
Queen of Hogwarts (GxG)

Luna Crimson, a Queen, Royalty of the highest caliber, a Battle Maiden unlike any other, there were no equal. Just like her name suggests, almost everything about her is 'Crimson', her hair, her eyes, but most importantly, the large amounts of blood rivers that she has seen. Now she lives a new life in a new world, but a new life doesn't transfer to a 'new' her, she stayed the same. Blood-thirsty, narcissistic, and somebody who only cares for the people that she so chooses to care about, everybody else is of no concern to her, but she can also come off as childish at times, why that is? Only she knows... And only she'll ever know, for the sole reason she's living a new life is because of one certain moronic 'god', she'll never forget how he called himself 'Zeddicus' for she loathes him, to her he's not a 'God', just a poser, a jester. And now, she walks in the world of wizards and witches, magic and spells, but even inside this magical world, there are people that are less special by default, just because they don't possess the ability and innate talent for the wonders of magic. Therefore they are kept out of it completely. And because the Queen saw that the world which she now resides in is peaceful, or as 'peaceful' as a massive world can truly be, she decided to just have fun and do what any single thing that she so desires, after all, who's going to stop her? Absolutely nobody... And if they dare? Well, The Queen wouldn't mind going back to her roots and showing them what a feared Battle Maiden can do. And so, the Queen walks the grounds of Hogwarts, doing just what she decided and what did she decide? That's right, doing whatever it is that she wants. And her primary 'want' is getting herself some wives and so The Queen aims to do that... And why not grab the whole school at the same time and become a Queen of Hogwarts, that could be an entertaining activity to do, right? This story is a part of the 'Gods' Games' universe. -Harry Potter and all of its content are owned by J.K.Rowling. -The artwork was commissioned by me. The artist commissioned was @Chococustart.

Crimson_Lust · Movies
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44 Chs

Chapter 20

~ The Magiphone frenzy, everybody gets one! But first, blood... ~

The Queen quickly made her way to the office of Dumbledore... The fact that she's meeting him again in such a short period of time, is something that she doesn't like. But at least this time, it should be the shortest meeting yet.

She goes inside the room and shouts "Old man" getting his attention from the second floor, he comes down.

"What is it now, Lil' Luna, another teacher I should plan for?" He says as he walks down.

"First of all, when do you sleep? Here I am, thinking that I wake up early, yet you look like you woke up hours ago"

"I didn't sleep last night" Dumbledore simply says as he sits down.

"Oooh, insomnia finally kicking in, huh old man?"

"I wish, it'd be so simple then... No, it's the case of the Queen's various escapades that are keeping me and some teachers awake and it has only been one day"

"Oh, yeah, I do tend to have that effect on people, but, eh, what can you do?" The Queen shrugs unbothered.

"None of what you regularly do? How about starting with that?"

"An interesting opinion, but extremely wrong, can't believe that the headmaster of Hogwarts would be so majorly wrong, if only there were other students to see how incompetent you are right now, what would they think?"

"Right, right, I am old, and you're little. Absolutely nothing in this world can change those facts"

"Oh, the old man is grumpy, what, did the planning not go well against the 'fake' Moody?"

"That's classified"

"Of course it is... Whatever, I don't care, I am here for something else anyway, I said that I will leave this 'case' of fake teacher plague to you, while I sit back, relax and spectate"

"Indeed, you mentioned something like that, so why are you here? I would like to keep our meetings to the minimum"

"Same, which is why I am here, I have the perfect solution for that. We won't have to meet at all from now on"

"Oh? The Queen actually decided to be helpful for once?"

"Har-har, now, gaze at this amazing device" The Queen proudly pulls out a magiphone from her bag, ignoring the jab at her.

Albus looks at the minimized invention in the girl's hands "A rotary dial?"

"So you do know what this is"

"I am the one that had to approve Professor Burbage's request of all the muggle things she wanted to show off to the students which have muggle studies"

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense... So, then, wise guy, do tell me, why in the dead Merlin's name have we not been using these to communicate, instead of dragging me all the way to different places to talk, so many annoying trips could've been avoided"

"Cause it's fun to explore the world"

"I... Okay, that is true, but I'd rather do that by my own accord because going somewhere with the end goal being talking with you, about something which barely matters to me is just not appealing"

Albus just makes himself some tea not answering the Queen's rant.

"Right, that's in the past, now is for the future. You take one of these and call me when you need something, I will do the same. Instead of seeing each other, now we can just hear each other's voices. And we will only meet up if there's anything super, ultra, mega important"

"Fine, but if you even try to call me just to annoy me, I will destroy it and send you a bunch of owls with messages to meet up, from that point on" Albus mentions lightly.

"Tsk, can't a Queen just have fun, seriously, how boring"

"It's only fun for you, I don't suspect that it's all that amusing for others"

"That's the whole point"

"Uh-huh, now is there anything else?"

"Thankfully? No. See you... never, bye" The Queen bolts out of the room just as quickly as she came.

Now what shall the Queen entertain herself with for today, she puts her head on her palm and starts brainstorming. Hmm... hmm... Aha, why not give away magiphones to others at the same time, but it's still early... Can she actually find anybody who she'd care about...

She guesses not, maybe except for Hermione in the library, but she won't gamble on that, if she won't be there, she would have walked for nothing. So she might as well just explore the school for secrets, there has to be plenty of those.

Or that's what she would've done if it weren't for the fact that she spotted a few Slytherin students, most remarkably Malfoy and his posse, surrounding a Gryffindor.

"Well, would you look at that, if you wish for entertainment, it actually comes true"

She walks closer to them and starts hearing the phrase 'Mudblood' thrown out, she rolls her eyes at the immaturity of these children.

