
Quests in Every Anime World

I, An Orphan Who Died Due To Being Crushed By Ruins During An Earthquake Was Given A Chance To Live Again. But Because Of A Mistake, I Got Reincarnated In The Anime World I've Been Watching. I'm quite grateful for that mistake because it allows me to enjoy life in the anime world. This Reincarnation Is Not Free, I Have To Complete Every Quest Given. Completing the Quests Wasn't a Problem Because I Got Something Better. ===== This is just a fanfiction story. I Do Not Have Any Authority Regarding Any Series I Write. English is not my main language, if there is a wrong word, please understand.

ArthZY · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs


It's Just a Fictional Story


"Hey, wake up!"

'Hmm.. Whose voice is that?'

"Wake up I said! How much longer are you going to sleep?"

'What is your problem? I'm tired, want to sleep while you're so noisy'

"Don't sleep here, this is not your place!"

'Haa... What are you talking about?'

I was still half asleep when I answered this voice that sounded like a woman's. The voice said that this is not my place, bullshit.

I was sleeping in my room after work, how can this not be my place?

With this thought I finally fully awoke from my sleep and saw darkness all around me.

It's strange, even though I turned off the lights in my room I should be able to still look around, but it's pitch black and there's a white ball-shaped light floating in front of me.

Seeing this I wanted to rub my eyes to make sure if this was a hallucination or not, but I quickly realized that the hand I wanted to move wasn't there.

I was shocked, how could I lose my hand when I woke up? As I tried to get up, I finally realized that my entire body was gone.

What really happened? Is this a dream? But it feels like real.

"Finally you woke up. It took quite a while too".

'Who are you? And what happened to me?'

"You can think of me as an Angel whose job is to reincarnate dead people"

'Wait!!! Reincarnation? I am dead?'

"Of course, if you were still alive there's no way you would be in this place"

'What place is this? what is the afterlife? Also how do I die'

"This place isn't the afterlife, but the Dimensional Gap. And the cause of your death… The area you lived in experienced a sizeable earthquake, and your residence was destroyed due to poor quality construction, causing immediate death."

'Earthquake? Damn, I live in a country in Asia but not a big country. My area did experience earthquakes several times but the strength was not too big and now I'm dying because of it. Haaahh... So, what will happen to me now? You said about reincarnation earlier'

"Yesss, usually humans will experience reincarnation after death but your case is different"

'What is the difference?'

"You shouldn't be in this place, an accident seems to have happened and you ended up here. Also you've been in this place for too long so your soul absorbs too much of the energy that is here"

'Too long? Exactly how long?'

"According to the time you used, you've been here for at least 10,000 years"

10,000? Shit... How could I sleep so long? Alright.

'Will I be reincarnated?'

"That's right, but you won't be returning to your old world but instead going to another world. If you force your way back into your old world, you'll be too strong".

'I see, including the Anime world?'

"Hmm? Of course you can. You want to go there?"

'You can send me there, i do not mind'

I answered in a disinterested tone, but the truth was that I was really happy about this.

I always watch anime when I have spare time and am quite enamored with it. Even though other people's impressions of anime fans are quite bad, life is quite enjoyable.

I don't really have many friends but I do have 3 friends who are very close to me, and my face is also not bad so I was able to have a girlfriend in the early 2nd grade of high school even though I broke up at graduation because I was going to be far apart.

She will study at the university in the capital, while I will work in a city that is quite far from the capital.

Even though I didn't mind, but she couldn't live with it so we broke up on good terms and didn't have bad feelings for each other.

I went straight to work because my family was poor, my parents died in an accident when I was young so my grandparents took care of me after the accident.

Thanks to them I was able to grow well, and wanted to repay their services so I decided to work after graduation.

I didn't count with them, gave most of my salary even though they initially refused but after I persuaded them they were willing to accept it.

But they don't use it, they just keep it. They said for the cost of my wedding later, I can only agree. Instead, every week I take them out to eat at a restaurant.

After 5 months of work, grandfather died first because of age. 6 months later grandmother followed because of illness.

I am quite saddened by the departure of both of them but I continue to live with all my heart.

And now, I die from an earthquake on my way home from work. Well, what can I do. What has happened, let it happen.

I can see a light in front of me, even though I have no eyes.

"You seem quite happy" she said mockingly.

She knows!

'So be it. So I can choose which world I want?'

"No, the goal has been set. The energy absorbed in your soul will become your strength later. You also can't choose a peaceful world"

'Then, can I have the power of switching worlds?'

"Maybe, but it will cost you more than half of the energy you absorb"

'Good, I like it'

"Then agree, the strength you have you will know once you get out of here"

'Thank you, I'm ready for reincarnation'

After I said that, my eyes felt heavy and saw the illusion that the light that spoke to me had a smile on its lips.


Opening my eyes, I was in a room with interiors like Japanese rooms in general.

With the bed I now use, desk and chair for study, wardrobe, bookshelves. Nothing special but I'm fine.

Pain immediately attacks my head, this is the memory that this body experienced until the moment I took it.

This body, no... I have the name Hiro Kageyama, a 14 year old who just graduated from elementary school.

A surname similar to Tobio from Haikyuu, is pretty good.

Lives alone because his parents were killed during a riot caused by the Villain.

Yes, Villain. I'm currently in the World of Boku No Hero Academia. And my home area is in Musutafu with UA High School 2 train stops away, quite close.

But the matter of whether I'm the same age as MC, Izuku Midoriya is unknown. In memory, this body never met Midoriya.

If I'm in this world, it means I have a Quirk. I recalled in my memory that my Quirk was allowing me to manipulate shadows.

Its official name is Shadow Monarch, coincidence or not, I don't mind. The name is cool, so I can't refuse it right?

I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom to wash my face. My face appeared in the mirror, which was surprisingly similar to my face in my previous life.

But with a little change that makes me look more handsome than before.

I wouldn't call him too handsome, but still enough to make me have a girlfriend.

When I looked in the mirror, a transparent blue screen appeared in front of me.

[System Install Complete]

[Host Can Now Use Available Features]

Wow, amazing. Besides getting the Quirk, I also got the System.

Let's see what this System can do.


Thank you for reading this chapter, if you like it you can add it to the collection. But if not, you don't need to read it.

Don't forget the Power Stone if you

have any left.

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