
Chapter 212: Thanks to Xu Chengfeng's clam clan! Tong Mu in danger!

While the clam people were packing up their belongings, the spirit of the island also began to create a shallow sea environment suitable for them.

In fact, it is also very simple, just need to merge the shallow sea.

The shallow sea area inhabited by the Beng people was merged into three square kilometers and placed on the side of the island, close to the artificial lake of two square kilometers.

Three square kilometers of shallow sea area, turned into a saltwater lake surrounded by large tracts of rocks and reefs.

Between the saltwater lake and the sea, there are several outlets for seawater exchange.

However, the life energy cover of the island only covers the salt water lake.

The angels of tears and water spirits brought the clam tribes directly from the mouth of the sea into the three-square-kilometer saltwater lake.

"This is where you will live from now on!"

"Okay, Lord Tear Angel!"

Yuzhi is actually very satisfied with the environment of this saltwater lake.

The life energy shield on Xu Chengfeng's island is much stronger than the water energy shield on their island!

As soon as she entered the island, she could feel the rich life energy in the air.

And the three square kilometers of shallow sea area suitable for growing algae is much larger than the area where they live!

"You live on Island 15, don't worry about safety!" Tears said, "The Wind Spirit Army and the Water Spirit Army will be responsible for your safety. If you like to dig caves, you can dig a little bit, but you are not allowed to dig downwards, understand?"

Yuzhi nodded: "Understood!"

They now know that Xu Chengfeng's island can be moved.

Yuzhi estimates that digging down will dig through the island.

Of course, this is Yuzhi overestimating herself.

After a while, when they dig down, they will only find a layer of iron plates reinforced by the Yuan Magnetic Snake!

The Angel of Tears glanced at Sister Yuzhi, pointed to the freshwater lake next to the saltwater lake and said, "That is the territory of the water spirits. If you want to see the island owner, you can go to that freshwater lake and tell the water spirits in the freshwater lake, They will help you inform the island owner."

"Okay, Lord Tear Angel!"

"Okay, you can set up your home!"

The spirits of space began to spit out all the property of the clan.

As for the mussels accumulated by the mussels for thousands of years, they were taken away by the angel of tears.

Now, not only the mussel pearls, but also the mussel tribe belongs to Xu Chengfeng's wealth.

Behind the island, the goddess of the night, Paradis, is directing the rock spirits to build the church of the night.

The rock spirits have the gift of stone control, and the church that Paradis wants is gradually taking shape.

In the basement of the ancient castle near the church, there are five fingers out of sight.

Only a few candles can barely dispel some of the darkness.

In the closed and dark basement, Angel, wearing a black hooded robe, stood on the stage where the Eternal Ice Coffin had been placed, preaching the teachings of the Church of the Evernight to more than 30 Blue Star women.

Under the guidance of the goddess of the night, Paradis, Angel's understanding of the teachings of the church of the night became more and more profound.

In addition, Angel was born in a noble family, and she almost became a saint of the Holy See of Light. She was simply very good at preaching the teachings.

Angel standing on the round platform, charming.

Her expression was solemn, and she showed the demeanor of a noble and devout saint in her gestures.

Even her ugly and ferocious spider body, which is serious among more than 30 women, has become the embellishment of mysterious darkness.

In front of Angel, even those women who don't really want to believe in the Evernight Goddess can't help being attracted by her, by her voice, and by the teachings she explained.

Soon, in the basement, the sound of reading the Bible in the dark night echoed.

These women, who were also reciting, gradually forgot their grief, their shame, and their Blue Star...

In the teachings of the Church of the Evernight, they merged into a whole and found spiritual comfort together.

Paradis looked at the rock spirits who were cultivating the stone wall, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She felt the power of faith gathered together.

She couldn't help but praised: "Angel is very good, she is a born saint!"

In the villa, Xu Chengfeng checked the wealth of the clan people.

Some demonized beast crystal nuclei, many special plant seeds suitable for cultivation in shallow sea areas, and tens of thousands of mussel beads of varying quality.

Other than that, there are few valuable items.

The mussels are really poor.

Xu Chengfeng only accepted the mussel beads and the demonized beast nuclei, and took out a few gold-level anemone seeds, as well as some special plant seeds that were previously purchased and suitable for cultivation in shallow sea areas, and handed them over together with the seeds collected by the mussel tribe. Tears Angel.

"Leave these to them and let them train me well!"

"Okay, master!"

The clam clan is only Xu Chengfeng's nominal slaves.

Of course he couldn't, treating them like slaves.

As a civilized man, he has no such savage hobby.

He asked the other party to become his own slave, just for the convenience of management.

Just to let each other, remember their own good.

Because of their status as slaves, Xu Chengfeng gave them some favors, and they would be more grateful to Xu Chengfeng.

If Xu Chengfeng relies on his own strength to force them to move to his own island.

For a short time, they must have resented him in their hearts.

In the future, when life is unsatisfactory, they will definitely bring up what happened today.

But now, Xu Chengfeng has used a little trick, sister Yuzhi, and other clansmen, all are grateful to him!

Even if Xu Chengfeng took away the mussel beads on them, they would not have any complaints.

After all, it was they who attacked Xu Chengfeng's "friend" first.

It is Xu Chengfeng's "kindness" to make them survive!

The Angel of Tears had just left when Xu Chengfeng saw Tong Mu's message.

Tong Mu: "Boss Xu, if my island is finished, can I immigrate to your island?"

Xu Chengfeng smiled: "How does this sound like a last word?"

Tong Mu: "Cough cough... I'm ready to teleport at any time now..."

Xu Chengfeng wrinkled: "What's wrong?"

He already felt something was wrong!

Tong Mu: "Have you noticed the recent pirate movement?"

Xu Chengfeng: "I noticed, what's wrong?"

Tong Mu: "This morning, they appeared again, and the coordinates are 1,000 kilometers away from my sea 150 islands."

Xu Chengfeng: "It's very close!"

He got up from his chair.

Xu Chengfeng did not expect that those islands would appear near Tongmu Island.

Tong Mu: "But we are not vegetarian."

Xu Chengfeng: "Are you sure?"

Tong Mu: "There are three nuclear bombs...but I'm still not sure."

Tong Mu: "This thing, I use it all in vain. It's a thousand injuries to the enemy, and eight hundred to myself."

Xu Chengfeng: "If the distance is too far, the group of pirates may still hide."

The power of the nuclear bomb is indeed enough!

There is no big problem in taking out the Imperial pirate ship.

The problem is that the speed of the emperor-level pirate ship is too fast, and there are also emperor-level powerhouses.

The nuclear bomb may be found and intercepted halfway through.

Tong Mu: "I can't help it, I'm not like you, I have the help of an emperor-level powerhouse..."

Tong Mu: "If I had known that they would appear near me, I would have asked you for help earlier, but it seems a little late now."

Tong Mu: "I'm not lucky."

Behind Tong Mu, there is the Dragon Country Island Owners Association.

However, Feng Yu, Fu Qingze and other emperor-level powerhouses could not support Tong Mu through teleportation at all.

Tong Mu and him are both in the new island master period.

The foreign aid invited must not exceed her strength standard.

Xu Chengfeng: "Maybe, those abyss pirates won't find you?"

Tong Mu: "They're already heading in my direction, and the drone just detected it..."