
Chapter 389: Remnants of believers! Dill he's a traitor!

"Master Dier?" Xu Chengfeng asked after thinking for a while, "How's your strength?"

Feng Ling replied: "Better than us, he should be an emperor-level mage!"

"See you then!"

If he guessed correctly, the Dill Mage should be a member of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance.

In this sea area, emperor-level mages are already big figures.

Not long after, a middle-aged handsome man wearing a blue mage robe appeared under the leadership of Feng Ling and came to the pavilion beside Xu Chengfeng's villa.

"Hello, Lord Island Master!" The thin middle-aged magician saluted, "I am Dier, the seven-star city-state alliance mage."

"Hello, Mage Dill!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, pointing to the chair opposite the table, "Sit down!"

Dill sat opposite Xu Chengfeng, and Wentini poured him a cup of royal-grade Tianxin tea.

Dill glanced at the cup of Tianxin tea, and then at the tearful "Zero Twenty" angel sitting next to Xu Chengfeng, but felt a little pressure in his heart.

Some time ago, having witnessed the battle between the strength of the mysterious island and the minions of the abyss, Dill was completely shocked by the strength of the mysterious island.

He wanted to visit this island at that time, but he had some scruples!

After he went to Xingye Island, Battleship Island, and Qiyun Island to investigate for a while, and learned that this mysterious island is relatively friendly and likes to perform magic crystal cores, he made up his mind.

But when he turned around, he found that the island was gone!

He searched for another seven or eight days before he found Xu Chengfeng's island again.

But this time the island has completely changed. If it wasn't for the wind element elves patrolling in the sky, he would have doubted whether he had found the wrong island.

"Have some tea!"

"Thank you, Lord Island Master!"

Dill respectfully said.

Although Xu Chengfeng's strength is not that great.

But Mage Dill didn't dare to underestimate the other party.

As far as the winged women around Xu Chengfeng are concerned, he can't see through!

He picked up the teacup and smelled the aroma of the tea, and knew that the tea was probably the Tianxin tea that Master Shila said.

After taking a sip, his lips and teeth were fragrant, and he swallowed the tea. Dill's whole body became excited.

"Good tea!" Mage Dill exclaimed, "This is the first time in my life that I have had such good tea!"

"Mage Dier is so praised!" Xu Chengfeng asked bluntly, "I still don't know why Mage Dier landed on the island this time?"

Mage Dill put down the teacup and said with a serious face: "Lord Islander, I came here this time to ask if the last time the abyss demonized beasts besieged your island, is it because there are believers on the island of Lord Islander!"

"Don't you know you guessed it?"

"As expected!" Mage Dill sighed, "I know that these abyss demonized beasts took so much trouble to deal with the island owner, it must be related to gods and beliefs."

"Probably so!"

"Then let me ask the island owner, which **** do you believe in?"

Xu Chengfeng was stunned for a while. He seemed to have been asked this question once.

"I believe in the goddess of the storm, the goddess of the ocean, and the goddess of the night!"

Tears Angel and Wen Dini tried their best to hold back their laughter when they heard Xu Chengfeng's words.

On the other hand, Dill, his expectant eyes were a little confused.

Mage Dill said in a low voice, "Lord Islander, we can only believe in one god!"

"I'm not like you!"

"How is it different?"

"I'm more fraternity, I like everything!"


Mage Dill took a deep breath and said: "To be honest, Lord Island Master, I am a believer of the Goddess of Storms!"

Mage Dier has nothing to do with Xu Chengfeng.

He also knew that Xu Chengfeng might not believe him when he came to the door so rashly.

He can only see through his bottom a little!

"A believer of Storm Goddess?" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "And then?"

and then?

Mage Dill pursed his lips and could only continue to say: "Does the island owner reject the followers of His Highness the Goddess of Storms?"

"Of course not!" Xu Chengfeng shook his head, "I don't really care who your followers are."

"Are there any followers of Her Royal Highness the Goddess of Storms on that island?"

Xu Chengfeng looked at Mage Dill with a smile, but did not speak.

Mage Dill also knows that his own problems seem to be getting more and more out of bounds.

This may already be a secret belonging to this island!

So, he hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Lord Island Master, I have absolutely no unfavorable thoughts on you, I just want to meet Stormwind believers!"

"Master Dill, just be honest and say it directly!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Don't go around in circles with me, my time is very precious."

Mage Dill hesitated for a moment, then said as if he had made up his mind: "That's it, Lord Islander, I hope you can take in us homeless believers!"

Xu Chengfeng asked curiously: "Haven't the believers of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance been killed a hundred years ago?"

Mage Dill gritted his teeth and said: "There is still a part left, but we have moved to the dark place!"

"So it is!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded his head 0

He knew that this group of believers would not be eliminated so easily.

Faith is a very scary thing in Blue Star.

In the world of Kane with real gods, it is even more powerful!

"Lord Islander, can you take us in?"

"How many of you are left?"

"About 5,000 people, they are all scattered on several islands!"

"There are really few people!"

"Since the accident a hundred years ago, we have suffered heavy losses!" Master Dill said in a desolate tone, "Most people are very repulsive of faith, and we hardly dare to preach again!"

"What keeps you going?"

"Only when Her Royal Highness the Goddess of Storms returns, can the world return to peace!"

Xu Chengfeng thought about it and said, "Let me think about this matter!"

"Okay, Lord Island Master!" Mage Dill whispered, "Master Island Lord, since you also believe in gods, you must also know that only the return of the great gods can save this dark world!"

"I'll think about it!"

If the gods work, the crisis in Kane's world ten thousand years ago will be lifted.

Of course, Xu Chengfeng still respects his beliefs.

He couldn't have said that in front of Dill about the gods!

"May the storm be with you!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled.

Mage Dill whispered: "I will wait for you at Chenghuang Island!"


After Mage Dill left, Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and asked the Angel of Light to call Skarna.

On Xu Chengfeng's island, there are some members of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance.

But since Mage Dill is a follower of the Storm God Cult and an emperor-level powerhouse, then Skarna, the former bishop of the Ocean Church, should know that this person is right!

But when Skarna arrived, Xu Chengfeng asked her if she knew about the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, and when there was a wind-type emperor-level mage named Dill... Skarna just blew up!

"That's a shameless villain!"

"He's a traitor!"

"Heinous blasphemer!"