
Quick transmigration became the supporting ML in BG novels as a female

I was this normal company worker but that's not the most important thing, I became a man! As a female. Now that's also not that horrendous other than that I died, got bond to system . The worse is that the absurd system chose the male gender instead of the female for me to transmit!! I.am doomed as a supporting ML even though I am a woman *Not my cover*

Ryoukardo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Hero impressing

I opened my eyes as I felt a jolt when we reached town. It really took me by surprise as I rubbed my head which was hit hard.

While Dark on the other hand seemed pretty fine as his eyes were closed. He didn't even care about me getting hurt!

As I complained in my heart, the carriage door opened and the driver stood outside, he spoke," we have reached your Highness".

I nodded at that as I got up, but before I could get out, Dark was ahead of me and out. I was wondering how this guy was like that in the novel while in reality, he seemed to be so far away from a knight in shining armour.

I sigh at that, as I got off the carriage and motioned for Dark to wait. I took out a robe with a hood out of the carriage and worn it. He rolled his eyes at me as he went to stand a bit away from the alley in which the carriage was standing.

I told the driver to come to get us in the evening as I walked towards Dark.

"System, is there any story event in this street?" I asked as I pondered over it.

The system spoke with the cold voice of a machine, "Yes, host there is an event happening here, This is the beginning event of the novel, which starts off the appearance of the male lead".

I frowned at that, "You mean it's a stage for the hero's entry?"

"Yes host, you are right about that, this event portrays the hero's character".

I nodded at that as I said, "Give me the details of it".

"Ok, host, I am sending all the details related to this to you". I hummed as I closed my eyes and received it.

The beginning of the novel starts with of course the cliche 'hero saving the world'. A commoner boy was been beaten as he stole a bread piece, the owner was pretty cruel as he didn't show any mercy but called the imperial knights on him, who beat the boy as a punishment for stealing, and that's why the hero came and stopped this with his position as the duke.

I mean they didn't really have to beat him, they could have just given him a punishment instead of beating a child. That's why Richard hated the Royals. I sighed at that as I spoke, "When is the event due?"

"Host, this...it is due for today..".

I widen my eyes at that as anger rushed into my eyes, "Oh wow! System and you are telling me this now?"

"I forgot host, my apologies", the system spoke.

I sighed at that, as I was still lost in my problems, Dark, who stood ahead of me just stared at me with a 'You are definitely crazy!' look.

I sighed at that as I spoke up, "Let's go". With that Dark followed behind me as we entered the street.

The whole street was covered in nothing but darkness, and the stalls were empty with no customers to greet, except some nobles, while there were many poor and homeless on the corner on the ground. I frowned at this situation, all this was happening because of Royals in truth, or mostly the nobles. They were eating away all the money or wealth which should have been used by the commoners. I admit it, I am no Mary Su but I lived in a democracy. It's difficult to see such treatment.

Just then I saw a boy sneaking towards a bread shop. I knew exactly what was going to happen soon. The boy took over a bread piece while the owner of the bread shop was not looking. Yet the boy was not very lucky, as he tried to run away, the bread shop owner saw him

Stealing and caught him in a second. He pulled on the young boy's thin arms, as he pushed the boy down on the ground.

In truth, I was going to save the boy for making a good impression on Richard but now I just really want to save the poor boy. Seeing this suffering was too much for me who lived in the modern times. Before I knew I was already on my feet and walking towards the boy.

Dark was stunned by this move of mine, especially me the crown prince who always liked to stay neutral to the misery of the commoners. He stood in his place as I walked to the boy who was getting beaten. The bread owner was not supposed to hit him, it was supposed to be the knight's job but I think because of my involvement some things have changed.

Just as the bread owner was about to hit the boy again, I caught his hand. He froze as he looked over me and spoke with disdain, "Who are you? Huh?"

I spoke with Morale, "Just someone who can't see a child being hit".

The man chuckled at that as he spoke, "Do you know what he did? He steals my bread! He is a dirty bastard!"

I scowled at that, I threw his hand off as I kneeled down and took the boy in my arms. The boy was thin as paper, blood was leaking out of his mouth.

"Well, you are no different than him". I said as I motioned Dark to walk to me.

He who was frozen, woke up from his daze and strolled towards me.

The man glared at me angrily, at my remark. He was fuming like a bull. Just then the imperial knights arrived. I looked at them, as the head of knights, stood in front of me.

"What's the issue here?" the Head of the knights asked as he stared at the shop owner and me.


While all this was happening, no one noticed a young man with a hood standing in a corner. Only a glimpse of his face could be seen. Raven hair shined and sharp red eyes flourished in the light. The high nose bridge stood tall and the sweet lips were tightly pressed into a line.

His eyes were full of chaos and confusion as he stared at the young man in the centre of the crowd holding a thin poor boy in his arms. Just like how he was once, poor, dirty, and on the verge of death. The boy reminded him of his ugly past, the sorrow he suffered and the pain which was brought upon him by these nobles made his blood boil. He closed his eyes as he tried to calm down his fury. He turned around and walked away from the hidden little corner. As the commotion on the street continued.