
Queen Heart

She's innocent All she wanted was to have her old life back But he won't live her alone until he made sure he had ruined her Meet Raina Akeem the innocent and religious nineteen year old daughter of a wealthy Muslim-American family who became the victim of a vicious plan after she was brutally raped and had to marry her rapist who thinks she was the cause of all the trouble and would only want to make her life miserable but what will happen after he gets to the truth? Will she forgive him or walk away?

Quality_Bae · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter Two-The President

As Raina entered the office she greeted her fellow colleague artists and they responded.

Mrs Serena was their supervisor and senior artist while the others were assistants like her but her seniors. There was Michael whom Raina had gotten attached to because of his weird behavior and because she later got to know he was gay so he meant no harm and the other three females: Natalie a white attractive young lady who was in her middle thirties and the two black young ladies who were also very good looking: Cynthia The friendlier one who liked talking and Samantha whom everyone called Sam:They were probably in their twenties. She had gotten attached to them in the small time she had worked in this company.

"Latest News!" Cynthia began and everyone turned to her because she knew everything that was happening in the company: how she got her information, no one knew.

"The President is back from his business trip and is visiting the company today!"She announced excitedly. "Really?"Sam asked as she jumped to her side. Cynthia gave her a bored look: " Do I look like a liar to you?"she asked her coldly and Sam shook her head quickly: " Oh my gosh! How I have waited for his comeback over the three months he was gone!" Sam said dreamily. "Hey dream girl he's mine ok!" Michael snapped at her while he rolled his eyes. Mrs Serena moved her attention back to the sketch she was making while Natalie went to her with a sketch of a bridge which they were all supposed to work together and make for their company's next project but Cynthia,Sam and Michael were busily talking about the president whom Raina never knew because she never meant him before but she was curious: "Judging by the way you guys are talking he must be young?"Raina said more like a question as she sat down to continue her sketch.

" You must be kidding me!"Cynthia blurted out as she gave Raina an 'Are you Serious' look. " Not only is he young but he is mouth watering by appearance!"she revealed. " More like like a Greek God!"Sam added: " Or the most handsome male model ever seen with his athlete appearance, perfect body shape and handsome face oh my gosh he's all one would want!" Michael revealed further. " Plus he's very rich and I mean very rich because he owns an empire as inheritance which he is also building!" Cynthia said.

Interesting:Raina thought. Although her father was also rich, she knew most part of his empire would belong to her brother who was the man and eldest. Come to think of it; " Is he an only child?"Raina didn't know where all this curiosity was coming from.

"Yep!" Sam replied.

"The Twenty-five year old only son of the late Dashawn Brown and Mrs Lovett Parker!" Cynthia stated and She nodded her head:Good for him, she thought but the door opened and in came the attention seeker of the company so called serious girlfriend of the President; Anne Lancaster.

She walked proudly swaying her hips which was revealed due to the fitting knee length red dress she was wearing. She had on black high heels which made funny sounds as she walked. Her black hair which was neatly styled ended just beneath her shoulders.Anne was white and very beautiful but she was known was being bitchy and arrogant. She was the assistant manager of the company and there was rumors that she was dating the President which was why she always acted all superior. She gave everyone in the room a serious look her eyes settling on Raina who looked back at her.

After a while Anne averted her eyes while clearing her voice " I hope you all know that the President is arriving in the company today and that means he would want the sketches for the new bridge project which judging by your practice of bad work ethics I know wouldn't be done by now but anyways that isn't my problem" she paused and smirked " The reason why I'm here is to inform you guys to make the sketch ready before he arrives which would be any time soon and you already know what would happen if you don't make it" She smiled evilly as she studied Raina's  plain face " And you!" She began referring to her and Raina looked up at her " You should know the company you are working in: Come here with a disorganized face and you would hear from me!" She said waiting for an answer but she never gave her one which seemed to might have pissed her off cause she was about to descend on her when the door opened again and in came the secretary "Assistant Manager, the President has arrived!" She announced nervously and everyone in the office except Raina gasped.

"Well I hope the sketch is ready" Anne smirked and with that she left the office with her heeled shoes making their weird sounds.

" What are we gonna do?"Mrs Serena asked obviously worried.Everyone was quite as the room was filled with this eerie feeling. " Guys don't worry I have a solution' Raina broke the silence as she brought out a long paper and handed it to Mrs Serena " This should help us!" She added smiling. The telephone began to ring and Mrs Serena picked it up and talked to whoever it was for a minute before putting it back and gave them a nervous look " The President wants to see us in his office now!" She revealed to their dismay.

The office was very huge and exquisitely decorated to fit the standard of it occupant. Raina had never been in the office before but the others might have probably been there severally. Hers eyes stared at the figure who's back was turned to them as he made a call and judging by his tone he seemed to be very angry with the other person whom he was talking to as he continued to shout at him/her.

Seated on the single sofa was Anne who sat with her legs crossed smirking at them and the other person whose gaze Raina had been avoiding;Lucas Porter. He had this evil look on his face which was concentrated on Raina.

"If I don't get the result by tomorrow then you can kiss your goodbye!"The President yelled finally ending the call. He sat in his position for a while before turning to face them. Raina froze by the sight before her as her heart continued to beat fast.

Second Chapter ended still lemme know if there's mistake💋💋💋