
Chapter 282: The goddess of the night who was so angry that she broke her defense! Still owed protection fees!

The angel of tears and the angel of light stood beside Xu Chengfeng and looked at the goddess of the night vigilantly.

The two angels were both enhanced to the top imperial level by Xu Chengfeng.

Even if the talent of the Evernight Goddess is stronger than that of the two angels, the Evernight Goddess has only a trace of divinity, her talent is limited, and she only has the strength of a low-rank emperor.

The angel of tears and the angel of light can still block the current goddess of the night.

Moreover, the two sides have an ally agreement!

Therefore, Xu Chengfeng did not panic at all, as steady as an old dog!

He even wondered if he should fall down on the spot, and Paradis calmed down when he cheated on her.

The violent and icy dark elements dissipated!

Paradis sat on the ground as if his bones had been removed.

The long black hair covered her face, she covered her face, her shoulders twitched slightly.

The atmosphere, something is wrong!

Xu Chengfeng walked over cautiously: "What's the matter with you?"

"What's wrong with me? You ask me what's wrong?"

Paradis raised her head, Xu Chengfeng saw that her eyes were red!

Xu Chengfeng asked in a low voice, "Does it need to be so uncomfortable? We are a fair deal!"

He saw a black tear dripping from the corner of Paradis' eyes.

Xu Chengfeng swallowed, and Paradis quickly buried his head.

337 Paradis was still very happy after calculating to Gaimier yesterday and making Gaimier Xu Chengfeng's servant.

When she returned to the Church of the Night, she was still thinking that the value of Gamir must be worth more than ten million dark elemental elves.

She even imagined that once she had tens of millions of followers, she would be able to quickly ignite the divine fire and ascend to the throne again.

But she never imagined that this would be the case after seeing Xu Chengfeng today!

Ten million dark elemental spirits... gone!

Not only is it gone... She also owes Xu Chengfeng protection money!

From birth to becoming a god, Paradis has fallen since becoming a god, and he has never suffered such grievances today.

Even when she fell, she was not so wronged!

Too irritating, too bullying... God! !

"If you want to think like this, you owe me, don't you pay back?"

Xu Chengfeng comforted.

"My ten million dark elemental spirits!"

Paradis burrowed his head between his legs and shouted softly.

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and continued: "Actually, I plan to give you 190,000. You should think that your 190,000 dark elves are gone... Do you feel better when you think about it this way?"

The Angel of Light and the Angel of Tears looked at each other.

Paradis raised his head and stared at Xu Chengfeng with red eyes: "Xu Chengfeng... Are you a demon monarch?"


Xu Chengfeng doesn't think he is that good.

"Anyway, adjust your emotions first!"

He took out the toilet paper and wiped away Paradis' black tears.

"I can't adjust... I might as well just die!" Paradis said aggrieved, "I helped you so yesterday, pretended to be your servant, and touched you. For hundreds of thousands of years, no one has ever occupied me. Cheap...you actually, you don't give me anything!"

Paradis felt more aggrieved the more he thought about it.

Finally, her tears rushed out like a flood.

Paradis was completely defeated by Xu Chengfeng!

Xu Chengfeng had to change a tissue to wipe her tears.

"Okay! I did stand up to you yesterday and touched your thigh!" Xu Chengfeng said, "I will give you a thousand dark element elves!"

Paradis stopped sobbing: "A thousand? You are so stingy!"

Xu Chengfeng said: "One thousand is already a lot, and there are actually a thousand believers!"

Paradis choked up and said, "You still wiped my head..."

Xu Chengfeng thought about it for a while, and felt that he was a little inauthentic: "Then I'll give you... five hundred dark element elves, I can't say any more!"

"Okay... okay!"

Paradis stood up from the ground.

She calmed down a little.

Grabbing the toilet paper in Xu Chengfeng's hand, she cleaned up the black tears and cleaned up her appearance a little.

She stretched out her hand and condensed dark elements: "Come on! I want fifteen hundred dark element elves!"

"it is good!"

With the assistance of Paradis, Xu Chengfeng spent 1,500 energy points to quickly help her activate 1,500 dark element elves.

Paradis was a little relieved to see fifteen hundred dark elemental elves.

At least, 1,500 more believers!

She lowered her head, looked at her thigh, and then looked at Xu Chengfeng.

For no reason, she suddenly had the urge to let Xu Chengfeng touch it again!

Touch a thousand dark elemental spirits at a time!

Ten times ten thousand, one thousand times... that's one million!

Ten million dark elemental spirits only need to be touched ten thousand times!

She can be a god!

It seems to be very fast!

Paradis shook his head fiercely, trying to get this very tempting idea out of his mind!

She is a god!

High spirits!

At this moment, she noticed Janna and Gamir standing next to the big tree not far away.

Janna, Paradis doesn't care!

But Gamir, this is the enemy!

"Ah when did you arrive?"

Gaimel finally couldn't help covering his stomach and laughed: "That's when I was crying!"

"It's so funny, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life!"

"Hahaha... I can't stand it! I can't stand it!"

"What did I see? I actually saw the famous Evernight Goddess crying!"


Gamir smiled and couldn't straighten his waist, smiled and leaned directly on Janna, and slid from Janna to the ground and rolled...

Paradis' face turned black.

Today, she died directly!

"Gamir, don't forget, you are now Xu Chengfeng's servant!" Paradis shouted angrily, "And I am Xu Chengfeng's ally, I and Xu Chengfeng are equal, and you are just a servant!"

As soon as Paradis said it, Gamir's laughter finally faded away.

Gaimier got up from the ground and walked slowly to Xu Chengfeng: "Lord Island Master, did you want me to get 200,000 water elemental elves?"

"Don't worry, what I promised, I won't go back on it, and I'll collect 200,000 for you!"

Xu Chengfeng felt that his head was getting bigger!

Gamir looked at Paradis defiantly.

Paradis looked at Xu Chengfeng and murmured, "You want to give her two hundred thousand?"

"Yeah!" Xu Chengfeng nodded helplessly, "After all, Gamir lacks believers now. I want to train her well and improve her strength."