
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 13 (terrifying aura)


Chen Feng didn't answer but released his aura and when he did that a huge commotion occured

the spirit energy in the entire Heaven burial sect disappeared as if it's not qualified to stand in the same place with this aura, 

the huge commotion caused the entire sect too boil 

"what the hell is happening"

"are we under attack?"

"stupid if we're under attack , the owner could kill us without even knowing how we died"

"hey, the energy is coming from the sect main hall"

"did the sect master breakthrough?'

"i don't think so , because if even the sect master have tiny bit of this aura i don't think we will face the danger of annihilation"

"then what happened "

"i don't know "

while the Chattering of the disciple continued in the main hall

the sect master and the elder all was terrified by Chen Feng aura

but ,

that wasn't the most terrifying part,

the most terrifying part is that they felt that this energy is making the spirit energy of heaven and earth kneel while being devoured.

and this was something unexpected as even Chen Feng didn't know that releasing his aura could do that , as he hasn't tried to release this much of aura at once ,since he know that it will cause a commotion be he didn't expect that this little bit of aura will do all of that ,

thats right the aura gushing out of Chen Feng is just a little bit of his aura so you have to know what will happen if he released it all. , maybe every one in the sect will die, maybe,

after thinking this through Chen Feng decided not to release all his aura as it might cause some accident 

with that he wisdray his aura.

after the aura disappeared and before the sect master and the elder could recover from shock another thing happened.

when the aura disappeared, the trembling spirit energy become very energetic as if it had meeted it's ancestor and started rotating very fast and when that happen the spiritual energy in the 100 thousand mile started to gather toward the Heaven Burial Sect .

increasing the spirit energy in the sect by 10 times , syncing the amount of spirit energy in the sect that has increased so much the sect master and elder was shocked and before they procced with this shock.

"then i don't need to say anything more bye"after saying Chen Feng started leaving sneakily and before he disappeared he left another bomb "right i'm comparable to Golden Body perfection cultivator propeply"with he disappeared.

hearing the last word Chen Feng said the sect master and elder didn't respond as the aura that he released is sill fresh in their mind.

after unknown amount of time finally one of the elder said in a dull voice

"Chen Feng said that he is comparable to Golden body peek"

"yes , so we aren't facing any danger now right?".

"i guess so right sect master?"said the first grand elder while looking at Lu Shu Tian 

Lu Shu Tian just woke up from the shock and then he said 

"danger what danger even in the central region the golden body cultivator is top expert"

"i guess we can even go to central region and establish a top sect hahaha"

after saying that Lu Shu Tian started laughing some elder were quite confused 

but the three grand elder understood why the sect master was laughing and joined him while saying

"hahahha i have disciple at golden body realm hahha".

"i guess i can live comfortably from now on haha". 

"Lets see what old wang who was boosting about his disciple to us some time ago when he see Chen Feng hahah"

hearing the hearty laugher of the grand elder the other elder started laughing 

while they were laughing one of the elder said in doubt

"don't you guys find it weird?"

"what're you talking about"

"if you're taking about how lin Chen was so strong i don't think we need talk about that"

"don't forget 20 years ago when he come to the sect he advanced to 4 muscle refining stage in 5 minute "

"i guess if it weren't for that parasite who know how strong he would be"

"no i didn't ask about that i mean why did Chen Feng run after showing us his aura... also"

"what also ?"one of the elder asked.

"it feel like we had been scammed"

Lu Shu Tian hearing this the sect master started to remember what happened but he couldn't but he his around it, then the elder said 

"do you remember Chen Feng word before he leave "

"he said don't make Choice before knowing the situation or something".

hearing this the Sect master eyes snapped open and he stood up while muttering 

"the sect recourses"

hearing what the sect master a realization fall upon all of them 

Lu Shu Tian started to leave one of the elder asked him where he is going

"we're going to take recourses back from him"with that he rushed to leave 

but before he could leave one of elder word stunned him

"i don't think we can take don't you remember what he told us before?"

hearing this Lu Shu Tian started recaling what Chen Feng when he realized scheme, but it was to late to regret 

in rage he shouted 

"Chen Feng !!!!" his voice was heard in the entire sect of course Chen Feng heard it.

Chen Feng has already arrived at his courtyard when he heard the Sect master voice 

Chen Feng Smirked while saying "ah i can't leave this happit".

with that he entered his courtyard to start doing his work first before finding how much the sect master rewarded him with , yes reward as Chen Feng was that type people.

to do his work he follow the punishment and reward principle 

as he fell that he will work harder knowing there a reward he designed for himself at the end so that make him work harder.

with that he sighed and said "5 right now and shop need to open at 9 .. i guess i'm 5 to 9 guy hehehe"after telling a joke about himself he started working.


while the Heaven burial sect was bustling the area around the sect was in a dead silence.

as the aura that arrived made any beast or cultivator to tremble and even their spiritual energy stopped working for the time when the aura was released.

"what kind of terror does the Heaven burial sect have"

"i don't know and i don't want to know"


crystal city

in Crystal city all the major family was alarmed as such aura made them tremble but they didn't know who is one that have that mighty aura.

lin patriarch "i guess another terrifying figure appeared here i think the world is going to make Change".

"we need to prepare for that "

"yes patriarch , we will let the lin family decadent to be careful while out"

"yes and .."

while the some elder and the lin patriarch was talking one of the elder said

"don't you find this aura similar?"

lin family patriarch looked at the elder and asked" to what did you synse this aura before ?"

"i didn't synse this aura before but .."

"but what ?"

"don't you think it's the same aura as the voice of shop owner when his voice sounded in the entire city" .

hearing his word lin patriarch started to inhale a deep breath and said

"deal with matter of the people we send and no one mention them ever again"

"yes patriarch"

a lot of this talk happened all over the city 

and in a certain inn 

an older man opened his eyes while looking at direction of the aura with deep fear

"elder what is this aura do you think you can defeat it?"said a young voice

he is the young man that brought his elder for revenge

hearing what he said the old man didn't look at him and said 

"i can't do that"and before the young man said anything the old man  said

"i guess even if we put the cultivation of our entire family into one person we won't be able to take one move from the owner of that aura"

the young man sucked a cold breath "that powerful?"


in another place an elder and 10 black robed people was also looking at same direction

one of the black robed man said trembling "elder do you think we should go back?"

hearing what he said the elder hesitated he was truly terrified by that aura but then a pervert smile appeared on his face and said "no , the owner of that aura will now care about us ,and if he cared even if we left we will still die"after saying that the place turned into silence.


8 hours later

back to Heaven Burial Sect 

Chen Feng sighed and said "finally finished this spirit stone "

"now lets look at what is inside the ring but before that "

"system Check my energy quality level and battler power"


timeline is somehow difference so my continious writing has been reset but lets continue

13 day of continues writing

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