
Queen of Argontonia

Nyana Luphyra, Axilya Caiqirelle, Maeral Araro, and Tanithil Thezeiros are all siblings from different moms. Nyana being the oldest and a queen in the future face some difficult stuff in life. Having to fight either her father about her evil stepmother turns down wrong. She soon meets the love of her life...a human. Nyana know she can't fall in love with him. Read as she finds a way to have family peace and to have the of her life.

charonrocketnix · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Persuer Of The devious

It now has been hours since that happened with her dad. She is peacefully laying down her stomach hurts from crying to much. As she thought about what happened she felt sad and mad. She couldn't explain even if she can about her emotions.

She was mad at herself and sad about the truth of her mother. She always wondered who was the person who killed her mother? Who wanted to kill her sweet mother? That was a mystery to be solve sooner or later.

Of course Lords sons will want her hand in marriage Nyana knows that they just want her throne. She know that her marriage will never have love in it. She know that one day childbirth might end up killing her.

Nyana was scared of childbirth she wasn't scared of dying she was scared that her own child won't make it out of her alive. As she then took one of her favorite snacks chocolate covered strawberries.

After Nyana finish eating her snack and put on a vintage gold dress on. She started heading downstairs where her dad was speaking to some Lord and his son.

Everyone eyes turned to her as she walked fierce like a queen should be. The king smiled as he walked over and gave his daughter a hug. After they got done hugging the king said something that Nyana wishes she never heard.

"Nyana I decided to have Lord Presroris, son Galaeron

Presroris marry you. But first I will let you both meet and know more about each other before your marriage " The king said as Nyana eyes widen in shocked.

Galaeron Presroris, brought a bad taste to her mouth. She knew about him and his father kingdom and what was said wasn't good at all. Even their last name brought a bad taste in her mouth.

It took a few minutes for Nyana to say anything so she just nodded. The king smiled as he clasp his hand and smiled. "Okay! there is a agreement! you both will marry 5 weeks from now" The king said as the Lord son smiled.

Galaeron heard so much about Nyana that he couldn't help to beg his father to wed her to him. It did took him and his father to convince Nyana father but eventually they convince him.

Seeing her walk down the staircase gracefully, and looking beautiful made him smile. "Hello my lerato" Galaeron said as Nyana start to blush. "Hello monna wa ka moso" Nyana said as Galaeron start to blush as well.

The father of Galaeron have a small smile on his face seeing his son happy. Never in his life have he ever seen his son happy or even being close to happiness. Not after a tragic accident happened to their kingdom that led them into a dull and unhappy place.

Nyana and Galaeron then went upstairs to her room to talk to each other. "Um...so.... you're going to be my husband?" Nyana asked in a quavering voice. "Yes I am Nyana" Galaeron said straightforward as Nyana looked away embarrassed.

Galaeron smile knowing that he made his future wife, and queen embarrassed. "o se ke wa hlabja ke dihlong" Galaeron said that made Nyana face turn into a tomato. "e shush e!" Nyana said embarrassed.

No on notice how Axilya spied on her oldest sister and seeing her happy means everything to her. Not everyone was happy about Nyana being happy. That only person will be Anethra, the stepmother who is just jealous.

Nyana took a moment to say what she wanted to say. She felt like he was just going to judge her if she tell but it will come out someday. "I'm afraid of something..." Nyana said after minutes of silence as Galaeron looked at her confused.

Galaeron never knew that his future wife will ever be afraid of something. What if she was Afraid of him? His kingdom? His personality as a future king? He hoped that all of those things are not true.

Nyana looked down in shame maybe he will judge her but at the same time she have to tell him someday. "I'm afraid of giving birth because we won't really know if the child will come out alive or not" Nyana said as she looked down but Galaeron hold her head up.

Galaeron couldn't believe what he was hearing from Nyana. "Our future children will make it out alive plus we can just make more if one or more die" Galaeron said with a serious tone. Nyana nodded her head never knowing that Galaeron Presroris can be sweet.

As Galaeron and Nyana embrace they both realize that they need each other to feel happiness. "I can't do this marriage....." Nyana said after a minute of embracing.

Galaeron eyes widen in shocked. She just told him things she will keep secret? All that blushing was just fake? "Are you serious Nyana!" Galaeron yelled not loud enough for people downstairs to hear.

Nyana knew this was going to happen she just want to fall in love not go into a arrange marriage. "I'm sorry I want find my love not be in a arrange marriage" Nyana said as she got pushed back by Galaeron.

Her eyes widen as she was able to save herself from bumping her head on the table. "I loved you Nyana! Are you just going to say you don't love me since your just mad" Galaeron said as he was referring to this morning.

Nyana eyes widen what was he even talking about? "I know a lot about your mother since my father told me a lot about her. If you stay marry to me I will tell you what actually happened" Galaeron said with a smirk.

Nyana stopped for a second. He knew about her mother? "You knew about her?" Nyana asked as Galaeron nodded. "If I stay marry to you....you will tell me?" Nyana asked as Galaeron nodded again.

It was a decision Nyana was fast to make not knowing what was behind Galaeron true intentions. "Yes! I'll stay marry only to know more about my mother" Nyana said fastly.

Galaeron was holding a smile as his inside was laughing knowing that the princess is just a fool in his game. Nyana just wanting to know more about her mother didn't know she fell in the trap of the persuer of the devious.

The son of Orist Presroris, the destroyer, and the persuer. Prince of kingdom Uxetor, and soon to be future king of Argontonia.