
Death and God of Reincarnation

AN: I know, this all look similar. And I made it that way.

As the God of Reincarnation who has been seen on all the fan fics I wrote are the same one.

So enjoy reading.


In the void we can see a long line of light balls and a humanoid figure was sitting at a table named God of Reincarnation. The humanoid figure have galaxies as it's body, after it was done with one of the souls it said "Next." When the God said that the light ball in front of disappeared and another one of the light balls came forward.

"Hello, for your information, you're dead."

"I'm dead?"



"Well, you died due to an accident caused by a drunken driver."


"You were on your way to your home from college, then a truck lost its control due the driver being drunk. The truck hit you and you were sent flying about ten meters and hit a wall, that's it."

"Great.. So I'm really dead huh?"

"Yes you are, but this is not the end."

"What do you mean?"

"Well as you've heard from the myths, reincarnation."

"So it's real!!"


"Cool, where do I go?"

"That's upto you and you will get five wishes. So go on, where do you want to reincarnate?"

"Woha... I can go to any world?"


"Then I will select My Hero Academia, and as for my wishes, first wish is to have Observation Haki.

Second wish is to Iceman's power's as quirk. Third wish is to have all the powers of a Tetramand without the extra limbs and organs. Fourth wish is Experience of Maito Guy from Naruto. Fifth wish is that no one is able to steal the quirk in any way. That's it."

"That can be done. You asking for all of Iceman's powers as a quirk is too much. So I'll do this, you will able to produce ice from thin air using the moisture, but if you want to turn into organic iced form you'll have to train well to the point of quirk awakening. Got it?"

"Yeah got it."

"Good. Now how do you want to look?"

"I would like to look like Tōshirō Hitsugaya."

"Alright. Now off to your new world and family."

"And who would that be?"

"You'll know when you get there. And you will only get your memories back when your quirk manifest."

"Alright. Thnak you."

"You're most welcome."

After that the soul was gone from the void.

"Now then, next!"


In a house we can see a boy of age four sleeping. Suddenly the boy wakes up along with his bed turning into ice. Looking around the boy said "It was real?"

Right after he said that he got some new memories. Memories of four years in this world. His name is Ryujin Yamamoto. His mom and dad are very much alive and they're loving parents. His mom have a water related quirk and his father can manipulate wind/air around him in a small amount. His mother's name is Erena Yamamoto and his father's name is Hayato Yamamoto.

His parents own a small diner near their home and they are good cooks. 'So i have parents this time huh. Good for me I guess.'

Thinking that he tried to get off the bed, but he slipped and fell to the floor.


"Ryu, are you alright?" A voice was heard from downstairs.

"I'm okay mom."

"Alright, come down when you're ready breakfast is ready."

"I'll be there now."

Saying that first he looked at his bed and thought 'So the quirk has manifested. Until my quirk awakening happen, I won't be able to turn into organic ice. So better start to train earlier.'

Thinking that he went downstairs to see his dad at the dining table reading the newspaper and his mother near the kitchen counter finishing up the cooking.

He greeted them "Morning mom and dad."

"Morning kiddo." His dad replied.

"Morning sweety." His mom said.

After sitting on his chair he looked at his dad. Sensing his stare his dad asked him "What is it kiddo? You got something to say?"

"I do."

"And what would that be?" His mom asked him as she placed a glass of water in front of him.

Without saying anything he touched the glass and slowly started to freeze the water in it and with a huge smile he said "I can make ice."




-----------Chapter 1 End----------