
Qaya: The Tale of the singular duo

*Original work; do not pirate* Note: I am the original author of this story, and I am re-publishing it on Royal Road with my full rights and permissions— pending approval. EXCERPT FROM THE STORY "I was scared to say this because I thought you would deem me mad but..." "it's okay, you can trust me" she nodded "is it possible that someone in comatose can live as another person, in their state of unconsciousness?" "what?" "as I snapped out of my daze, I was certain that I am The Heris Heir, Qaya Heris but I am also certain that just this morning, at dawn, I had completed a twenty-year-old life as Qaya Wright" Qaya finds herself in the body of another person after she's killed by a friend. but the catch is she remembers being this person and living both lives. Qaya is a writer with no sense of morality causing her to do outrageous things. she's finally killed for her evil deeds ....at least that's what she thought, but she finds herself living...in a completely new life.

The_danc1ng_pen · Fantasy
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26 Chs


After the first hearing, it spread like wildfire that Melinda was probably the culprit.

And everyone started doubting everything the Harbinger ever said, people started making appeals for all the other people that had been exposed by The Harbinger's exposé column.

Awin was so upset, that he completely disappeared from the palace. But no one bothered looking for him, they didn't even know he left because of how angry he was.

"I'm just happy that you could get Sir Milton out of prison" Qaya said as she drew Rachel into a hug

."I am hardly impressed with myself, after all he's still under housd arrest" she pointed out

"It's much better than his previous state"

Rachel shrugged "He'd like a word with you, Sir Milton"

Qaya sighed and looked over at the older man from afar, he was now in better clothes and was waiting for his carriage, a few guards from the prison were with him.

"I presume this is the only time we'll have to speak before the next hearing"

Rachel answered in the affirmative.

" Then, we shall speak after his acquittal, there are matters I must tend to"

Qaya, deed down could not bring herself to speak to him or anyone she'd wronged whilst she was living as Qaya Wright, not even her own mother; the guilt was too much.

She shook her head as if to scatter the thoughts of self pity and hatred and turned to Jaslin

"Where's the journalist that came from 'Hear'?"

"I've called for her already"

She beckoned a young lady to come and the other woman in turn scurried, her face mirroring anxiety.

Qaya smiled and looked at her fondly "you must have been so scared, thinking they would catch you" she said this because the press was not allowed to join the hearing on the King's orders, while sneaking in here would elevate 'Hear' as they would have an exclusive exposé, the journalist could not help but fear what the king might do to her if he found out she disregarded his order.

"No" the reporter lied

Qaya laughed again "anyway, do not speak of the court proceeding"

"What?" Both Jaslin and the journalist asked in unsion and confusion

"I mean when you speak of this, do not refer to the hearing. Just provoke the public by asking stirring questions about whether or not The Harbinger, or rather Ms. Charmale was responsible for this in the first place and raise a question on whether or not The Harbinger has ever spoken the truth"

The journalist's face was blank at first and this annoyed Qaya

"Don't you understand?"

"Oh...infact I do. I was already picturing the article"

Qaya smiled in satisfaction "how old are you?"

The journalist blushed "twenty four"

"I imagine I should speak to you with respect, there's a five year gap after all"

The woman shook her head vehemently "please do not do so, you are much higher in standing and people may misunderstand"

"I only said this, because when I met you, you acted so young and bashful that I myself insinuated that you were younger and if you didn't notice I was addressing you in such manner"

Jaslin laughed "I doubt someone younger than you could have taken such a station in life as to be head writer and junior editor in 'Hear' "

Qaya pouted "I am sure a gifted eighteen year old could do such things"

"Indeed" Jaslin added in a sarcastic tone.

As they were walking out of the court, Qaya bumped into someone, he was the man that followed Melinda into Hillan house the other time and he seemed to be arguing with a man.

She stopped and turned to them

"I simply ask that before she's put under arrest, that I speak with her" the man declared, the other man that he was speaking to, the head of the prison did not seem to budge.

"Excuse me" Qaya chipped in "apologize"

The man turned and looked at her in confusion "for what matter?"

"You bumped into me"

He shook his head "I have not moved from this spot, you came from another point does that not mean YOU were the one who bumped into me?"

