
Chapter 170: Small goals! An increase of 100 square kilometers! Island Spirit loves drag racing!

"It seems so!"

Just now, the spirit of the island was promoted from the top platinum level to the middle level emperor level by Xu Chengfeng in one breath!

The strength of the diamond low-grade Warcraft is about twice that of the platinum high-grade Warcraft...

The strength of the diamond middle-grade Warcraft is about four times that of the platinum high-grade Warcraft...

Platinum level, diamond level, star level, king level, emperor level, all the way to the royal level middle grade!

It can be said that the strength of the spirit of the island has soared by more than two hundred times in a short period of time!

Don't think it's an exaggeration!

Xu Chengfeng's life activation technique is so exaggerated!

As long as the energy is enough, he can create a super strong in a short period of time!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the island world to evaluate the talent level of the life activation technique!

sss+ level, in front of the life activation technique, they are all weak!

The last time Xu Chengfeng sold fine gold ore, he also wanted to get some crystal nuclei.

But at that time, he was shocked by the good things in Song Yongming's hands!

Unable to bear it, I changed my mind and exchanged the fragments of the **** of war Ares artifact shield, as well as the sss-level abyss poisonous dragon venom.

This time, he has found an opportunity to make a fortune, and naturally he will first consider enhancing the strength of his subordinates!

Whether it is the increase in the strength of the spirit of the island, the reduction in the weight of the island, or the increase in the life energy of the island, the sailing speed of the island will be greatly accelerated!

For a long time, Xu Chengfeng has controlled the area of ​​​​the island, and it is not that he does not like the island.

But worry about affecting the speed of the island's navigation!

But it's good now!

The spirit of the island has been strengthened by more than 200 times in one breath, and also has a middle-grade tree of life of the emperor, the opportunity to increase the area of ​​the island has appeared again!

The Spirit of the Island asked: "Master, how many squares did we increase this time!"

Xu Chengfeng thought for a while: "We can set a small goal first and increase it to 100 square kilometers!"

"Small goals?"

Xu Chengfeng asked, "Are you okay?"

The spirit of the island patted his chest and said, "Of course there is no problem, even if the island is 100 square kilometers, I can run and fly!"

At this time, Xu Chengfeng noticed that the spirit of the island looked small.

After the level was raised to the emperor level, she was almost no different from ordinary people!

She is only 1.6 meters tall now, but her mind is quite extraordinary!

With the Spirit of the Holy Spring... both have a fight!

"Janna, search for the coordinates of the island, we want rich plant resources!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Go, it's time for us to leave!"

Janna was about to leave, but was caught by the spirit of the island.

"Master, let's go to the beach with Janna!" Island Spirit said with a smile, "I have improved a lot today, and I want Janna to see how I can run so fast."

"Okay!" Xu Chengfeng said with a smile, "Jana, let's go together!"

At the seaside, when Xu Chengfeng shouted the phrase "set sail", Janna fell silent!

The spirit of the island, who was half-buried in the soil, reminded "friendly": "Janna, if you want to return to the master, you have to say 'Okay, captain', you won't forget it, right?"


"Then I'll do it all over again!"

Xu Chengfeng shouted.

Janna lowered her head and shouted: "Okay... Captain!"

"That's it!"

The real storm is when Janna runs for her life.

Xu Chengfeng stood at the forefront of the island, watching the colliding rocks break through the waves.

He soon felt the sea breeze blowing.

Slowly, the sea breeze is getting stronger and stronger!

getting bigger!

But the spirit of the island is still accelerating!

The tree people on the island, as well as the branches and leaves of the tree of life, began to shake violently.

The residents of the island also noticed the difference.

Those who feel the deepest are probably the flower elves and flower bees.

They can clearly feel that the island is moving fast!

Much faster than before!

In the Temple of Sktos, the damaged magic circle was activated again.

After the blue light, the wind suddenly stopped on Xu Chengfeng's island!

Xu Chengfeng finally realized the problem when he saw the two meters of water splashing on the dam.

"Spirit of the island, how fast is it?"

"Fifty kilometers per hour, 1,200 kilometers a day!" Island Spirit laughed happily, "Master, I can still continue, continue to accelerate!"

The spirit of the island likes this kind of acceleration too much.

Some time ago, even if she tried her hardest, she only had a few kilometers a day, a dozen kilometers!

That feeling is really a snail with a heavy shell on its back.

But now, she suddenly changed her short legs to a racing engine!

It's such a great feeling!

Let the spirit of the island be addicted to it!

"Master, it's not me who said, if I didn't care about the humans on the island, the flower elves, the flower spirit bees, I can instantly increase the speed to 200 kilometers per hour!" The island spirit laughed, "I really improved. It's a lot better, two hundred kilometers per hour is not my limit!"

"Wait, let's start at this speed!" Xu Chengfeng said quickly, "Don't add any more!"

Fifty kilometers per hour, about 30 knots.

Many warships, when sailing normally, are at this speed!

Two hundred kilometers per hour?


The warship burst out at full speed, it is impossible to reach this speed!

On the highway, this is a serious speeding behavior!

Xu Chengfeng didn't want the spirit of the island to race his island!

The Spirit of the Island smiled and said, "Is the master seasick?"

"Fifty kilometers per hour is not bad!" Xu Chengfeng said, "Don't go too fast, the creatures on the island can't stand it!"

"All right!"

"In the future, we will definitely have the opportunity to race!"


Seeing the spirit of the island a little unhappy.

Xu Chengfeng said: "In the future, if there is a chance in the future, maybe we can fly to the sky!"

"Is it really possible?"

Xu Chengfeng scratched the nose of the spirit of the island: "What do you think, why did I activate thirty high-grade platinum magnetic snakes?"

The eyes of the spirit of the island suddenly lit up.

As the spirit of the island, she never thought that one day she would be able to fly...

"Is it really possible?"

"I said yes, yes!"

Xu Chengfeng laughed.

"I trust the master!"

A pure element magnet, even without the blessing of a magic array, has a very strong anti-gravity effect.

As long as there are enough yuan magnets, Xu Chengfeng's island will definitely be lifted up by the yuan magnets.

Moreover, isn't he able to activate the Yuan Magnetic Snake?

As long as there are enough Yuan Magnetic Snakes, his island will still have a chance to fly!

After doing all this, Xu Chengfeng felt extremely relaxed.

Ten emperor-level mid-grade crystal cores directly increased his island's combat power!

Spirit of Holy Spring, Spirit of Island, Janna, Holy Shield, Venom, Tree of Life, Lucky Silver Snake, all of them have reached the imperial mid-level!

The water spirit leader, the wind spirit leader, the fog demon leader, the rock spirit leader, the ethereal leader, and the snowman's strengths have been upgraded to the low-grade diamonds.

In addition, he also has 300 platinum mid-grade wind spirit troops, fog demon troops, and rock spirit troops.

263 platinum mid-grade ethereal troops!

And a thousand platinum mid-grade water spirit troops!

In addition, Xu Chengfeng also has thirty platinum top-grade Yuan magnetic snakes, ten pure gold spirits, mithril spirits, iron spirit spirits, and copper spirit spirits.

These belong to the logistics force!

Xu Chengfeng felt that with his current combat power, he might be comparable to some of the powerhouses on the list!