
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 2 (Chaos Mall New Begining)

  Chaos employ physic technique(Chaos Grade)(employ volume)

  to be good employ you must have good physic Chaos employ physic technique can enhance the physic beyond limit and achieve a perfect body and increase potential and enhance appearance  note:(this physic technique is limited to the  soul condensation stage)  ]

  Chen Feng looked at the technique surprised and though 'i guess this so company have conscience ,..mm oh limiting the technique to this stage so i have no choice but to complete the upcoming tasks.. nice move system' 

Chen Feng though that if there is a secretary like system he would be able to chea....ahm  I mean to gain more money haha.

System:'Why am I with this black hearted i guess i have got virus is it black hearte...'.

Chen Feng though not caring about the system 'any way lets look at the other thing'

  [Chaos reset pill(Chaos Grade)

  a pill contain one the most precious treasure in the world Chaos Fruit,and have the ability to turn false into reality using the power of Chaos  there is a chance to allow the body to be Chaos body Can be used Once 0.000003% to awaken].  'just amere 0.000003% it's like impossible unless ..'Chen feng though

Chen Feng "System can you explain what do you mean by turn false into reality?".

[Turning false into reality is like changing potencial from something you have to something you think of ]

Chen Feng " So can I imagine myself the bo.."Chen feng was cut off before he could continue.

[You cannot].

Chen Feng " then what if..."was cut off again.

[You can try on your own]

Chen Feng find it that the system doesn't do its job and if there is a report he would like to report it .

"the last thing is the task point let go take a look at the mall"Chen Feng said that with a sigh and opened the Chaos Mall,

a screen opened in front him showing him his rank name Chaos Employ and something else,

  [Chaos Mall]

User:No184,322 (current alive 162,694).

Rank:Chaos Employ (1).

Task point :20.



Cultivation Technique.

Battle Technique.






Chaos space :enter to meet other user of Chaos system

Chen Feng was suppressed by a lot of thing didn't think there to be a lot of category for every thing like alchemy for human for monster for pagoni race for ...etc race.

Cheng feng though 'i know that alchemy is for bill and weapon for weapon for sure but what about the physic does that mean i can but an already developed body ..or take examples?... lets see'.


(Chaos Physic)

allow tiny amount of Chaos of energy to pass through body with time can be upgraded to Ultimate Chaos Physic

(at the beginning it's comparable to heavenly being )


(Energy Physic)

allow you to ..

(Nether Physic)

allow to re...etc. 


Chen Feng was dumbfounded by the prices of the physic in which the lowest cost 500 task point and though 'as i though the system isn't as black hearted as me hehe'. 

since this physics is to expensive he will go to the next plan.

"system i want to retrieve the Chaos employ technique and the Chaos Reset pill"Chen Feng said while he was cross legged.

[If You want to take something from the storage you just have the though of taking out].

Chen Feng listened to the system explanation and though that will be better,he took the two thing out of the storage and unlike system though he started reading the Chaos Employ Technique.

System was surprised what is he doing?shouldn't he take the pill to revise his talent first to be able understand the technique.

Chen Feng 'system can you impart the technique into my mind?'

[U need to use the pill to able to integ..]

"20 Task point to put it in my memory only"Chen Feng said without any hint of hesitation

[Are You Sure?]

"Yes"without any hesitation ,unlike most of people about paying all your money in second but Chen Feng is called an overlord in investment for a reason.


[Technique has integrating into your mind]

"Thanks"Chen Feng thanked with smirk as if he gained a lot of money from an Idiot.

Chen Fent Starting Going Through the Technique in his mind While thinking of something.

[are you not going to take the pill and start cultivation?]

"No not now i'm not ready yet"Cheng Feng said and closed his eyes consistrating.

