
Queen Of Ice I Book- I

" I thought I could learn to love you- I really wanted to. But all you did was use and abuse me- you treated me like one of those women you will sleep with and the next day their dignity was mare trophy showcased to the world. You told me again and again that I was the only one for you. But efforts and love was what you were lacking and I like a blind fool followed you to every corner of the world even to death hoping every single day you will learn to respect me back but I was delusional lovesick fool." He clasped her hands tightly in his- adamant to plead with her to give him a chance. He promised himself he would make it up to her and prove that her love had changed him for the better. He was desperate because the very thought that this was the last chance he had with her made him fearful, just the thought of losing her made his heart ache but his pleadings, tears and wailing proved to be futile as she walked away. He watched her step away from him even when he tried to hold onto her, his hands were freezing cold due to the snow. His tears wouldn't stop and his voice had gone hoarse . His cries falling on deaf ears and not ones did she look back at him as she went further and out of sight. He was left there in the cold stormy night. His wail breaking the peace of the night. But he knew she gave up on him. He knew he lost her forever- "Farewell my sweet love- till we meet again. I promise to make you exclusively mine."

Social_Butterfly52 · Teen
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Chapter IV : Regrets

I was lost, frightened and never felt this empty.

Where do I go from here? Whom do I seek for help? The night was dark and still, and there was not a soul in sight. I was driven by an unexplainable urge to flee though I could see no potential danger. Maybe it was just me who was still being dillusional or maybe I had sensed something quite out of ordinary that I couldn't pinpoint. Out of breathe, parched and sweaty I felt as if my bones were protesting out loud with even slight movements. My heart was racing, my legs tired and weighted me down, my arm too felt as if they would fall off, my brows sweaty and my hairs wet and sticking to my neck and head. I pushed the hair strands out of my eyesight and than collapse to the ground.

My heart-felt heavy both with unspeakable pain and the shame of being a coward - I should have stayed back even if it meant I could die. I abandoned my mother and left her to die there while I ran away to protect myself to no avail. Now I could die here alone, in midst of no where without any help or resources. No-one would know what happened to me what if my parents were safe and were looking for me while I am stuck here and lost. They would be worried about me I needed to find them, I needed to go back and find them no matter in what state they were. Her beliefs were irrational and driven by false hope and a sort of suicide , however, because they are the product of wishful thinking. She was trying to find reasons to believe what she wanted to be part of reality.

Below the moonlight her once porcelain skin appeared dull and is coated with grains of sand, it appeared rough and littered with fresh and old scars. She looked at her hands, but her mind was somewhere far away. Her eyes were so full, but her heart so empty that she felt as if she was going to break apart. The worry and fear seeped through her veins.

Tears flowed from eyes, her tears were warm and weighted her down. Her nose runny and her skin feverish. She tried to choke back her sobs but finally feeling overwhelmed by them ended up sobbing out loud. She felt so vulnerable and feeble at that moment.

But just than she is jostled from her train of thoughts as she heard someone approaching her. Looking up her eyes widened as she came face to face with a tall figure. Standing just few feet apart from her, she was terrified, she was quick to her feet and ready to bolt but he didn't give her the opportunity. He was quick to grab her and flipped her body, she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of the ground that never came, he had secured her to his body and broken her fall, their bodies hit the ground rather gently than she imagined. He on top of her, as she laid on her back while he faced her. His arms entrapping her - his legs spread around her and she knew there was no escape as he laid on top of her securing her body to his.

She looked at him with her lips parted in shock, her eyes were wide open she was stunned and fearful at the same time.

"Please leave me alone don't kill me I beg of you ." She pleaded with him. Her voice was cracking and low. Will he rape her and when done with her kill her? Or torture her and then kill her slowly and painfully. There was no one around her who she called for her and she was entirely at his mercy now. Her mind was filled with a lot of spine-chilling thoughts. She couldn't think straight, it was as if her body was paralyzed with the intensity of fear.

The woman was both small and very timid he could tell as he stood over her and no match for his strong and well built body, if she was to fight him her body wouldn't offer much resistance or any protection. The way she flinched away as he brought his body closer to her, the way she teared her gaze away as their eyes met .He could do anything to her with the power he held over her but that only meant hurting her. He could feel her anxiety rolling off her in waves, he could also read her thoughts clearly as if they were written on her face. It made him angry at himself for appearing as a threat to her, he was stunned at himself for being over protective of her and caring about her when they were practically strangers.

"So what should I do with you my little hamster. " He murmured sorely with the purpose to scare her and nothing more he was left both concerned and baffled as she let out a piercing scream and than went numb.

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