
Chapter 211: Be a slave to a master! It is your honor!

In the villa, in the pavilion beside the artificial lake, Xu Chengfeng, who was sitting on a reclining chair, saw Sister Yuzhi.

"Master, the head of the clan is here, and her sister!" Jana said, "it was her sister Yuzhu who killed two people."

Yuzhi said: "Sir, my sister is just too young and ignorant, and lost her hand for a while!"

At this time, Sister Yuzhi took a peek at Xu Chengfeng.

Just a glance, Xu Chengfeng left a deep impression on the two sisters.

They have grown so big and have never seen such a handsome human being.

It was also the first time that Xu Chengfeng saw a Clam girl.

As in the rumors, the mussel girl has very white skin, watery, with a delicate beauty, and she also has two beautiful large shells.

In addition to being used for defense, the two shells behind them can also be used for sleeping.

In addition, the clam clan can also condense clam beads.

This kind of mussel pearl, Xu Chengfeng once got the lowest one.

Allows terrestrial creatures to breathe underwater.

As for the more advanced mussel beads, they can not only provide underwater breathing, but also beauty and increase the ability of the water system.

Xu Chengfeng said, "I don't care about the two humans you killed!"

Hearing Xu Chengfeng say this, Sister Yuzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"What I care about is that you shattered my friend's island's heart and made him lose his qualification to be the island owner forever!"

The hearts of the two sisters Yuzhi were lifted again.

The Heart of the Island, of course they had an impression.

"Losing the qualification to become the island owner is equivalent to depriving him of his future. That friend of mine has been depressed recently!" Xu Chengfeng said in a flat tone, "He is very angry, and I hope I can avenge him and kill you all."

Yuzhi knelt on the ground: "The Lord of the island is very kind, forgive us!"

So far, no amount of sophistry is useless.

It is the best solution to bow your head to admit your mistakes and show your attitude.

The clam clan has no other choice!

Yuzhu knelt down when she saw her sister kneeling down.

"Lord Island Lord, please be extra kind and forgive us!" Yuzhi cried, "As long as Lord Island Lord is willing to forgive us, our clan is willing to be loyal to Lord Island owner from generation to generation, and dedicate all the wealth of our clan!"

Sister Yuzhi's crying pear blossom with rain is very beautiful.

Xu Chengfeng looked at the white clouds in the sky and slowly covered the sun, and then said slowly, "I also think it would be cruel to kill all of you."

"The island owner is kind, thank you, the island owner!"

Sister Yuzhi said excitedly.

"However, the death penalty is acceptable, and the living sin is inevitable. You clan, you will be my slaves in the future... Will you?"

"Thanks to the island owner for being extra kind, our clan is willing!"

Sister Yuzhi, my heart is very uncomfortable.

However, Yuzhi did not hesitate and chose to agree.

These, she is mentally prepared.

It is better to die than to live.

She couldn't die with her own clan.

"It's fine!" Xu Chengfeng smiled with satisfaction, and shouted to the open space beside him, "The spirit of the island."

The open space cracked open, and a beautiful and delicate crystal girl appeared in front of Xu Chengfeng.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

"Open up a shallow lake area for the mussels, and use land islands and rocks to slightly surround them. In the future, they can help me grow some marine plants and raise some marine fish!" Xu Chengfeng pointed to the artificial lake and said, "Let's go outside the artificial lake. !"

The island owner can expand the life energy cover and incorporate part of the shallow sea area into his own territory for aquaculture.

However, most island owners would not do this.

Because the shallow sea area is extremely vulnerable to the attack of marine demonized beasts, it is not easy to deploy.

Human island owners prefer to expand the land area of ​​the island.

Xu Chengfeng suddenly asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Lord Island Master, my name is Yuzhi!" Yuzhi introduced, "This is my sister, Yuzhu!"

"Okay, Angel of Tears, take their two sisters and their clan to the beach!" Xu Chengfeng ordered, "The Angel of Tears is responsible for the rest."

"Yes, Master!"

Yuzhi asked, "Lord Island Master, can we bring back the things in the clan first?"

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "Angel of tears, let the ethereal troops help them, take them away if they can."

Now the wealth of the clan is all his.

"Okay, master!"

The Angel of Tears brought the Yuzhi sisters back to the beach, and when they heard that Xu Chengfeng spared them immortality, countless clam clansmen who escaped the disaster cried with joy.

However, after hearing that they became slaves of the island owner... the clan people felt depressed again.

Nobody likes being a slave.

"Why are you unhappy?" The Angel of Tears smiled and said, "It should be your honor to be the slave of the island owner!"

Yuzhi smiled reluctantly, daring not to give the Angel of Tears face

The Angel of Tears continued: "I'm not kidding, many ethnic groups want to be slaves to their masters, but none of our masters look down on them. The masters are willing to accept you because of your skills!"

"At least, if you become the master's slave, you are the master's private property. You don't need to worry about any safety issues. The master will protect you!"

Hearing Angel of Tears' words, Yuzhi suddenly realized that this was the truth.

Any one of Xu Chengfeng's subordinates is much stronger than her!

Following Xu Chengfeng, their clan's safety will be greatly guaranteed!

There is no need to worry about the problem of the abyss demonized beast.

In this way, they don't have to be afraid every day and live under the shadow of the abyss demonized beast...

It's not just Yuzhi who figured this out.

Inside the clan, many people suddenly discovered that it would be good to be the slave of the island owner!

If the island owner were more merciful, under the protection of the island owner's powerful forces, they might be able to live better!

With the support of the ethereal troops, the relocation of the clan is fast.

They not only removed the wealth accumulated over the times, but also removed many bath foods cultivated in the dark caves.

The angel of tears looked at these algae that had not seen the sun for many years, and their leaves were as thin as needles, and said helplessly: "Do you just eat this?"

Yuzhi nodded: "Our formation to isolate the abyss can't radiate too far, and the area for algae cultivation is very small..."

The angel of tears wondered: "Can you feed so many people?"

Yuzhu said: "We occasionally go out to hunt abyss demonized beasts, but we don't dare to hunt too much, for fear of being targeted by powerful abyss demonized beasts."

The Angel of Tears looked at the water spirit beside him: "Is there a powerful abyss demonized beast nearby?"

Shui Ling replied: "There is a diamond-level abyss demonized beast, but it has been killed by us..."

The Angel of Tears sighed: "It seems that it's really your luck to be the master's slave, at least it's impossible for the master to let you eat these things!"

Thinking of the large-scale life energy formation on Xu Chengfeng's island, the lush plants on the island, the beauty in the artificial lake, and the powerful creatures on the island, Yuzhi couldn't help but nodded...