
Chapter 169: water of life! Time to increase the size of the island!

When the tree of life reached a height of 120 meters, it slowly stopped.

Around the tree of life, the soil has compacted.

Even Xu Chengfeng's artificial lake has been drained by the tree of life.

Such violent growth has had a great impact on Xu Chengfeng's island environment.

After the tree of life stopped growing, the majestic breath of life emanated from it again.

Xu Chufeng raised his head and saw a huge black fog suddenly appeared in the sky!


Noticed his island again!

Before Xu Chengfeng gave the order, Janna, the leader of Fengling, and 300 platinum middle-grade Fenglings gathered around.

"Look, above that big tree, that is the abyss fog!"

"That big tree is so magical, it must have attracted the attention of the abyss!"

"What a big abyss fog, and it is very likely that a very powerful demonized beast will emerge from it!"

"Let's evacuate first!"

"Quick! Let's go!"


Most of the residents of the island are normal people.

When they saw the abyss fog, their first reaction was to hide.

"Wait, you see, that seems to be Lord Janna!"

"And those wind element beings!"

"They are all subordinates subdued by the island owner!"

"What are they trying to do? Is 760 trying to block the gate of the abyss?"


At this moment, a harsh chirping sound came from within the abyss fog mass.

Countless blood mosquitoes and abyss demon sparrows rushed out.

All the blood mosquitoes and the abyss demon sparrows just rushed out, and before they had time to feel the sunlight, they were only smashed by the wind blade.

After the blood mosquito and the abyss magic bird, there are also silver-level magic birds, gold-level black flame eagles, and even platinum-level abyss blood eagles...

But all of them failed to break out of the encirclement of the wind spirits.

At first, the residents of the town were a little scared when they saw the blood mosquitoes rushing out.

But when the blood mosquitoes and the abyss demon sparrows were all dead, they were not so afraid.

When they saw three platinum-level abyss blood eagles falling from the sky, they were all stunned!

"That big blood-red bird should be an abyss blood eagle, right?"

"Yes, when I was studying, I learned it!"

"Platinum-level abyss blood eagles were beheaded by the island owner's subordinates?"

"What kind of fairy island master are we!"

"Are you really new?"

"Those wind element beings are so handsome and powerful!"

"Lord Janna is still very powerful, just standing on the side, it seems that he is too lazy to do it!"


"Master, this tree of life almost drained the island's nutrients!" The spirit of the island suddenly appeared beside Xu Chengfeng and complained, "Fortunately, we collected some fertilizers, but it will still affect the growth of other plants on the island, including The Garden of Flower Elves!"

"Master, my pool was also drained by it!"

The Spirit of the Holy Spring also came to complain.

"The pool is dry, you can fill it yourself!" Xu Chengfeng patted the Spirit of the Holy Spring and said, "Don't say it, with your current strength, you can't even fill a pool!"

Spirit of Holy Spring: "It's just a little uncomfortable!"

On the trunk of the Tree of Life, a human-shaped silhouette slowly emerged.

A beautiful woman with long green hair slowly poked her head out of the tree trunk.

Her eyes, eyebrows, and even eyelashes are all green, and her whole body exudes a strong breath of life.

"Master, there are two more! I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, but my strength suddenly skyrocketed. In order to adapt to my strength, I had to absorb nutrients with all my strength!"

"emmm... For the sake of your sincere apology, I'll forgive you!"

The Spirit of the Holy Spring nodded solemnly, as if I was very generous.


The tree spirits of the Tree of Life are good-natured.

"When we meet for the first time, please drink water!"

The Spirit of the Holy Spring waved his hand, and a few dark clouds floated over the island.

The pattering raindrops fell directly.

The tree spirit of the tree of life stretched out his hand, received some rain, stretched out his hand and licked his tongue a little, and his eyes lit up instantly.

She stared at the Spirit of the Holy Spring, her eyes shining!

[Name]: Tree of Life (Minor Injury)

[Talent]: 1 life energy (sss), 2 vitality (sss).

[Loyalty]: 100

[Attribute]: life, wood

[Level]: Royal middle grade


1 Breath of Life, 2 Vibrant, 3 Water of Life.

Evaluation: The tree of life has been severely damaged, but it has recovered a lot.

[Water of Life: One drop of water of life can be condensed every month, which can repair all injuries and physical strength of creatures of the same level in a very short time, and it is also effective for strengthening the body! ]

[Hint: The water of life has a strong restraint on undead creatures. ]

Xu Chengfeng noticed that the "severely injured" state of the Tree of Life had turned into a minor injury!

In other words, his life activation technique has a miraculous effect on the tree of life!

As for the water of life, Xu Chengfeng is also very interested!

Janna fell to Xu Chengfeng's side: "Master, the abyss demonized beasts have been cleaned up!"

"it is good!"

Xu Chengfeng nodded and said to the Tree of Life, "Just grow up!"

"Okay, master!"

Xu Chengfeng left with Janna, the spirit of the island and the spirit of the holy spring.

The people in the town also noticed that the abyss fog had been eliminated.

When they found that it was raining, they all left happily.

Today, they were very excited to see Janna and the Fenglings showing great power and defeating the abyss demonized beast!

And the big tree, which was also of great interest to them.

Back at the villa, the Spirit of the Holy Spring easily used a skill to refill the one square kilometer artificial lake with water.

Xu Chengfeng also learned from the spirit of the island about the impact on the island that the tree of life has just been raised.

The roots of the tree of life are extremely domineering.

The nutrients in the island soil are slightly lost!

Almost all of Xu Chengfeng Island are special plants.

These special plants can absorb both elemental energy in the air and nutrients in the soil.

Soil loss of too many nutrients can indeed affect plant growth.

"It is true that we have to find a way to increase the nutrients!" Xu Chengfeng nodded, "In addition, our island is indeed a little small now!"

The Spirit of the Island smiled and said, "Is the island owner going to increase the size of the island?"

"Of course, the time is ripe now!"

"The time is ripe?"

Xu Chengfeng said with a smile: "Don't say, your imperial mid-rank strength will be a display, right?"