
Chapter 214: A close call! Tong Mu's guidance and cover!

The deputy island owner was puzzled: "Everyone on the island has been evacuated, who are you waiting for?"

"Wait for Boss Xu's support!" Tong Mu said, "You go first!"

"Master Tong, it is impossible for Xu Chengfeng's support to arrive. If he doesn't leave, it will be too late!"

"You go first!"

"Then take care!"

The deputy island owner gritted his teeth and left the island directly.

Seeing the pirate ship approaching at a terrifying speed, Tong Mu became more and more nervous.

She knew very well that the pirate ship had emperor-level powerhouses.

So far, in the new island owner area, none of the new island owners who have encountered pirates have been spared, except for Xu Chengfeng.

But she still wanted to wait.

She was unwilling to give up like that.

From a young age, she aspired to be an island owner.

Her family also supports her very much.

She has been trained in various ways since she was a child.

She is also very high-spirited. From childhood to adulthood, she has been among the best in terms of cultural class, combat, and survival in the wild.

Finally, she finally came to the island world, killed the black iron demonized beast, and became the official island owner with the ninth outstanding result in the world, and won the support of the Dragon Country Island Owners Association.

If the island is gone, her dream will be shattered.

And the investment that Longguo Island Owners Association gave her in the early stage will be wasted!

Thinking about it, Tong Mu feels suffocated!

Sometimes, she felt that fate was playing tricks on her.

Thirty kilometers... thirty kilometers... ten kilometers 243!

Through ranging, Tong Mu constantly judged the location of the pirate ship from his island.

"Tong Mu, it's time to wake up!"

She sighed heavily and put away the telescope.

But at this moment, she suddenly saw Xu Chengfeng's reply:

"Support may be almost here!"

Tong Mu was stunned for a moment, then looked at the Nadu Abyss Pirate Ship through the binoculars again. He saw an old man with a pirate hat grinning at her.

Nine kilometers…

But at this moment, a monster with a fish head suddenly appeared on the pirate ship.

The fish-headed monster slapped the old man with the pirate hat hard, then pointed north.

She saw the disgusting old man arguing with the fish-head monster for a few words, and then the whole pirate ship suddenly made a ninety-degree turn, setting off a huge wave and rushing north...

The speed has increased again.

It's like flying!

On the pirate ship, the old captain with a pirate hat said, "Master Yu, that island is right in front of you!"

"It's just a new island owner, we're not missing the heart of an island or two!" the fish-headed monster shouted, waving the glowing cyan crystal, "Did you see it? Did you see it? We found the trace of the gods, cyan The crystal is the goddess of the storm, the goddess of the storm who only woke up two months ago!"

"As long as you catch her, it will be a great achievement!"

"You are just a low-level abyss creature now! As long as you catch her, it is worth more than 100,000 island hearts! The messenger can directly promote you to an emperor-level abyss creature, and maybe I can also be promoted to an emperor-level, or even a legend. class!"

"Master Yu, where is she?"

"North, go all out to chase!"

"Yes, Mr. Fish!"


Seeing that the pirate ship abandoned her target, she rushed north with all her strength.

Tong Mu let out a light sigh of relief.

She looked north again and was sure again that there was nothing...

Xu Chengfeng: "Didn't you arrive?"

Tong Mu: "It seems to be here!"

She wasn't sure.

Xu Chengfeng: "Going to the north!"

Tong Mu: "Yes!"

At this time, Tong Mu could already be sure that it was indeed Xu Chengfeng's support.

Xu Chengfeng: "Is there nothing to lose?"

Tong Mu: "I lost a nuclear bomb and some drones, but it's good to keep the island!"

Xu Chengfeng: "That's good!"

Tong Mu: "By the way, Boss Xu, how did you attract them away, I didn't see your support..."

Xu Chengfeng: "Guess!"

Tong Mu: "Mysterious and mysterious, I saw the eager expressions of the two people on the boat, as if they had found some very important treasure... Could it be a dark girl?"

In the last emergency mission, Tong Mu remembered that the target of the pirates was the dark girl.

Xu Chengfeng was surprised across the communication channel.

This girl has a very good brain.

She had already guessed the gods.

Just because of limited information, she could only guess the dark girl.

Tong Mu: "Don't say it, you still have the goddess of the storm!"

Xu Chengfeng: "I have some things to deal with. I'll talk about it later."

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, are the coordinates you shared with me the real coordinates? I don't quite believe that you can send the dark girl so far, are you willing to let her have an accident?"

Xu Chengfeng directly turned off the communication.

This woman is too smart to be fooled.

Of course, Xu Chengfeng was ready to be exposed before he planned to lend a helping hand to Tong Mu.

What if it was exposed?

He now has a true veteran island owner, and he is not too afraid of the Dragon Country Island Owners Association.

His island can move, of course, sensational.

The island that may move is not only owned by him!

Isn't it the same for Ning Yongming's island?

Tong Mu found that Xu Chengfeng didn't reply to her news, and couldn't help but smile.

After leaving a message to Xu Chengfeng, she left the island.

Soon after, Tong Mu returned to the island with the deputy island owner and a few soldiers, temporarily taking control of the island's defense.

Zhou Xianming: "You said that Xu Chengfeng really gave you support?"

"Yes!" Tong Mu nodded, "Boss Xu said that he sent a subordinate to explore the coordinates of the last purchase. After learning my coordinates, he found out the coordinates of the subordinate to explore, the distance from My island is not very far, so let that strong man come to support me!"

Zhou Xianming: "Then that strong man arrived in time and drove away the pirate ship?"

"No!" Tong Mu shook his head, "I just saw a phantom, and then the pirate ship ran to the north... It seemed to be chasing the phantom."

There are indeed emperor-level powerhouses on Xu Chengfeng Island!

Xu Chengfeng did buy a lot of coordinates, and Zhou Xianming knew it too.

Therefore, in the case of sufficient combat power, Xu Chengfeng may indeed send powerful subordinates to explore various coordinate locations.

As for such a long distance, it is indeed unreasonable for Xu Chengfeng to inform his subordinates.

But Kane's world is a magical world, and Xu Chengfeng has always been unfathomable.

Maybe it was through some rare ability or treasure to inform the subordinates, it seems not impossible.

Under Tong Mu's intentional guidance and cover, Zhou Xianming did not suspect Xu Chengfeng's coordinates for the time being.

"This time, thanks to Xu Chengfeng for helping to lead the pirate ship away, otherwise the island would be gone," Zhou Xianming said happily, "If your island is gone, our Dragon Country Island Owners Association will suffer great losses."

"Yeah!" Tong Mu nodded, "However, before Boss Xu killed the pirate ship, our crisis was not resolved."

"Yeah! You keep in touch with Xu Chengfeng and see if Island Master Xu can get rid of those scourges, then we will be completely safe!" Zhou Xianming suddenly asked, "By the way, have you seen Xu Chengfeng's subordinates clearly? "

Tong Mu shook his head: "I didn't see it clearly, I just saw a phantom in the northern sky..."

"Look at the surveillance!" Zhou Xianming said, "I'm curious about Xu Chengfeng's strength!"

Soon, Zhou Xianming was transferred to monitoring.

The result, of course, was nothing!

Only to see the pirate ship suddenly turned and chased north.

"Monitoring has dead ends!"

Tong Mu said very seriously.

She can also say that her eyes are blurry, or that there is a problem with the clouds and light... Anyway, she has a way to shirk the blame.