

Pain is real! Roselle Grey has always known pain is real but feeling the pain is different. Not physically but emotional pain. .... Roselle Grey is a 22-year-old Melanie beauty, all her life she has been judged for her skin. Her parents are white, but her dad has African blood in him, so she understands where she got the color from. She has always lived her life remotely boring, but all changed when the light in her life died. The only person apart from her parents that never judged her, the only person who understands her quietness, the only person who makes her day worthy of living, Lovette Grey, her younger sister. She died of a stray bullet which was shot during a raid between some thieves and the police. If that wasn't enough to make dear Roselle in pain, her family decided to move far from home Canada to Italy far from where the memory of her sister lies, but does she have a choice? No But what Roselle didn't think she was going to find was Love in the country of Italy. Or did she mistake pity for love? ... Leonardo King A man every lady wishes to be with Handsome, rich and polite He's every woman's dream. What happens when he sees a Melanie lady and his heart couldn't stop thumping? Is this what they call love at first sight? But he knows he couldn't do anything about it because he is engaged or is he? . . . . OH, did I add that there are some juicy African cultures to be discovered in some chapters.

Z_A_1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Roselle's P.O.V

"What!" I almost screamed out.

Don't mind me I kind of love food even if I don't eat much.

He didn't reply to me and just stared out the window, did I find a job, or did I find my hell?

We got to the office, and he got out of the car not waiting for me and I got out quickly and followed after him.

He told Miss Pearson to show me to my office and she told me he'll call me if he needed everything while she showed me my office, it's not as grand as his but it's perfect for me.

I stared at the Paperworks on the table, and I sighed tired before even starting.

I said a quick bye to Miss Pearson before starting my works.


I was so immersed with the work I got startled when the land phone by my side rang out.

"Hello, this is Roselle Grey on the line" I said formally.

"I want to speak to Leo" a manly voice said.

"I'm sorry Mr. King is busy at the moment but if you would like to leave a message" I said politely, trying not to be rude. I have been warned that if it is not important business, I shouldn't disturb Mr. King but handle the situation myself.

"Okay tell him Mr. George found a way of terminating the contract and he should call me so we can talk better" he said, and I nodded already writing the piece of information down, so I won't forget.

"Okay I'll make sure to deliver your message sir, may I have your name?" I asked.

"James George" he said.

"Okay thank you" I said before hanging up and getting back to work.


A knock on the door took me away from work and I looked up to see Miss Pearson at the doorway.

"It's time for lunch break" she said, and I smile in appreciation.

I was really hungry.

I stood up immediately and tidied my work before making my way after her, I'll inform Mr King of the information once I'm back.

She got into the elevator, and I followed after her, I noticed she pressed the 20tg floor and not the ground floor and I looked at her confused.

"The company has its own cafeteria" she explained, and I nodded wowed, I mean I shouldn't even be surprised I'm at the King's Empire.

Some other people joined before we could reach the 20th floor.

Once the elevator opened at the 20th floor some of us made way out and headed to the cafeteria

Miss Pearson and I got our food before making our way to one empty table by the side.

"How are you liking your work?" She asked as we ate.

"Strenuous but what else was I expecting from a big firm like this" I said smiling nervously, I find it very hard to make friends, keep friends or even make conversations with people apart from my sister so I was kinda nervous talking to her.

"Don't worry you will get used to it" she smiled reassuring me and I returned her smile.

"Excuse me ladies, may I join you?" A voice asked and I looked up to see a guy who would be around my age smiling down at us.

"Of course, John" Miss Pearson said as the guy sat with us.

"And who might this lovely lady be?" He smiled looking at me curiously.

"Miss Grey, the boss assistant" she explained, and he nodded.

"I'm John Smith" he said stretching his hand out.

"Roselle Grey" I replied shaking his outstretched hand.

I looked at the time and I noticed I've spent over 10minutes here so I should better go back now, I still have a lot of work to do.

"I should leave now" I said politely standing up.

"Okay I'll meet you upstairs" Miss Pearson said and John smiled waving at me.

"I hope to see you again" he said.

"Of course," I said taking my tray and dropping it at the designated place before leaving for my office.


I stood in front of Mr. King's office and knocked quietly.

I didn't hear anything at first before hearing a silent 'come in.'

I was about to speak up when I noticed he had a visitor.

"OH, I'm sorry I can come back later" I rushed out, but he shook his head and looked at me waiting for me to talk.

I was interrupted again when I heard the visitor's gasp.

"Grace what the hell are you doing here?" He asked and I looked at him confused. What is it with everyone calling me Grace and mistaking me for someone else.

"Grace?" Mr. King asked and I'm happy I'm not the only confused one here.

"Yes Grace, Leo meet my sister" the guy said looking at me as if scolding me and I just stared at him still very much confused.

What's going on?

"Is this a joke, why would your sister be working as my personal assistant and also lie about her name?" Mr. King asked raising an eyebrow.

"What! Personal assistant?" The visitor said looking confused too before both he and Mr. King turned to me.

"Explain" Mr. King growled out and I can feel his anger and irritation.

"I'm as confused as you sir, my name is not Grace, it's Roselle and I don't have a brother, I only had a sister" I explained.

"Are you kidding me" he exclaimed.

"Calm down James, call your sister and confirm where she is" Mr. King said calmly and I realized this must have been the man I spoke with on the phone.

"What? Why do I need to call her she's right here man, Grace what is wrong with you, I thought you left for England" he scolded and to be honest I'm starting to get irritated, I have things to do and I'm wasting my time arguing with someone about me being his supposed sister.

"I assure you sir you're mistaken" I said through clenched teeth, moment away from snapping.

I think Mr. King noticed before he told James to call his sister's number.

He huffed before dialing the number and looking at me with a smug face, but his expression changed to shock when a gentle but stern voiced flowed through the phone.

"Why the fuck are you calling me, aren't you meant to be working or something?"






Well well well

What's going on, any idea?

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