
Chapter 215: The pirate was killed by my subordinates! grateful!

"Angel of Tears, Angel of Light, you bring the Ice Maiden and the Venom Troop over to meet Janna and kill those abyss pirates!"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng went for a lot of energy points and merit points.

He does have an abyss conch in his hand, and the abyss conch requires that he must possess the power of the abyss.

Xu Chengfeng can certainly activate the abyss conch.

But now, he doesn't dare to use it casually.

The effect of the abyss conch is quite good, and it can summon abyss demonized beasts with a radius of ten thousand miles.

The problem is, this thing is extremely random.

If you don't get it right, it is possible to summon emperor-level and legendary abyss demonized beasts.

Summoned abyss demonized beast will not listen to his orders!

Xu Chengfeng felt that he was lucky.

But he doesn't like gambling!

The two angels left, Xu Chengfeng glanced at Tong Mu's message:

"Thank you, Boss Xu, I said that it was your subordinate who appeared and led the abyss pirates away... But you still have to be prepared to be exposed!"

Xu Chengfeng smiled without thinking much.

To save Tong Mu, except because he is already full of wings, he is not afraid of being exposed.

It's also because he doesn't like the group of abyss pirates, wants to get merit points, and has a good impression of Tong Mu.

I can't bear the island that Tong Mu has worked so hard to manage, and it's over like that.

In the evening, Janna came to a desert island and saw the angel of tears and the angel of light.

"Lord Janna, are they coming?"

"It should be soon!"

While being tracked, Janna has been hiding her strength and hanging a pirate ship.

He also deliberately let the pirate ship slowly close the distance with her, pretending that as long as he worked hard, he could catch up with her.

"Are the Venom troops and the Ice Maiden here?"

"It's all underwater!"

The angel of tears pointed to the deep sea area near the island.

"it is good!"

Soon, the pirate ship came galloping.

On the pirate ship, when the fish head monster saw Janna, the whole person was excited.

As long as he can hunt down the divinity of the Storm Goddess, he will be able to soar.

He has no doubts about the strength of the Goddess of Storms.

After all, it was only two months after waking up from a deep sleep, no matter how fast he recovered, his strength could not be too strong.

Although his strength is not as good as those of the pirates who are rampant in the old island master area, but with the coffin of the abyss and the conch of the abyss, he is still able to grasp the weak divinity.

The fish-headed monster laughed wildly: "Run! Why didn't you run?"

When Jana heard the clamor of the fish-headed monster, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

At this time, the fish-head monster noticed the two angels.

Is there an ambush?

This is his first reaction!

He took out the abyss conch and played it directly.

At this moment, the pirate ship under his feet flew directly.

At night, a new, hoarfrost pirate ship appeared on Xu Chengfeng's island, lined up alongside another pirate ship.

The two pirate ships were both remodeled from the Emperor-class battleships of the Carthaginian Empire.

Xu Chengfeng still admires the emperor-class battleship of the Carthaginian Empire.

Even if it is not used, it is still a good collectible.

On the beach of the island, it is a good match with two ancient warships.

Janna gave Xu Chengfeng the coffin of the abyss, the abyss conch, a large number of demonized beast crystal cores, an intermediate-level development scroll, and three king-level marine plant seeds.

The intermediate development scroll is a reward that drops after killing the fish head monster.

The three king-class marine plant seeds were found in the stomach bag of the king-class abyss demonized beast that was poisoned by the Venom Legion.

The Venom Legion directly melted the king-level abyss demonized beast. Only these three king-level special marine plant seeds are still intact!

Xu Chengfeng's recent luck, that's really hard to say.

"Master, there are some women in the cabin... It seems that they are also Blue Star women!"

"How many?"

"More than a hundred people!"

The number of women on this pirate ship far exceeds the previous one.

"Then send it to the Church of the Night!"

"Okay, master!"

Back at the villa, Xu Chengfeng turned on the world communication channel.

The world communication channel is extremely active today because someone has seen a mushroom cloud!