Somewhere in the dreamland, one specific Moon would argue with that statement.

"Move out of the way, peasants, the Queen is passing through," She says loudly, standing in front of them on purpose, even if there's a lot of space she could go around.

The Slytherin stop their verbal assault on the Gryffindor, then look at who is it that spoke to them, and so did the Gryffindor.

"Oh, well if it isn't the No-Blood Princess" Draco is the first to open his mouth mockingly, his yes men chuckling along.

"No-Blood? Huh, that's weird" The Queen looks at herself with fake confusion, before it turns into amazement "How cool is that, I am somehow alive even without blood, fascinating"

"Wai-" Draco opens his mouth again, only to be cut off by the Queen's sarcastic words.

"Amazing, I am even more awesome than I thought, I have to brag about this achievement, to be the first person alive with no blood inside of me, it's pure legendary"

"That is not what I meant" Draco slightly raises his voice to break out the Queen out of her stupor.

"I know" The Queen deadpans "It's just that you suck at insults, maybe stick to following others, who are better at doing such a thing. Since 'Mudblood' isn't even created by you and it's your favorite word, you probably pray to it every morning. 'Oh, please, daddy, love me, waaaah'. But even a wish-granting god would be powerless to accomplish something so difficult"

"You... How dare you speak to me like that"

"And what is this 'Pure-blood', 'Muggle-blood', or even 'Mud-blood' nonsense to begin with. Every blood is the same" The Queen ignores Draco

"What? Are you stupid? No, of course, it isn't, our blood and we, in general, are superior to these filthy mudbloods" Draco argues back with conviction and disgust.

"Superior... Right, then, shall we test that theory?"

"What?" Malfoy asks in confusion.

The Queen looks at the Gryffindor, then back at the Malfoy "There's a simple test to see if you two have a different kind of blood... You see, in my experience? Everyone's blood is the same once it leaves their bodies... So" The Queen takes out her wand from her ear "Let me just cut open both of your arms and let's see if there's a difference in this situation, hmm?"

"That's..." Draco mutters.

"That's what?" The Queen raises an eyebrow.

"That's insane..."

"Ha, insane? You know what's truly insane, right now?" The Queen looks straight at the Slytherin's eyes "Is that you're still blocking the Queen's way, who's truly superior in every imaginable way to you and your whole family when you're such a big coward, so, run along and go cry to your 'Mud-blood' altar"

"Shut up" Draco having enough of the girl's disrespect raises his arm and goes for a punch on the Queen, who just stands in place and takes it. After a moment, Draco bewildered pulls away from his fist from the Queen's face, to see a mark on her face and a slightly bloody lip.

"Phew" The Queen spits out some blood out of her mouth and grins madly "That's it? Wow, you not only whine all the time, but you hit even worse... Now, then, since you raised your hand first, it's only fair for me to retaliate, right?"

"Wha-" But Malfoy doesn't get to finish his confused word, as he gets thrown to the ground, screaming as his nose was broken in pieces by a single, precise punch straight at it, the Queen grabs him by his hair, raises him to meet her eye and takes her second hand, and tightly grips his throat, releasing his hair, now only holding him by his throat. The Queen only smirks as she hears his gasps and attempts at breathing.

"Oh, what happened? No words left to say? Right... You got nowhere to breathe from, let alone talk, how unfortunate"

As the Queen mocks, she sees out of the corner of her eye, a girl staring at her from behind a corner, with pure hatred, then sees the girl's eyes look at the Slytherin with worry and empathy... Wait, wait, no way... There's somebody actually capable of worrying about this guy?

The girl meets the Queen's eyes and the Queen sees the girl's eyes widen, the Queen barely had enough time to react as another and bigger first came at her face, due to the girl she got distracted and forgot that there were two other Slytherin.

But she's still way above their level and dodges at the last second. so after that, she makes easy work of them, by simply kicking them hard in the stomachs, both of them doubling over the ground clutching them, and wheezing.

The Queen looks at her clothes, to see that there's blood on them and she gets somewhat annoyed, she looks at Draco, who's trying to stop his bleeding nose, while slightly sobbing. And starts lowering her hand again, so she could pick him up.

But she doesn't get the chance as she hears 'Stupefy' being shouted and it comes straight at her, hitting her in the chest, but it barely did anything, since she cast a 'Protego' at herself before she even started talking to the Slytherin, just in case.

But it did get her attention, she raised her head and looked at who even dared to attack her, only to see the same Girl standing closer to them, having moved away from behind the corner.

The Queen gets a good look at her, light brown hair, green eyes, taller than her... Which is almost everybody, a Hufflepuff third year? Looking at her with a determined gaze, but trembling all over her body.

"Leave him be!" The Girl shouts and only gets an amused eyebrow raise from the Queen "Stupefy" The Hufflepuff screams and shoots another spell at the Queen, who lightly moves out of the way, dodging it effortlessly.

"I said leave him, is it not enough?" The Girl lets her wand down seeing that she can't do anything, simply runs over and stands in front of Draco with her arms spread out.

"I won't let you hurt him," The girl says with teared-up eyes.

The Queen only looks at the girl puzzled and the only thing she can say is "Wow..."

The girl blinks confused at the Queen.

The Queen sighs "Fine, I wasn't going to do much more anyways, I was going to carry him to Madam Pomfrey... But seeing as he has his own Knightess in Shining Robes, you can do that. Sorry that you had to witness your boyfriend getting beat up like that" The Queen turns around and starts walking away, ignoring the flustered expression from the girl.

The only thoughts running through the Queen's mind as she throws one last look at the girl, who's slowly picking Draco up, with worry etched on her slightly red face.

'No way...'

~ End of Chapter 20 ~