
Chapter 390: Lord Lord please kill Dill! Underworld rotten water!

Skarna cursed Dill in the most vicious language.

Her one eye was also red with anger.

She is like an angry leopard!

If Dill is in front of Scana, Xu Chengfeng has no doubt that Scanna will tear Dill to pieces!

Xu Chengfeng didn't speak, just looked at Scana quietly.

Soon, Skana was quiet.

She respectfully said: "Island Master, I'm sorry, I'm too excited!"

Skarna still respects Xu Chengfeng very much.

They were surrounded and suppressed by the minions of the abyss, and the homeless believers of the Ocean Goddess survived thanks to Xu Chengfeng's shelter and protection.

Thea also told her that Xu Chengfeng has always been concerned by the goddess of the ocean.

It is not an exaggeration that Xu Chengfeng is favored by God.

"It's alright!" Xu Chengfeng said, pointing to the chair next to him, "Sit down and talk about Dill. What happened to him to make you so angry."

In Xu Chengfeng's heart, he must be inclined towards Scana.

After all, Ska 07na is her own and has contributed to defending the island on the battlefield.

That Dill was just a chance encounter.

The Angel of Tears, the Angel of Light, and Wendini all looked at Skarna, waiting for Skarner to explain the matter.

By this time, Skarna had controlled her anger.

She sat on the chair, looked at her empty sleeves and said, "My arms were cut off by Dill."

"What about the eyes?"

"It's Sarah!"


Sara, the first powerhouse of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance.

Xu Chengfeng understood why Skarna did such a miserable thing!

"Why do you say Dill is a traitor?"

Skarna gritted her teeth and said, "He was the bishop of the Stormwind Church back then and was in charge of the cathedrals of the entire Seven-Star City-State Alliance... I am the same!"

"And then he betrayed?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.


Skana nodded.

"A hundred years ago, the abyss demonized beasts besieged the major islands of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance. Sara announced the abolition of the Stormwind Church and the Ocean Church, destroyed the church, washed the teachings, and forced believers to believe in it. I don't agree!"

"I thought Dill, who is also a bishop, would be on my side!"

"Unexpectedly, he agreed, and he also persuaded to give up the great god..."

"You don't agree?"

Xu Chengfeng took a light breath.

"Not only do I disagree, but there are also many people within the Church of Stormwind who oppose it!" Dill gritted his teeth, "So the battle broke out, and as a result... we lost!"

"Dill betrayed his faith, he betrayed the goddess of the storm, he is a traitor, he is unforgivable... He is a villain who is greedy for life and fears death!"

"I understand!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded.

He had roughly understood the grievances between Dill, Sara, and Scanna back then.

Deere's choice that year.

Xu Chengfeng really has a bad evaluation.

From the Church of the Sea, the Church of Stormwind, and from Skarna's point of view, Dill is undoubtedly a betrayer.

But if you stand from the perspective of the Seven-Star City-State Alliance...

That might be different!

If Xu Chengfeng hadn't met Dill first, if Xu Chengfeng heard Scanna's judgment on Dill first, he might have thought that Dill betrayed his faith!

But just now, Dill told him that there were still believers in the Seven-Star City-State Alliance, but they just went underground.

"Lord Islander!"


Skarna stood up from the chair, knelt at Xu Chengfeng's feet and wept bitterly: "I beg you, Lord Islander, please kill Dill and avenge the churchmates who died tragically at Dill's hands! "

"It's been a hundred years. For the past hundred years, I can't sleep at night. As long as I close my eyes, I will see the tragic death of those church members!"

"I preached the teachings of the ocean for them, I carefully taught and cultivated them, I personally welcomed them into the arms of the goddess, and made them believe that the goddess will eventually return, but in the end... but they can only watch them one by one. die in front of me..."

"Lord Island Master, please, kill him, or let me drown him in the sea with my own hands!"

Skarna looked mad, and her wet eyes were full of mad hatred and bitter hatred!

Xu Chengfeng straightened up from the reclining chair and couldn't help sighing.

"Get up!"

"Lord Island Master, if you don't agree to my request, I won't get up!"

Xu Chengfeng was about to ask the Angel of Tears to pull Scana up, but Thea and Gamir appeared.

Thea whispered: "Lord Island Master!"

"Did you all hear it?"

Xu Chengfeng asked.

"heard it!"

Thea nodded.

Xu Chengfeng glanced at Gamir, who was hidden in the blue robe, only revealing a pair of water-blue eyes, and Gamir nodded.

Just now, Skarna was emotional, and her voice was indeed a little louder.

"Why are you here?"

Gamir didn't want to reveal his identity in front of Scana.

Xu Chengfeng also left her alone!

Gamir replied softly: "Thea said, you happened to be looking for Skarna for something, so beg me to come over, talk to the island owner, and help Skarna heal her arms and eyes!"

Skarna has broken both arms for a hundred years, and she is also blind in one eye, but with Xu Chengfeng's current ability, she can indeed be cured.

Scana choked and said: "Saint Thea, and the Archbishop, you are here just in time. I want to ask the island owner to kill Dill, but we can't beat him now!"

"Isn't Dill on Seven Star Island?" Thea wondered, "What did you say about Dill?"

"Dil came to visit me today, and I asked Scanna!"

Xu Chengfeng began to have a headache.

Gamir suddenly said, "Don't kill him!"

Thea and Skarna looked at Gamir at the same time.

Even Xu Chengfeng was a little surprised.

Gamir isn't like that kind of magnanimous god, is he?

On the contrary, there are some small belly chicken intestines!

Gamil said: "I mean to catch the live one. His hands are stained with the blood of our Ocean Church believers. We can't let him die so cheaply. I will grab his soul and soak it in the rotten water of the Underworld!"

Skana nodded when she heard Gamir's words.

have to!

It was the Gamir that Xu Chengfeng knew.

"Would it be too cruel?"

Xu Chengfeng knows the legend of the rotten water in the sea of ​​​​underworld.

The rotten water of the sea of ​​​​underworld will dissolve the human body, leaving only the soul struggling in the rotten water of the sea of ​​​​underworld.

In the rotten water of the underworld, the soul will suffer endless pain.

This pain does not numb the soul.

The soul will remain absolutely awake in the rotten water of the underworld.

The whole process will last hundreds of years, thousands of years!

In the end, the soul will be completely consumed...

Lan Xing's lingering torture is just a younger brother in front of the rotten water in the sea of ​​​​underworld!