"I see then I apologize, dear sir" she turned to go then turned back again

"I really advise that you don't tire the head of prison affairs with obnoxious demands, if there's something you need to know, ask from me. I will prove to be reliable information"

Once they were in the carriage Jaslin asked "why did you drag that matter? It was unlike you"

"I'm happy that you know me so well, I was finding out something"

"I see, you must be upset that the one you are enamoured with is in love with another" Jaslin teased and laughed when she caught Qaya recoiling in disgust

"Unrequited love is not something I'd like to add to my burdens"

She commented, the rest of the journey back home was silent.

When they got home, they met Marie tending to paperwork and murmuring. She raised her head up and smiled as she saw the two girls.

Qaya's breathed hitched, she'd been avoiding her mother since her arrival, what was she doing outside sitting in the living room.

"Welcome, why didn't you join my carriage after the court hearing? I've missed you" she asked and opened her arms requesting a hug

Qaya loosened herself and embraced her mother. "I had to speak with different people"

"Oh really, I thought you were avoiding me"

"Mother, I could say the same, you never leave your room or join us for dinner, this is the first time, I've seen. You outside your room since you came back"

"I was avoiding someone but not you"

Everyone in the room knew who she was talking about.

"I take he's not around" Qaya asked looking around

"You must like him more than me"

Qaya had no idea what she was meant to say, for the past three weeks that she'd woken up from her coma, she couldn't sort her feelings, she was still very much Qaya Wright emotionally, she couldn't see Marie as her own mother yet, even though she was certain of it. She didn't want to lie or say the truth, they were both dumb options.

"Mother, it appears that way because I have been away from him my whole life, I just want to spend the time I have missed with him"

"I take it that you blame me"

Qaya rubbed her eyebrows together "you had your reasons"

"I still do" Marie interjected but she was shocked when Qaya walked away not even bothered to continue the conversation.

Jaslin bowed in apology on behalf of her lady and ran after her.

Qaya slumped into her bed and sighed

"Jaslin do you know what Ive craved since I woke up?"

"Tell me"

"A life where I can just lazy about, eat, sleep and make money and after this whole saga with bringing Qaya Wright's muderer to book, i can have just that" she smiled.

"Do you really think so" Jaslin asked and Qaya's eyes snapped open (cause they were closed before)

"I hope so"

"I heard that the Lord won't be coming home tonight"

Qaya gave a sigh of exasperation, if her Father didn't come home, her mother would wander round the whole house and then ask to talk to her.

Suddenly, an idea sprung into her head, she gave Jaslin a mischievous smile, the other looked from tge magazine she was reading.

"What's with that look?"

Qaya rushed to her side and gave a more mischievous smile and poked at her playfully

.Jaslin giggled and pushed her hands again.

"What do you want?"

"I'm planning on going out...alone"

"Then why tell me, you want me to dissuade you?"

"I'm not coming home till dawn , tomorrow and I can't go out in the clothes I have"

" oh you mean the 'i am a trend-setter and rebel' clothes you have"

" You know I mostly wear clothes like that because I don't look good in ladies attire, I am much too burly. I missed that about being Ms. Wright"

Jaslin frowned "so what should I get you"

"You know that one time when Uncle Francis bought me a dress to wear on my birthday"

"You told me to keep it as it gave you bad memories"

"Did I say that? I remember being pretty in it" she averted her gaze from Jaslin 's shocked look.

"I'll go on and bring it but it might be small"

"Let's pray it isn't"

The dress fit and Qaya could sneak out of the premises.

She went to a popular shack in the 'slums', that was popular as it was both a bar and an inn. She used to visit regularly when she was Qaya Wright and fought with Melinda.

She ordered bread and cheese with rum, something she used to complain about but had recently been craving.

The inn was full of that's what Qaya thought, so she sat at the verandah at the back about to wolf down her dinner when she caught a man sleeping with a 'peaky blinder' covering his face, she stared at him, inspecting him.

She was startled when the man suddenly spoke up whilst his face was still covered.

"Just who do we have here" he moved and removed his cap, getting up.

Qaya scowled, of course she just had to forget that she used to come to meet Awin.