

Pain is real! Roselle Grey has always known pain is real but feeling the pain is different. Not physically but emotional pain. .... Roselle Grey is a 22-year-old Melanie beauty, all her life she has been judged for her skin. Her parents are white, but her dad has African blood in him, so she understands where she got the color from. She has always lived her life remotely boring, but all changed when the light in her life died. The only person apart from her parents that never judged her, the only person who understands her quietness, the only person who makes her day worthy of living, Lovette Grey, her younger sister. She died of a stray bullet which was shot during a raid between some thieves and the police. If that wasn't enough to make dear Roselle in pain, her family decided to move far from home Canada to Italy far from where the memory of her sister lies, but does she have a choice? No But what Roselle didn't think she was going to find was Love in the country of Italy. Or did she mistake pity for love? ... Leonardo King A man every lady wishes to be with Handsome, rich and polite He's every woman's dream. What happens when he sees a Melanie lady and his heart couldn't stop thumping? Is this what they call love at first sight? But he knows he couldn't do anything about it because he is engaged or is he? . . . . OH, did I add that there are some juicy African cultures to be discovered in some chapters.

Z_A_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Roselle's P.O.V

"Grace?" He questioned surprised before staring at me again.

"Duh, what's up big brother" she greeted and the guy I assume is James just hung up and faced me.


"Wow you look so much like my sister, I mistook you guys, I'm really sorry" he apologized.

"It's okay, I've been getting that quiet a lot since I got to Italy" I explained smiling slightly.

"Really, where are you from?" he asked.

"New York City" I replied, and he nodded his head thinking.

"I'd like for you guys to meet someday, even my parents will be surprised" he said, and I smiled nodding.

"What where you here for?" Mr. King growled eyeing both of us in anger.

Is he okay?

Who pee in his pant?

"I came to inform you that a particular James George said I should inform you that Mr. George has found a way to terminate the contract" I said looking at the visitor to confirm he's the one and he nodded.

"Okay, you may leave for now" he said, and I left immediately, I don't want him to lash out at me because I don't even know what made him angry.

I got myself busy immediately I got back to my office.


I got interrupted again when the land phone started ringing again and I picked it up immediately.

"Hello" I said.

"Give the phone to Leo" a high-pitched voice said, and I cringed, why do I feel this isn't going to end well.

"I'm sorry Mr. King is busy at the moment; can you leave a message" I said politely.

"Who do you think you are? I said give the phone to Leo I have personal things to discuss with him" she yelled, and I had to take the phone away from my ear in order to keep my eardrum intact.

"By all means ma'am, you can call his personal number if you have personal business with him" I replied annoyed.

"Do you know who you're talking too, I'm going to get you fired" she yelled.

"Ma'am it's the order I was given, I'm not to transfer any call to the boss if it's not of utmost importance " I explained.

"And I tell you this is of utmost importance" she growled out and I just sighed.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Do not ask me stupid questions and do your job right" she said annoyingly.

"Okay" I said before hanging up, I might be risking my job but I'm actually following orders and she was starting to delay my work, so I had to hang up.

I just hope Mr. King will understand.


"Miss Grey book a comfortable restaurant, we will be meeting a client and we'll be discussing business over dinner" Mr. King said, and I nodded already checking the list of restaurants around the area.

"A lady called today and requested to talk to you about personal business" I said reluctantly, and he looked up from his work.

"Who?" He asked and that's where the problem is.

"I didn't get it, she hung up" I lied, and he looked like he was thinking before nodding his head.

We've been working on a particular client for a while now, so I've been at his office, I can't say I'm not intimidated by his presence, but he seems to be nice when he's not irritated.

And every minute my eyes can't stop going back to take him in, I mean you can't blame me.

What's just surprising me is that I don't get easily attracted to guys, no matter how handsome. So why do I think I'm getting attracted to my boss?

"How do you like your office?" He asked looking at me.

"It's really nice sir" I said politely, and he nodded satisfied.

I made sure to make the dinner reservation before we continued our work.

I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I can feel Mr. King staring at me from time to time.


We were done with work at the office and when I checked the time, I'm sure we're the only ones left, I packed the documents accordingly before Mr. King and I made way to the elevator.

"Why are you stiff around me?" He suddenly asked and I looked up agape.

"I'm not" I laughed nervously.

"I don't bite in case you want to know" he said, and I can't help but wonder why he's talking to me.

The ding of the elevator helped me not to reply and we both made our way to his awaiting car, heading to our reservation.

We sat in silence as the driver drove the car and I can't stop thinking, it's just a day I started this work and it's almost seemed like a week already.

The car stopped and we moved out of the car, me being shocked has Mr. King helped me out of the car, but I said nothing obviously.

"Good evening" a lady in a formal attire greeted.

"Good evening, reservation for Kings" I said politely, and she nodded looking at the tablet on her hand before gesturing for us to follow her.

She took us to one of the private tables in the restaurant before telling us our waiter will be with us soon.

The ring of my phone broke the awkward silence, and I picked the unknown number.


"Hello, this is May Carson, Mr. Patric assistant, I'm calling to inform that he'll be a little late to tonight meeting, he deeply apologizes for any inconvenience" she said.

"Okay, I'll make sure to inform Mr. King" I said, and she responded before hanging up

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"Mr. Patric is going to come in later than expected" I explained, and he nodded, almost like he didn't mind sitting with me in this suffocating silence.

I do mind though!

"Hello, I'll be your waiter for tonight, what drink would you like?" Someone said dropping two menus on the table and I looked up to see a boy around my age with typical blond hair and blue eyes, tiny freckles covered his face which made him look really cute.

"I'd like wine" Mr. King said and the guy nodded before turning to me and giving me a shy smile

"And you miss?" He asked.

"Water is fine" I smiled politely at him, and he blushed before nodding his head and leaving to bring our order.

I smiled at his cuteness to see Mr. King looking at me intently and he almost seem annoyed.

"Is everything okay?" I asked wondering why he's looking at me like he wants to murder me.

"And if nothing's okay?" He huffed and I almost rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, what's wrong with him

I stayed silent not wanting to annoy him further.

We both remain silent until the cute guy came with our drinks, and I noticed he gave only me a napkin, I shrugged it off thinking it was probably because I was nice to him.

"Have you decided on what to order?" He asked.

I was about to reply when Mr. King interrupted me.

"We'll call for you" he growled out and the guy looked at him confused before rushing out.

Poor boy

"You shouldn't be flirting with people while at work" He gritted, and I look at him confused.

"I wasn't" I said annoyed.

"Then explain why you're sharing numbers with our waiter" he said snatching the napkin from my hand and showing me the digits on it.

"I didn't even know that was there" I defended myself and he just huffed and look away like a child denied of candy.

Is this really the man people get intimidated by?

He stared at me again looking like he wanted to say something before looking away again.


Is he pouting?

I'm trying so hard to keep myself from laughing but I guess I'm failing as Mr. King looked at me with looks that could kill.

I bit my lip and looked down laughing silently.

"Miss Grey" he called, and I looked up at him.

"Mind telling me why you find this situation funny" he said.

"Nothing sir" I replied immediately.

He was about to say something when we got interrupted by a voice.

Mr. King stood up and I followed.

"Mr. Patric"






Hey guys.

What do you think about Leo and Roselle's little moment, it's not much but their getting there?

Was Leo jealous or he was just being a very annoying boss?