System wanted to know what he was not ready about but refrain from that after seeing him closing his eyes.

and 5 days passed in the blink of eye a lot of outer sect disciple cultivating hard trying to reach the 6th stage of muscle refining stage before the outer sect examination while other want to reach ranks to more resource from the sect, while want to reach the top to be able to advance to inner sect disciple,

of course there is some disciple who give up some sell theme self to great family other became servant, and envying people who blame the world because of their failure,and there that find comfort in looking down who is in a more dire state than them, there is a lot of this kind of people and they exist in every world it's just where to find them.

every place filled with worry envy hater ,

except..one place

in the OuterSect in a tattered courtyard

a young man opened his eyes while his mouse curved as if he win million dollar for free he said "Now I'm Ready".

the young man was Chen Feng he just finished memorising the Chaos Employ Technique and familiarizing himself with to be able to do what want next although what he want to do is dangerous but if he succeeded will he reach something he nor anyone achieved able to achieve ever.

after making sure of everything he checked that three time because a simple mistake will lead to his death.

he sighed and took out the pill and said "Rise High Or Fall to the bottom".

then he put the pill in his mouse after that a lot energy started coursing through his entire body  he started by guiding it in a unique manner similar to Chaos Employ technique but it's different in some point and the start of cycle,

the Chaos Employ technique start by coursing through his body then his soul,

but he changed that because he know that soul depend on the body and likewise so he made the energy course through brain and his heart at same time and that was very dangerous, after the energy moved to his brain Chen Feng frowned due the pain but that was it although he felt he was in the verge of death but he believe that gain don't come alone, pain always with it,while he was thinking the energy didn't stop and started conflicting damage everywhere and left his brain on the verge of collapse,after that it started to its next point leaving the brain,

Chen Feng guided it down to the heart once it touched the heart the heart start bleeding unstoppably contless injury appeared in his heart, the blood capillaries started to fracture, the entire heart become like a broken glass, but before it collapse

"now"as Chen Feng said that he using the capability of the Chaos Reset Pill and started repairing his heart and brain while the energy kept destroying them more and more.

[you doing that will change the Chaos Employ Technique that has been created by a supreme expert it may be turned into trash technique]

"as I Said no pain no gain if i follow the technique that someone else created and reached the end  at most can be like him"Chen Feng said through gritting teeth as he whistanded a pain no mortal can whistand.

[why do you say it as if supreme is not high this is the highest realm has been achieved the glory and power of being a supreme cannot be matched].

"you know there is a saying"

[what is it].

"mortal looked at the sky to find people flying and said i wish to be immortal because they are invinsible"before the system could say some thing Chen Feng continued.

  "after that come an immortal and he said i wish i was immortal emperor so i can be invincible"after pausing due to the pain he continued "then come the immortal emperor he said i wish to be a supreme to be invincible,so what make you think that in some other place, supreme may say ah i wish to be a god to be invisible"Chen feng said this word and closed his mouse as his brain and heart kept being destroyed and rebuilded.

[are you willing to whistand that pain even if your technique didn't reach the stage you wan't what if it's a trash technique you can't go back].

" i don't regret what ever i do even if it's a trash then its a trash i made which make the highest thing for me as saying goes 'everything created be me for me is the best for me' and never look down on me"chen feng said that and closed his eyes.

[i guess this was your choice, your life and death has nothing to do with your personal choice ].

"ah"grown kept coming of Chen Feng mouse while his heart and brain kept being destroyed again and again..again..again...

until 14 hour later.

the power of the pill supsided, and chen feng fell to the ground breathing hard while smiling he said "I Succeded"after saying that he fell a sleep.


[i told you would fail if you do that a mere yellow grade technique ].

[you  destroyed your hol body and apptide just to create this ant level technique]

[and this superme though that you are qualfied to be a disciple].

[returning to main system page]

[regular lvl 99 has been demoted to lvl 1 system doesn't have the capacity or ability to contact the supreme].

[consider this a gift for you a mortal who whistanded a pain he shouldn't withstand].

[cutting connection with the main server completed].

[congratulation you have obtained shop system ].

  after the supreme will left and cut his connection with system and make it a normal system that most of people have,

a unique thing was happening to Chen Feng the technique he created wasn't  chanling the lowest kind of energy anymore but it evolved although it's a little,

but who know if this luck or not,

if the supreme discovered this phenomenon he may come with his real body just to confirm and may enslave Chen Feng for this Technique,

but that didn't happen and Chen Feng who has been Sleeping doesn't know what hell of a technique did he just create.

with that 5 days passed by.

i hope people leave a review for me to be able to enchance this novel

Arconiccreators' thoughts