After Earth's destruction, its only survivor, a now eighteen years old boy, named Akin Damijo, finds himself in the middle of a galactic war. With a huge conspiracy surrounding the Galactic Foundation, it is time for someone to prevent the greatest of evils. He will show the galaxy that he can be more than "The Last Human." Once a victim of cowardliness, he will rise to be a hero. Follow Akin on his journey, seeing step by step how he became a legend in the galaxy. Akin was exactly five years old, when he saw from a distance his family and planet being destroyed in front of him. At eighteen, he joined the Galactic Foundation of Catoq, a central organization in the Milky Way that acts as an observer government. The Catoq wars were taking place at the time, similar to the first and second world wars at Earth, but on a universal scale. At twenty-one, he finds himself in the midst of a war far more complicated than imagined. Betrayals, friendships, corruption, he will deal with all this if he wants to save his friends, family and the galaxy. NOTE-. I do not own the rights to the image, if the creator wants me to remove it, I will remove it.