Many new island owners are speculating about which island owner was forced to throw a nuclear warhead directly.

Tong Mu, Wilson, and Grant are all suspected targets of many new island owners.

Many thought that it was likely that one of them was in big trouble.

Possibly the pirates.

Of course, what they care most about is whether the pirates are dead or not!

Tong Mu has not come forward to admit this matter until now.

It is estimated that he was afraid of revealing the coordinates, or because the nuclear bomb failed to kill the pirates, he felt a little embarrassed and did not admit it.

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while and said on the World Communication Channel:

"The subordinate I sent out on a mission just now encountered a pirate ship on the way, and she killed all the pirates by the way!"

As soon as Xu Chengfeng said these words, the entire world communication channel boiled again.

"What? Boss Xu killed those pirates?"

"That's great! Long live Boss Xu!"

"Nice job!"

"Boss Xu is awesome!"

"Although I like to call you Old Dog Xu, I still want to thank you!"

"Boss Xu is so strong, is any subordinate at the imperial level?"

"Excuse me, how can I get a subordinate with emperor-level strength?"

"When you sleep, put your pillow up!"

"As long as I'm alone in noticing that 'she'?"

"Don't think about it! Don't think about it!"

"Thank you, Boss Xu. Recently, the coordinates of the pirates appeared nearby, and I didn't dare to sleep. I was afraid that I would never wake up again when I fell asleep..."


Xu Chengfeng killed the group of pirates, and the world communication channel was full of joy.

At this time, he also received a message from Tong Mu.

Tong Mu: "Did you kill it?"

Xu Chengfeng: "Done!"

Tong Mu: "Then I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Her coordinates were discovered by those pirates.

Those pirates were not dead, and Tong Mu could not sleep and eat.

Xu Chengfeng: "Yeah!"

Tong Mu: "Thank you, Boss Xu, if you have any orders in the future, just say it!"

Xu Chengfeng: "There will definitely be!"

Tong Mu: "…"

The day after Xu Chengfeng killed the pirates, when Chen Xinping returned to Blue Star, he learned from his girlfriend's phone and from the headlines of Blue Star's national news that Xu Chengfeng had killed a group of abyss pirates again.


This made Chen Xinping feel a little uncomfortable.

It was obviously the work of her own island owner, but she seemed to be the last person in the world to know.

During lunch, she found Xu Chengfeng and chatted endlessly.

Xu Chengfeng just laughed and listened to how the media touted him.

Chen Xinping said happily: "Lord Island Lord, those veteran island owners haven't killed all those abyss pirates, but in our newcomer area, the pirate problem is almost solved, and now the media are saying that you will definitely become a leader in the future. Heavenly Ranking Powerhouse!"

As Xu Chengfeng's deputy island owner, Chen Xinping has been completely bound to Xu Chengfeng.

The stronger Xu Chengfeng is and the better the island develops, the more rewards she can get, and the higher her status in Blue Star will be.

Now that she appeared in Blue Star, as long as she heard that she was Xu Chengfeng's deputy island owner, whether it was a wealthy businessman, a consortium of Longguo, or a high-ranking official, a veteran island owner, or a deputy island owner, they were all very enthusiastic about her.

This made Chen Xinping very happy.

"Is it a powerhouse in the sky?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled.

Now, he no longer cares about the powerhouses in the sky.

If you want to do it, be the number one in the sky!

After chatting with Chen Xinping for a while, Xu Chengfeng handed her another batch of low-grade mussel beads.

Seeing those low-level clam clan, Chen Xinping was stunned!

"Lord Island Master, have you found the clan?"


Chen Xinping asked in a low voice, "Isn't it found near your island again?"


To be honest, Xu Chengfeng was too embarrassed to continue editing.

"There are some things that were really not suitable for you to know at the beginning..."

Chen Xinping approached Xu Chengfeng and asked in a low voice, "Lord Island Master, what about now?"

"After dinner, I'll take you around the island!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "After a walk around, you should understand!"
