
Quests in Every Anime World

I, An Orphan Who Died Due To Being Crushed By Ruins During An Earthquake Was Given A Chance To Live Again. But Because Of A Mistake, I Got Reincarnated In The Anime World I've Been Watching. I'm quite grateful for that mistake because it allows me to enjoy life in the anime world. This Reincarnation Is Not Free, I Have To Complete Every Quest Given. Completing the Quests Wasn't a Problem Because I Got Something Better. ===== This is just a fanfiction story. I Do Not Have Any Authority Regarding Any Series I Write. English is not my main language, if there is a wrong word, please understand.

ToryTasy_21 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Entrance Examination

I entered a very large room that was used to do written exams.

The problem itself is like the school entrance examination in general, the difference is that at UA there are questions about Heroism.

The written exam is over and it's time to explain the practical exam with Present Mic as the speaker.

"Everyone, welcome to my show. Everybody say 'Hey'!" (Present Mic)


"What an even response. I'll quickly show you the agenda for this practice exam then!" (Present Mic)

Present Mic's appearance makes Midoriya become a fanboy and mutter various things he knows, but then is told to be quiet by Bakugo.

"As it says on the form, you will be doing a trial battle in the urban area after this.

You are free to bring anything, then after this seminar you will be moved to a designated area.

There are 3 types of enemies in each area, you will get points depending on the level of difficulty.

The goal is to use Quirk to collect points by defeating these artificial enemies.

Of course attacking other participants and doing evil is prohibited" (Present Mic)

After the explanation, someone raised their hand to ask a question. That person was Tenya Iida.

"Can I ask something?" (Iida)

"Okay" (Present Mic)

"The sheet says 4 different types of enemies. If this is a typo, then UA High School which is a famous school in Japan, should be ashamed of this.

We as examinees came here because we hoped to become exemplary Heroes.

Plus, you're the curly-haired one. You've been babbling ever since. You're annoying.

If you're just here to have fun, you better hurry home."

Honestly seeing Iida's attitude is quite annoying for me, he is too stiff and always acts like a manual.

Perhaps it was due to the influence of his family which was a family that always produced Heroes in every generation.

Midoriya apologized and Present Mic continued his explanation again.

"Okey Okey, thanks for the criticism. The fourth type artificial enemies are worth 0 points, just like the barriers placed in each area.

If you meet, just run. You can beat him too but you won't get anything" (Present Mic)

"Thank you very much" Iida said as he bowed.

"That's all I can say. In closing, this is my prize, our school's motto! Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!"

After that we left the room and went to the locker room to change the clothes to be used for the practical exam.

After changing our clothes, we were taken by bus to the artificial city, where the exam was taking place.

I went to Battle Area B, same as Midoriya. From a close look, this artificial city looks like a real one with various buildings inside, moreover there are several more like this.

Principal Nezu really has a lot of money, how much did it actually take to create this school?

Forget it, I don't want to think about it.

In front of the artificial city gate it is seen that Iida is reprimanding Midoriya which is noticed by the other participants who think that Midoriya will fail.

But I didn't wait, when most people's attention was directed to Midoriya I immediately ran to find the first enemy.

Behind, I hear Present Mic that the exam has started because the real battle doesn't have a countdown.

When everyone heard this, they all started running to catch up on their respective points.

Whereas I have met the first robot, which has 1 point. Alright, time to show the results of my training.

Name: Hiro Kageyama

Age : 15

Job : Shadow Monarch


Shadow Manipulation

Shadow Compaction

Shadow Exchange

Shadow Sense

Shadow Steps


Martial Arts


Breathing Technique

Strengths : 44

Agility : 47

Vitality : 40

Intelligent : 51

Will : 54

SP : 1.005

Points : 3,350

I managed to unlock 2 new skills from Job Shadow Monarch, and several other skills.

Whereas Shadow Sense is a skill that I created myself by spreading my shadow to recognize objects around me.

