropped out of college, he has been playing games and reading novels to pass time, living everyday without purpose.

Since he dad inherited a lot of money and property, he really didn't need to find a job, or anything like that.

He finally found something that he lacked in his life while playing this game, purpose, drive, motivation, so he felt a bit reluctant to leave.

"Sir, they have arrived and they are waiting for you in your study."

Mordecai's old voice brought Andrew back to reality.

"Mm, tell them I'll be right there."

In order to keep his "siblings" away from Garfield, Andrew has prepared to give the two some work to keep them occupied.

Andrew quickly took a few bites of the toasted bread on his Platte and quickly gulped down the rest of his coffee, before wearing his coat and making his way to the study.

Walking into the study, his attention was drawn by the figures of two people, a young man and a young lady.

The girl had a face that was thirty percent similar to the one he currently had, wearing a relatively expensive looking purple dress, with light make up on.

On the other hand, the boy had an appearance with a seventy percent similarity to his, and one could tell that he had just woken up from the way he was dressed and the dark circles under his eyes.

Looking at him, Andrew couldn't help but shake his head.

"You were hanging out with those crooked dates and broken melons you call friends again?"

Hearing this question, Anthony guiltily kept his head down.

The friends that Andrew was talking about, were a few commoner friends that Anthony made while he was in school.

They please Anthony by boasting and constantly praising him, while they use power mod money to run a mock doing all kinds of bad deeds.

This is how he had met Garfield in the novel, those friends of his used Anthony's name to try grab one of Garfield's women.

Of course they didn't really succeed.

Anthony and his friends were beaten until their faces were swollen like a pigs head, and Anthony begged for mercy and took out his family name to try intimidate Garfield.

Learning that he came from the Harden family, Garfield decided to accept him as an underling, and he used him like an ATM withdrawal machine.

"Those people are not really your friends, they are just using you, can't you even tell?"

"They are not like that! We have known each other since..."

Realizing that there was no saving this kid, Andrew interrupted with a flat tone

"If you keep hanging out with those people, then I will cut off your money."

"No, but I..."

"It's decided! This is not a discussion!"

Andrew was having none of it.

He then turned his attention to Natasha, giving her a nod of approval.

Although she had just graduated, and had nothing to do at home, she still woke up early.

After sharing a few polite words with the two, he ignored Anthony's gloomy mood and guided them towards a table to sit.

"It has come to my attention that although the two of you have graduated, you have nothing to do but stay at home or spend time with your friends all day."

"At first I wanted to put you in some relatively good positions in our family's businesses, but I feel that it would be unfair to those that deserve promotions."

"On top of that, I really can't put you into executive positions as you do not have any experience."

"Before I can put you into executive positions, you have to prove yourselves to other family members and show that you are competent enough..."

As Andrew was giving an impassioned speech, he was interrupted by Anthony's mumbling.

"Those untouchables? What does it matter what they think? You are the family patriarch, just make the decisions."

Although Anthony was not his real sibling, Andrew still felt disappointed when he realized how dumb this kid was.

'His father was too lenient on him! To make things worse, when their father died, Mathew adopted an indulgence form of parenting, he didn't want his siblings hurt.'

After letting out a sigh of disappointment, Andrew glanced at Natasha and asked for her opinion.

"Do you think the same as him?"

Natasha frowned and thought for a while before responding.

"Yes, no, I mean, although you can indeed make such an executive decision, in the long run, it is better for us to prove ourselves first."

Hearing this, Andrew signaled Natasha to continue.

"Well, first of all, we really don't know if we have the proper skills to successfully run a business, so it is better to get more opportunities to test us."

"Secondly, although many people that work for us have foreign surnames, they are still side branches with the Harden surname, and they deserve recognition."

Andrew couldn't help but clap after listening to his little sister, and seeing how clear headed she was.

"Good, but there is something that you left out."

"I am not afraid to tell you that although we own the business in name, but our right to speak has declined ever since our father passed away!"

"If we do anything wrong, someone from the side branches might take the opportunity to suppress my right to speak even more!"

"There are many hidden battles that you don't know about, and even though I want to count on you two to help me out, you have to have that ability in the first place!"

The two younger siblings seemed to be surprised by the news, but Natasha's surprise was small has she had once speculated such a possibility.

"Anyway, we are going off topic."

"I called you two over today because I want to put you in charge of a new business that I am interested in trying."


To be continued

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