
Queen Heart

She's innocent All she wanted was to have her old life back But he won't live her alone until he made sure he had ruined her Meet Raina Akeem the innocent and religious nineteen year old daughter of a wealthy Muslim-American family who became the victim of a vicious plan after she was brutally raped and had to marry her rapist who thinks she was the cause of all the trouble and would only want to make her life miserable but what will happen after he gets to the truth? Will she forgive him or walk away?

Quality_Bae · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter Five-The mistake visit

They all studied the freshly printed papers for awhile before the only male amongst them sighed and smiled at her: " This is great!" He informed her and she smiled. " Yeah it is!" Cynthia revealed. " How did you manage to present this explanation in just a day?" Sam asked her not believing that Raina had managed to come up with such presentation in just one night. " Since you guys are curious to know it caused me my sleep last night!" She said tiredly. " Yeah it was worth it!"Natalie chipped in rubbing her back slowly.

"You are simply talented, you should go to college and become a real Architect !" Mrs Serena advised her. Her eyes widened " Come to think of it I've never thought about it but I think I will try to!" She confessed. " Now enough of this chitchatting, Hurry and present it together with the sketch to the President before he charges on you"Mrs Serena informed her and she nodded quickly as she arranged the sheets neatly. " Alright Guys wish me luck!" She said and made her way towards the door: " Good luck Cupcake!!" Michael squeaked and she burst out, laughing hysterically as she exited the office. Her heart began to beat as soon she got out, facing the President alone in his office was a moment she had always dreaded. She wasn't ready for that meeting yet but she remembered the way he had yelled at her yesterday and she became even more frightened. What if he doesn't like her presentation and yells at her again? She wondered. Maybe being fired would be next and she doesn't want that to happen. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize that she had gotten to his office. Her heart skipped a beat when she looked at the door; "Come on Suweiba, you can do this!" She encouraged herself and sighed. She adjusted her white knee length dress and look herself over through the screen of her phone. After the threat she had received from Anne the previous day she made sure to make herself a bit presentable by applying a pink lipgloss and mascara: She looked a bit different but that didn't bother her than the person she was about to face. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. She waited but there was silence so she knocked again and waited for a response. A minute went by and no one answered so she decided to enter the office which would be the best option.

She turned the knob to open the door but to her surprise the door was locked. Has the President not come to work today? If he knew he wouldn't come why did he have to threaten her to finish the presentation and let her go through all the stress. She became pissed as she stared at the papers in her hands. She began to think about what to do with them then she decided to hand it over to Lucas since he was in charge when the President isn't around. Yes, she nodded but that meant she would also have to deal with his harassment. She could manage. At least she could handle him unlike the President. She quickly made her way towards the elevator as his office was on the nineteenth floor.

She didn't see it necessary to knock on his door so  instead she opened it and entered but later regretted. She was welcomed by the sight she never expected to witness. Before her was the so called manager Lucas Porter and his assistant Anne Lancaster kissing. She was shocked as she continued to stare at these two who seemed to had not noticed her: Wasn't Anne the President's girlfriend or was it all rumors? She wondered as she quickly cleared her throat. They noticed her then and quickly moved away from each other. She could have hidden if there was a way as the glares she was receiving was too intense. Anne adjusted her shirt as she gave her a pissed expression. " What is it you want that you couldn't even knock on the door?" Lucas snapped at her.

" I .... I  came.... Ammh the presentation... yes I brought it!"she stuttered due to the shock she was still recovering from. " I never remembered asking you to hand it to me!"He retorted eyeing her with angry eyes.She had to act fast in order to redeem herself from this awkward situation. " I thought it wise to hand it over to you since the President hadn't arrived yet"she managed to explain. There was silence. Anne only glared at her from her position on the sofa. " Just go back and present it to the one who asked for it!" He ordered her.

" Yes Sir!" She replied and turned to leave only to be stopped by his voice " Next time you decide to see me I suggest you act wisely by knocking before entering!" He rebuked her. " Yes Sir!" She replied again without turning to face them and quickly left the office. " That was close!" She whispered to herself as soon as she left the office. She began to walk still replaying the incident she had just witnessed awhile ago in her mind. How could they do this at their workplace? She shook her head as she walked to the elevator and waited for the door to open.

