
Queen Of Ice I Book- I

" I thought I could learn to love you- I really wanted to. But all you did was use and abuse me- you treated me like one of those women you will sleep with and the next day their dignity was mare trophy showcased to the world. You told me again and again that I was the only one for you. But efforts and love was what you were lacking and I like a blind fool followed you to every corner of the world even to death hoping every single day you will learn to respect me back but I was delusional lovesick fool." He clasped her hands tightly in his- adamant to plead with her to give him a chance. He promised himself he would make it up to her and prove that her love had changed him for the better. He was desperate because the very thought that this was the last chance he had with her made him fearful, just the thought of losing her made his heart ache but his pleadings, tears and wailing proved to be futile as she walked away. He watched her step away from him even when he tried to hold onto her, his hands were freezing cold due to the snow. His tears wouldn't stop and his voice had gone hoarse . His cries falling on deaf ears and not ones did she look back at him as she went further and out of sight. He was left there in the cold stormy night. His wail breaking the peace of the night. But he knew she gave up on him. He knew he lost her forever- "Farewell my sweet love- till we meet again. I promise to make you exclusively mine."

Social_Butterfly52 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter III: Miles ahead of us.

The journey was long and arduous. There were instances where she felt that her fragile body was ready to give up but she kept her spirit high and held the hope that this journey won't go futile once they reach the city then they would build better lives for themselves. That thought alone gave her the aspiration of moving forward and not to give up on her tired and battered soul that was wounded by the cataclysm. Unknown to the little bird that was spreading it's wings in the world for the very first time nothing would change for the better, even if a blind stands in the light he is still shrouded by the never- ending darkness that have shackled him to it.

They too were blindly following the never ending darkness - hope for a better tomorrow had blinded them - made them dull to their understanding of the gravity of the situation. They walked in cluster, on a lookout for anything out of ordinary. They looked for any potential dangers but to their relief it was just handful of them surrounded by mound of sand- that was the only scenery that invaded their sights wherever they looked. Over them there was a blue sky tainted by white clouds.

They have been walking non stop until their bodies were tired to the brink of breaking, short of breathe and covered by the sand and odor that was reeking off their sweaty bodies. They decided to stay put for the night. Some young man among them volunteered to keep a watch.

They ate whatever handful they had carried with them than laid down to rest under the open sky, devoid of any stars- it was just so alone and empty like them . Harissa looked over at her mother who was sleeping soundly curled by her side. Her father was one of the men who had volunteered to keep a watch for any potential danger. She looked at the pitch black sky one last time and turned to face her mother and closed her eyes- soon exhaustion took over her and she was engulfed by sleep.

That came to her in the blink of any eye but a howl was heard, it alerted her and she jolted out of her sleep. Soon many howls followed that alerted her and now she was well aware of the fact that the danger was upon them. The howls were Followed by yelling and painful screams for help and mercy than she saw them the monsters from her father fairytales- As they attacked them from every direction. As they came upon them dragging down the human who were no match for their heavy bodies covered by thick fur and sharp canines like daggers that pierced through her people, tearing them apart mercilessly. She watched in horror as one of the man's head was teared apart from his body- she gasped in horror at the vicious creatures teared her people apart.

"Run Harissa!" Her mother screamed amidst the chaos, she tried to grab onto her mother's hand and pull her along but to no avail as she was dragged away by the swarm of people who were trying to escape.

"Mother." Her painful wail was trampled by the screams and the howling. There was chaos around her and she found herself being carried away further away as her mother was swallowed by the crowd.


He heard that voice clearer than anyone around him though it should have drowned in the midst of the chaos but he could hear it as clear as crystal as if she was right by his side, it perked his attention for all the different reason that shrill voice grief stricken belonged to a human girl. But that girl held importance to him because she was his mate.

Right now she was in danger, there was a possibility that she could be killed by one of his men or trampled by the crowd or get injured. His anxiety was rising and he knew he had to act fast he had to stop his men from any further killing to protect her. The inner beast him was ready to come out and so he jumped in the gruesome scene, adamant to look for her and protect her when his eyes fall on her. Their eyes met me a second and than she disappeared from his sight in the midst of the people flocking to safety.

"Daniel!" He shouted for his beta who was busy in tearing some poor human apart, his furs and jaw all crimsoned by the helpless human who was dangling from his jaw shredded to pieces.

"Round up all the human survivors." He commanded him in a Alpha tone full of dominance as he rushed to follow her. But she disappeared and the only trail left of her were her footprints and a lingering smell of her, he had to trace her and bring her by his side but he was reminded of how petrified and vulnerable she looked that it pulled at his heart, if he would follow and snatch her like that there was a chance that she would end up getting hurt or trying to hurt herself so he had to use other means.

He had to corner the little hamster until she had only him to run to and no one else. He felt possessive of her-

"Erikial! We have cornered all the hostages- now what should we do with them. " His beta came to ask him as he stood there observing her trail.

"Keep them alive for the moment until I return."

"But where are you going? " His beta asked him with confusion written on his face.

"To find my little hamster. "He simply stated as he turned into his true form and started running to catch his mate.

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