The Breathing Technique itself hasn't reached Total Concentration Breathing yet, I can still feel the power increase when using it.

I didn't copy any other Breathing Techniques, but instead made my own which is Shadow Breathing.

My Shadow Breathing only has 5 moves that haven't all reached their full potential yet, so there's still room for improvement.

Time to use SP to increase my Stats.

Name: Hiro Kageyama

Age : 15

Job : Shadow Monarch


Shadow Manipulation

Shadow Compaction

Shadow Exchange

Shadow Sense

Shadow Steps


Martial Arts


Breathing Technique

Strengths : 250 (+201)

Agility : 250 (+203)

Vitality : 245 (+205)

Intelligent : 250 (+199)

Will : 250 (+196)

SP : 1

Points : 850

Immediately a warm energy entered my body and strengthened it. The sensation that I feel is also quite pleasant, maybe I will like this increase in Stats.

There is still 1 SP that I will leave for now. I keep my Stats balanced against each other which makes me inconspicuous in one area.

Since examinees are allowed to bring anything, I decided to bring a 90 cm long Katana. Oh, that's right, in this year I've grown to be 174 cm tall.

All parts of the sword are black, with small carvings of an Eastern Dragon on the blade and scabbard.

You guys saw the change in Points, which I used to buy that Katana. Although the quality is not the highest, but I can still use it for now.

Seeing the robot 1 point, I readied my sword. The robot noticed my presence and went into attack mode.

The robot's iron arm shot up high to crush me beneath it. Hoping that I lost, the robot realized too late that the two metal arms were cut right at the joints.

"Shadow Breathing : First Form, Slasher's Black Shadow" (Hiro)

Dark blades horizontally shot out from my attack cut off the robot's hand. Seeing that the robot was unprepared, I made a follow-up attack.

"Shadow Breathing : Third Form, Midnight Shadow" (Hiro)

My attack moves vertically from the bottom up forming a straight line directly splitting the robot into 2.

I was somewhat satisfied with my attacks, then continued looking for another target. Not far from there I saw 2 robots, 2 Points and 3 Points.

I didn't immediately attack from the front, but used Shadow Steps to close in unnoticed.

The two robots noticed me a little too late which I managed to cut into 2 pieces.

Using Shadow Sense, I managed to sense where the robot was which I rushed at and defeated it.

I did this until my Points were around 40 plus, I didn't want to attract attention for now so I limited the Points I got.

After stopping defeating robots, I continued saving other participants.

Not only defeating robots to get Points, saving also gets Points because Heroes don't always fight baddies.

Most of the Hero's goals exist, is to help and save citizens. What's the point of Hero School if saving isn't rewarded.

Especially UA High School, which is known as the best Hero School in Japan.

I saw that there were several examinees who had difficulty fighting off the robots, then rushed to save them.

Even though some were angry because they felt their points were stolen, I didn't mind and kept looking for other participants who needed help.

A few minutes later a giant robot, 0 Points, appears in this area. The participants run away, away from the robot.

But the frightened Midoriya fell backwards, seeing the giant robot getting closer to him.

Midoriya tried to escape on all fours, but saw Uraraka who was crushed by the rubble.

Strengthening his resolve, Midoriya activated his One For All power to jump high and smash the robot to pieces.


Even though he had to sacrifice his hands and feet, he could at least save Uraraka.

When he fell from a great height, Midoriya panicked but luckily just as he was about to hit the ground, Uraraka used her Quirk to stop Midoriya.

After that the exam ended, showing Midoriya who looked desperate because he felt he didn't get any Points.

In my case, I really didn't intend to beat the robot, just saw from the side the scene of Midoriya the first time he uses One For All.

Then Recovery Girl came to the exam site to heal the injured. I didn't get any injuries, and went straight to the locker room and then went home.

It took me a week to get the exam pass notification and I was pretty sure that I passed it.


Thank you for reading this chapter, if you like it you can add it to the collection. But if not, you don't need to read it.

Don't forget the Power Stone if you

have any left.

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