"Hey you, wait!"someone called out to her before she could enter the elevator. She turned to see Anne approaching her. " What does she want now!"she muttered as Anne stopped in front of her and eyed her from head to toe with her eyes finally settling on her face; " Is that lipgloss and mascara on your face?" Raina was shocked by her outburst. Wasn't she the one who threatened her not to come to work with a plain face again? This woman must bipolar.

" Anyways that isn't my problem" she smirked "I came to inform you to take whatever it is you wanted to give to the President to his house since he won't show up today!" She informed her. Her eyes widened; " WHAT??" She screamed and Anne snarled " Are you deaf or what?" She spat at her disgustedly. " I should take it to his house?" She still didn't believe what she just heard. "That's an order from the manager!" Anne added.

"Someone shoot me now!"she muttered.

" Which I would gladly do" Anne chuckled. She never realized she had said that loud. " I don't .... have his ... address"She stammered amidst her words. "Mmmh... I thought you would refuse to go" she said sarcastically " Take his address from the secretary on the ground floor...." She gave her an evil grin " Good luck on your first visit!" Anne mocked her and walked towards her office swaying her hips victoriously. Raina stared at her from the corners of her eyes " That Opportunist!" She hissed. As if things couldn't get any worse now she has to take this papers to his house: To his house,realization then hit her hard. " Ohh Allah help me!" She cried to herself as she entered the elevator.

  She didn't realize when the cab had stopped in front of the huge mansion mainly compost of glass until the driver informed her. She looked at the mansion and gasped " Is this the place?" She asked referring to the address she had given him and he nodded. " Yes"he simply said. She gave the mansion one more look before paying for the ride and got down from the car. She studied it again;Although it wasn't as big as her home it was very attractive and stood out in the neighborhood which was quite and consisted of only two mansion, the President's and another one at the far end. Walking dejectedly, she approached the mansion and stood in front of the huge door just staring; " Come on Suweiba, there's no turning back now!" She said to herself.

She pressed the door bell reluctantly and waited for someone to answer it. After waiting for awhile the door opened to reveal the handsome face of the person she had dreaded to see.

The President; Quincy Brown. He seemed surprised to see her at his doorstep as he stared at her with tired eyes.  " Good morning Sir, can I come in?" She didn't know where the courage was coming from. He gave her an intense gaze as he irked his left eyebrow quizzically at her. She also returned his stare searching through his dull eyes for any expression but earn none. " Get In!" He ordered as he led the way. She reluctantly obeyed following behind him  into the living room. As soon she entered, she felt as if she would faint by luxurious environment; everything was different and she hadn't seen such decoration before but the mansion was awkwardly silent. How can someone famous and rich like him live alone in this huge place? Wasn't he scared?

She was getting more curious each passing minute. Maybe the servants were on a day off; she concluded. But still one person must be present " Strange!" She thought then her attention went to the empty whiskey bottles on the middle table; Was he drinking? She turned to see that he was finding it hard to walk on his own and she knew immediately that he was really drunk. Why would he get drunk and that too so early in the morning? This was weird. She was snapped out of her thought when he stumbled and was about to fall but she ran to hold him dropping the papers on the clean floor. She helped him to sit on the long sofa nearby. He stared at her with a bored expression obviously pissed.

" Sir are you okay?" She asked him, worried. " What do you want?" He asked her in return and that was when she got hit by the stench of the alcohol from his mouth and she quickly moved away from him. She averted her eyes from his, looking down nervously " I came with what you asked me to present yesterday,Sir!" She said only to look up to see that he had fallen asleep while sitting on the sofa. She patted his shoulder gently " Sir....Sir...!"But all she received was silence. What situation had she gotten herself into: She bit her bottom lips in anger.

"SIR!!!"she shook him more roughly. His eyes opened a bit "Mmmh!" He let out as sleep overcame him again. Her next decision was to leave the house. Yes, she nodded as made her way towards the door but she stopped before she could turn the knob. She couldn't leave him like this! What would happen to lessons on helping other people? Damn Miss Rita and her stupid lessons now she would have to help him. She sighed as she went back to him and stared at his pathetic being struggling to adjust to the sofa. She slowly pulled him up on his feet and began to drag his heavy body towards the stairs.

Guys another long chapter, I'm really stressing out cause it's hard to write using a phone but for you guys I would go to any extent. Remember to follow me!!!