
Chapter 210: Yuzhi Yuzhu sisters! The escorted clan people!

There was nothing in his hands for the time being, Xu Chengfeng returned to the bedroom, and poured out a bunch of demonized beast crystal cores from the Spirit of Space.

These crystal cores were obtained by the other abyss pirates last time.

The abyss monster used the abyss conch to gather a group of powerful abyss demonized beasts.

All were poisoned to death in the sea by Xu Chengfeng's venom army.

Xu Chengfeng has been very busy recently, and he almost forgot about these nuclei.

After absorbing a bunch of crystal nuclei, Xu Chengfeng added more than 135 million energy points, plus the 30 million energy points left last time.

He now has 165 million energy points in his hands.

These energy points, say more or less.

But at least it can activate two imperial mid-rank subordinates.

Xu Chengfeng pondered for a while, pushed open the door, and came to the domain of the flower elves.

After greeting Lilith, Xu Chengfeng found the queen bee in the hive.

The sky-high beam of light flashed again, and after the beam of light disappeared, the Queen of Flowers and Bees had been promoted by Xu Chengfeng to the middle grade of the emperor.

Since then, there will be a large number of royal-level flower bees in the queen bee colony.

Xu Chengfeng never thought about letting the flower bees fight.

He just wanted to taste the royal flower spirit honey.

The remaining energy can also enhance the combat power of a mid-level emperor, but it is not very useful.

Xu Chengfeng still intends to improve the strength of the legion!

His ordinary legion strength is already far behind the high-end combat power on the island.

Xu Chengfeng's current ordinary legion members on the island are all platinum middle-grade.

It takes about 10,000 energy points to upgrade from middle-grade platinum to top-grade platinum.

It takes about 20,000 energy points to upgrade from high-grade platinum to low-grade diamond.

In the remaining two days, Xu Chengfeng successively sent three hundred clay figurines, three hundred rock spirits, three hundred mist demons, one thousand water spirits, two hundred and sixty-three space spirits, and three hundred and ninety-nine door spirits. The energy cannon, three hundred and ninety-nine fire demon crystal spirits, nearly three thousand troops, upgraded from platinum middle grade to diamond low grade, completely consumed the energy on their hands.

Even the ranks of the leaders of the major legions have no energy to continue to improve.

Xu Chengfeng lived a leisurely life on the island.

But on the other side of the clan, they were in a constant state of panic.

Xu Chengfeng's five water spirits directly invaded the underwater cave built by the clan in the water shortly after Yuzhi disappeared.

Relying on their powerful strength and the advantages of the water element body, the water spirits easily trapped the entire clam clan in the underwater cave shelter.

Facing five enemies of the same level, Jade Clam didn't even have the courage to break through with his clan.

The mussels are indeed good at naval warfare, but they are still not as good as the water spirits.

In addition, the water spirits didn't kill a single clam clan.

In the clan, there is no courage to fight to the death.

Later, what was even more extreme was that five platinum mid-grade water spirits disappeared and were replaced with ten diamond low-grade water spirits...

Within the clan, even a very small number of radicals have completely shut up!

The old man of the clan who was sitting in the chair said: "Everyone doesn't have to think about resisting things anymore. Wait for the masters behind those water element elves to appear!"

Some clansmen also said: "I knew earlier that when we drove those humans out, we started a little lightly!"

Someone else said: "Both of them were killed by Yuzhu, we will hand over Yuzhu when that time comes!"

Yuzhu beside Yuzhi whispered: "If you hand me over and quell the anger of the other party, I will stand up by myself!"

The old man of the clan said: "The people were indeed killed by Yuzhu, but don't forget, the patriarch held a general meeting of the whole clan, and everyone agreed to drive out those humans, and everyone is responsible!"

Yuzhi patted Yuzhu's shell and smiled reluctantly: "Don't be too pessimistic, those water elemental elves didn't kill us. When we have a better attitude, maybe we can survive."

The old man of the clan nodded: "Yeah! That friend, the island owner, didn't die at the time. This is a fortune among misfortunes."

"Master, the island where the mussels live is coming!"

When Xu Chengfeng was practicing dark magic, Janna suddenly appeared beside him.

"Okay, control them first, catch them on the island, and then let their principal come to me!"

Jana smiled and said, "Do you want to scare them?"

Xu Chengfeng nodded: "Of course we have to scare them and make them surrender completely."

The clam clan is still good, and it is one of the races that are very popular among island owners.

The clam women are all supple and have good skin.

The whole clam clan is docile and not aggressive, and is generally good at shallow water aquaculture.

Therefore, the clam clan can still be raised!

Inside the Beng tribe's refuge, Yuzhu hurriedly ran into the hall of the refuge.

"Sister, there are twenty more water element elves outside. They said that their masters are here. I hope we can go to see their masters obediently!"



Yuzhu said helplessly: "Yes, there are twenty, they are exactly the same, and they are all very strong!"

Yuzhu is Yuzhi's younger sister, and possesses the strength of low-grade platinum.

Sisters Yuzhi and Yuzhu are the top powerhouses of the clan.

In the corner of the hall, a fan-shaped shell slowly opened, and the old man of the clan said helplessly: "Yuzhi, surrender! There is still a chance for surrender!"

Yuzhi nodded: "I understand!"

More than 500 clan people, under the command of the water spirits, boarded Xu Chengfeng's island.

The clam people adapt to both terrestrial and aquatic environments.

It can also walk on land, but it is not as fast as it is in sea water.

The strength of the clam clan is not strong, and it cannot be separated from the water environment for a long time.

"Is this the group of clan people?"

The indifferent and majestic voice rang in the ears of Yuzhu and other clan people.

Many clan people looked up cautiously.

As soon as they saw Janna, their already not-so-strong legs became even softer!

The strength of the emperor-level high-grade, the innate divinity, the sense of oppression from the soul, make the clan people fear!

Many clan people have fallen to the ground under the pressure of Janna.

"Lord Janna, Lord Angel of Tears, that's them!"

"Which one of you is the leader of the clan?"

"Sir, it's me!" Yuzhi said in a trembling voice.

"Head up!"

Yuzhi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and slowly raised her head.

Jana came to Yuzhi, raised her chin slightly, and took a look.

Yuzhi is beautiful and delicate.

Her body skin is like white jade.

If the skin is creamy, it should be tailor-made for her.

Many of these clam women were born with a delicate beauty.

Behind Yuzhi, two gorgeous fan-shaped shells gently opened and closed.

It showed her nervousness and worry.

Janna smiled, thinking that Xu Chengfeng might like this one!

"Come with me to see the master!"

"Wait, I'm going with my sister!" Yuzhu stood up and shouted, "I killed two humans!"

Janna glanced at Yuzhu and found that Yuzhu and Yuzhi looked very similar.


Yuzhi scolded: "Sister, you stay here!"

Jana: "Then let's come together!"