
Chapter 281: You scared me, you want to pay for mental damage!

When he returned to the villa, he saw that the goddess of the night was already waiting in front of the villa.

"Is there a problem?"

"Lord Island Master, where is my reward from yesterday!"

Paradis asked quietly.

Everyone knows how to call the island owner, Xu Chengfeng feels that the goddess of the night has been very strong in dealing with people and things!

Xu Chengfeng is in a good mood now: "What do you want?"

"I want dark elemental spirits!"

Paradis said with a smile.

She ran over when she realized that Janna and Gamir were not there.

"How much do you want?"

Xu Chengfeng asked with a smile.

Paradis said, "I want ten million!"

Xu Chengfeng looked at the girl in front of him, without saying a word, he sat directly on the chair.

"Lord Island Master, that's Gamir!" The Goddess of the Night followed Xu Chengfeng and said, "God of water elements, **** of the ocean, one of the powerful gods in the Kane world back then, I deceived her into your hands, definitely It can be worth 10 million believers!"

"Lord Island Master, think about it, let the **** of water elements and the **** of the ocean become your slaves, this is a matter of face!"

"Ten million is definitely not much!"

Xu Chengfeng shook his head: "If Gamir was in his prime, 10 million is not much, and 100 million is not enough!"

Paradis feels bad!

Xu Chengfeng continued: "But now, she only has a trace of divinity left, and even her strength... is rubbish!"


On this point, the Evernight Goddess could not refute.

"What Gamir has now is only the potential to become a god, but I also need to vigorously cultivate her... And she is still in great danger for me now. With her here, she will definitely attract many minions of the abyss!"

"So, Gamir is now a weakling who is so weak that even my water spirit can't beat me. I still need a lot of training, and it is easy to attract terrifying and dangerous existences!"

"She is valuable because of her previous identity and the potential to quickly absorb the power of faith to become a god!"

Xu Chengfeng asked with a smile, "Paradis, right?"

"It seems to be the truth!"

Paradis said with a bitter face.

These, she had to admit.

"But once Gamir becomes a god, he can inherit the water element and the priesthood of the sea."

Paradis had a hunch that Xu Chengfeng wanted to bargain.

But she is still not reconciled!

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "It was after she became a god. Maybe before she became a god, my island was breached by the abyss... Everyone is finished!"

"Lord Island Master, just say how much you plan to give!"

Paradis sighed.

She has found that she is at a considerable disadvantage.

Because she gave "goods", but did not agree on a price with Xu Chengfeng in advance!

Xu Chengfeng seems to be able to send her a little dark element elf at will...

"I'll give you another 190,000. Let's make 200,000 together with the last 10,000!"

Xu Chengfeng is also embarrassed to undercut the price!

Two hundred thousand dark element elves, his island can barely hold.

Hearing Xu Chengfeng's offer, Paradis stared at Xu Chengfeng with a pair of golden cat eyes, staring at Xu Chengfeng's heart.

"What's the matter? Are you killing me?"

The Evernight Goddess took a deep breath and tried to calm the anger in her chest:

"Master Island Master, your heart must be black!"

Xu Chengfeng covered his chest and said, "I have a red heart!"

"It's definitely black!" Paradis said, "Everyone said that my heart is black, Lord Island Master, your heart is definitely blacker than mine!"

"No, have you ever thought about the danger that Gamir may bring to me?" Xu Chengfeng asked back, "Gamir is a divine nature, a divine nature that the will of the abyss wants to get rid of! spell!"

Paradis said angrily: "I am also on your island, and there is Janna on your island. What is an extra Gamir?"

Xu Chengfeng murmured, "You seem to be right when you say that..."

Just when Paradis thought that Xu Chengfeng had been persuaded by her to give her millions of dark element elves, Xu Chengfeng suddenly said: "Paradis, you live on my island and enjoy my protection, you are Shouldn't you pay for protection?"


The goddess of the night widened her eyes and stared at Xu Chengfeng.

She never dreamed that Xu Chengfeng would still charge her?

"By the way, also, I help you spread the teachings of the Evernight Church, do you owe me?"

"And I introduced Angel to you, should you pay the introduction fee!"

"Angel's introduction fee, the protection fee to protect you, and the kindness that I help you spread the faith in the night... You don't have anything now, and you definitely won't pay!"

"Then... how do I count the kindness that I spare your life?"

The goddess of the night said angrily: "Xu Chengfeng, don't go too far, didn't we agree? If you let me die, I will improve your dark magic talent to make up for it?"

She is really crazy!

She did not expect that Xu Chengfeng would settle accounts with her!

Xu Chengfeng said very seriously: "Paradis, I have changed my mind. I think it is just right to exchange the kindness of my life for Gamir's divinity. You are all powerful gods. Wait, you don't need to improve my dark magic talent in the future... This kindness is paid off, and the agreement is over!"

The goddess of the night was dumbfounded!

"Speaking of which, you still made a profit!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "Think about it, my Janna must have done a great job of deceiving Gamir yesterday, right? But I put all the credit on you. Think about it, your divine value must be above Gaimer's divinity, right? Your strength is much stronger than Gaimer's... You say, have you made a lot of money?"

"My divinity is definitely more valuable than Gamir's..." The Evernight Goddess murmured, clutching her long black hair, "What about my ten million dark element spirits?"

"Of course it's gone!" Xu Chengfeng felt that Paradis' spirit seemed a little abnormal, but he continued: "In addition, you still owe me Angel's introduction fee, your protection fee, and me Help you spread the kindness of the faith in the night... It's still a long time, you can pay it back slowly, I won't force you!"

"My 10 million dark elemental spirits are gone..."

Around Paradis, the terrifying power of darkness is surging!

It seems to be completely blackened!

Xu Chengfeng stepped back subconsciously: "Calm down, if you scare me, you will have to pay for the mental damage!"